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Chapter 868 Experiments in Primordial Soup

After making all the preparations, Xu You boarded the space fighter alone.

In order to avoid all possible accidents and enable him to complete his research work better, Xu You insisted not to let anyone else go with him, and only brought a robot to accompany him.

"Academician Xu, you must pay attention to safety and keep in touch with us at all times!"

"Don't worry, I will keep running in low-Earth orbit, and there will be no safety issues." Xu You said with a smile.

Lu Zhiyao, Lin Shi and others also came to the airport to see Xu You off for this mission.

Lu Zhiyao was also a little worried about Xu You, but Lu Zhiyao knew that once Xu You made a decision, no one could change it, unless he could come up with some better ideas to persuade Xu You.

But when Lu Zhiyao learned all of Xu You's thoughts, she knew that she could not convince Xu You.

The research this time occupies an extremely important position in Xu You's entire research career.

Once there is a breakthrough in the project, it can be said that Blue Star's biological research community will take a big step forward.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Xu You controlled the button, closed the hatch of the aerospace fighter, and started the take-off procedure of the aerospace fighter.

It was not the first time for Xu You to fly an aerospace fighter, but this was the first time for Xu You to fly an aerospace fighter alone.

Even though Xu You felt confident about the whole project, he still felt somewhat lonely in his heart.

But this is also something that cannot be helped. Facing this special alien creature, Xu You had to make such a choice.

In fact, there is a very crucial detail that Xu You did not disclose to anyone other than Lu Zhiyao.

When Xu You informed Lu Zhiyao of this decision, Lu Zhiyao also asked Xu You why he made such a risky choice, and even stubbornly refused to choose anyone to accompany him.

When Xu You got the complete DNA sequence of this Martian creature, the X-1 super quantum once reminded Xu You that this is a very terrifying creature, and their true abilities are far better than Xu You and others. more powerful.

Including Hu Shucheng and the others, the team members conducting exploration work on Mars have fallen into a potentially dangerous state at this time.

Xu You must solve the mystery as soon as possible to ensure everyone's safety.

After Xu You started the operation program of the aerospace fighter, the aerospace fighter quickly took off successfully and soared above the blue sky.

Next, the aerospace fighter will automatically drive to Blue Star's low-earth orbit. Xu You does not need to perform any operations. You only need to pay attention to the operating status of the aerospace fighter and make some adjustments if necessary. OK.

At this time, Xu You could also focus on the preparations for the experiment.

This aerospace fighter specially prepared a laboratory for Xu You, which can meet Xu You's needs for this experiment.

In addition to various necessary experimental equipment, various nutrients required for biological growth are also prepared in the laboratory.

If Xu You can really artificially create this kind of creature in this way, it will definitely need to use a lot of biological nutrients and live in low-earth orbit for a period of time.

Not long after, the aerospace fighter entered the low-earth orbit and stopped the energy supply, allowing the aerospace fighter to orbit around the blue star.

The reason why Xu You chose to conduct experiments in low-Earth orbit is that on the one hand, it is relatively close to the Blue Star, and if there are any special circumstances, it is more convenient to go back and forth.

On the other hand, also in low-Earth orbit, aerospace fighters can rely on the gravitational force of the blue star on the aerospace fighters to move, consuming very little energy on their own.

In this way, even if the experiment takes a very long time, Xu You does not need to worry about the operation of the aerospace fighter.

After the aerospace fighter was operating stably in low-Earth orbit, Xu You officially started the experiment.

In Xu You's knowledge, this is the first time in the history of Blue Star civilization to try to construct a cell from scratch.

Normally, just creating a pair of DNA double helix structures does not mean creating a cell at all.

However, based on Lou Song's conjecture and Xu You's simulation, this idea is very likely to appear on this creature.

Xu You carefully controlled the instrument, using a microscope to create the DNA structure of Martian cell organisms.

This work requires a very high level of operation of the operator, and no mistakes are allowed, but Xu You can still complete this work very quickly.

Xu You's hands are as precise as a machine, without any trembling visible to the naked eye at all, even more stable than the best attending physician.

Before he knew it, Xu You had completed the manufacture of the double-stranded DNA structure of the entire Martian organism.

At this time, nothing else has happened.

After that, Xu You put various nutrient solutions rich in organic matter into it.

These organic nutrient solutions were not randomly selected by Xu You, but based on the data in Xu You's brain simulation world.

To some extent, this is the "primordial soup" at the beginning of the life of the planet, even more nutritious than the original soup.

I saw that after Xu You added these organic nutrient solutions, the DNA double helix structure began to change.

They are slowly absorbing these energies, and spontaneously build their own cell structure.

"This... is this another special feature of this creature?"

Xu You was also a little surprised by this sudden phenomenon, and continued to concentrate on observing the situation in the microscope.

Xu You didn't know whether a similar situation appeared at the beginning of Blue Star's life, but it was indeed a possible phenomenon.

Whether it is this special DNA double helix structure or this special organic nutrient solution, they are all substances that do not exist on the blue star, and it is difficult to form naturally in nature.

However, in the long history, all small probability events are possible.

Perhaps this is the reason for the birth of life.

While Xu You was thinking about these questions, these DNA structures continued to generate cells.

Although the whole process is still going very slowly, according to the evaluation of artificial intelligence, the whole progress is indeed moving forward.

Xu You was so engrossed in this miraculous process that he didn't pay any attention to the inquiries from the Shenzhou Space Administration.

"Academician Xu, is everything going well with you?"

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