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Chapter 944: Source Quality

After these medical experts left, Xu You and the others did not leave.

Looking at Xu You's appearance, Lin Shi knew that Xu You must have other thoughts in mind.

"Teacher, you definitely don't want Mrs. Yaoyao to continue like this, do you? Are these medical experts present, and you are embarrassed to put forward some other opinions?"

Xu You nodded slightly and said:

"Of course I don't want Yaoyao to continue like this, but so far, conservative treatment is definitely the best and safest solution."

After a pause, Xu You continued:

"Of course, in addition to conservative treatment, we must also try to find other solutions so that Yaoyao can restore her former self as much as possible. This kind of Lu Zhiyao who can only lie on the hospital bed with her eyes closed is not the real Lu Zhiyao."

After listening to Xu You's words, everyone also had similar thoughts with Xu You, hoping to restore Lu Zhiyao to her former self through their own power.

After all, in this battle with the Proxima civilization space fleet, Lu Zhiyao made the greatest sacrifice, and everyone saw this.

"Xu You, do you have any good ideas now?" Luo Wenkun asked.

Luo Wenkun didn't have many good ideas for solving this technical problem, but Luo Wenkun had the most powerful support, and he could provide Xu You with the greatest help through these strengths.

Hearing Luo Wenkun's words, Xu You shook his head helplessly, and said:

"So far, I haven't thought of a good method. I think we should stick to conservative treatment now, and let her recover a little while ensuring Lu Zhiyao's safety. During this period, we will study some more appropriate methods and try our best to Let Lu Zhiyao recover better and faster."

After learning about Xu You's thoughts, everyone also felt that this is indeed the only way to choose now.

After all, Xu You's brain has just recovered a bit, and he has just experienced a very fierce battle. It is difficult to think of a very good way in a short time.

"Okay, Xu You, then let's plan like this first, and when you come up with some good ideas later, we'll get together again and have a good discussion."

After everyone else left, Xu You stayed quietly in his office alone, thinking for himself.

"With my current ability, it is still impossible to think of a way to heal Lu Zhiyao." Xu You said to himself.

Xu You glanced at the system interface, and made a general assessment of his current ability, before reaching this conclusion helplessly.

Although the current Xu You can already use some special states of the system interface, he has not recovered to the state of his peak period at all.

Data including brain power, daily vitality, learning level, etc., are far lower than the self in the strongest period.

Even if Xu You really wanted to make Lu Zhiyao recover immediately, such a beautiful wish was just a fantasy.

After calming down, Xu You thought about the best solution now.

At this time, Xu You suddenly noticed that the data on his system interface was slowly changing.

"My learning experience, brain power, etc... are constantly improving? And this speed is even faster than before!"

After discovering this phenomenon, Xu You couldn't help feeling excited.

In fact, normally speaking, these stats of Xu You will naturally improve with the passage of time.

However, this time, the speed at which Xu You's various statistics improved was indeed a bit faster.

Even compared to when Xu You was at his best, now Xu You's various statistics are improving faster.

You must know that the current Xu You is not thinking about any complicated issues, just in a normal state, he can slowly improve various statistics.

Calculated in this way, if Xu You thinks about some more complicated problems and conducts some high-intensity training, the speed of improvement of various data will be much faster.

"Could it be that... in the process of my mental decline and recovery, it can greatly accelerate the speed of my mental improvement?"

Thinking of this, Xu You became more and more determined that this deduction is indeed very possible.

In some novels of fantasy and fairy tales, there are indeed some miraculous exercises that can allow practitioners to recover after their abilities have fallen, and the recovery speed is much faster than before.

What's even more inconceivable is that when re-cultivating, the cultivator can reach a higher cultivation limit.

This feeling seems to purify the true qi in the body, so that one's body can better absorb the true qi.

"Thinking of it this way... Is it possible for me to reach a higher mental limit?"

Before Xu You reached an agreement with X-1 Super Quantum, Xu You had a vague feeling that his brain power was about to reach the upper limit.

Of course, it's not that Xu You's brain has really reached a certain upper limit, it's just that Xu You feels that the speed of his brain power improvement has slowed down significantly, as if he has entered a certain bottleneck.

Now it seems that this process of mental decline and recovery may be a blessing in disguise.

After thinking through all this, Xu You finally felt relieved.

"Now, I have decided on the next plan."

Xu You soon understood that the best way to help Lu Zhiyao wake up now is to improve his brain power as soon as possible.

Only in this way can Xu You better find a solution to Lu Zhiyao's problem and help Lu Zhiyao regain her former self.

Thinking of this, Xu You began to think about the best way to improve his brain power.

"The experimental cabin is the ultra-dimensional space experimental cabin!"

Soon, Xu You determined the best choice.

Through the experimental cabin of the hyperdimensional space, the driving training of aerospace fighters in the hyperdimensional space is even better than playing blindfold chess in the brain.

Of course, this is a huge test for Xu You's brain and body. For Xu You whose brain has just recovered, this is a kind of exercise that is close to overload.

But in order for Lu Zhiyao to recover as soon as possible, Xu You is naturally willing to take these risks.

Xu You didn't wait too long, and after a short rest, he allowed himself to enter the ultra-dimensional space experiment cabin.

"This really painful."

Xu You put his brain into a high-intensity state all of a sudden, which is indeed a very intense test for Xu You now.

But Xu You still gritted his teeth tightly, trying hard to make himself persevere.

After all, Xu You has experienced many great tests and has a very strong willpower.

Even though the process just now made him feel very difficult, Xu You still persevered hard.

What made Xu You feel a little rewarded was that his mental value and other data were indeed improving rapidly.

"Sure enough, it seems that my guess is indeed correct. If this continues, it is really possible for me to recover my brain power in a short period of time, even surpassing my former self."

Fortunately, although Lu Zhiyao is still in a coma, at least her life is not in danger, and the situation will not continue to deteriorate.

In this way, enough time can be left for Xu You, so that Xu You can slowly recover his brainpower and find a way to heal Lu Zhiyao.


In this way, Xu You maintained the highest intensity of training every day, using almost all of his daily vitality for the training of the hyperdimensional space experiment cabin.

Xu You's behavior made many people, including Lin Shi, feel somewhat incomprehensible.

But Xu You was Xu You after all, even if everyone didn't know what Xu You was thinking, they didn't have any doubts about Xu You's choice.

Finally, after many days of training, Xu You finally restored himself to the previous mental level.

Including vitality, learning level, etc., Xu You has also reached the previous level.

Even after recovering to his peak level, Xu You never felt any bottlenecks, since he was able to continue to improve his brain power without hindrance.

"Okay... finally able to find a way to heal Lu Zhiyao."

After confirming that he was capable of doing all this, Xu You let himself enter the state of brain simulation, and began to simulate Lu Zhiyao's situation.

Because Lu Zhiyao's situation is very complicated, Xu You has to take into account the micro and macro situations, and conduct a more comprehensive and detailed analysis of Lu Zhiyao's process of restoring her brain power.

After some simulations, Xu You finally figured out what was going on.

"It turns out that Yaoyao exhausted her own brain essence before I could recover. The consumption of these brain essences made Yaoyao unable to wake up easily for the time being."

Xu You knew that Lu Zhiyao's injuries were very serious, and if she was an ordinary person, she might be directly threatened with death.

But Lu Zhiyao kept a small part of her mental essence, so that she could keep her hope of survival.

After using the brain simulation skills to reproduce the process of Lu Zhiyao restoring her brain power, Xu You only felt very heartbroken.

The whole process was very painful, and Xu You could imagine what kind of state Lu Zhiyao was in at that time to complete the brain treatment for herself.

Even though the ultimate goal of this treatment is for the Blue Star Civilization to successfully defeat the Proxima Centauri Civilization, Xu You also knows that Lu Zhiyao must have her own selfish motives.

Even if there is no Proxima civilization, Lu Zhiyao will definitely be willing to sacrifice herself in exchange for the recovery of Xu You's brainpower.

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help moistening his eyes.

But soon, Xu You still tried to calm himself down.

At this time, Xu You must not act emotionally, but needs to work hard to keep himself rational and think about the countermeasures to solve the problem.

"Brain quality... this may be the key to solving the problem." Xu Youxin said.

In the simulation just now, Xu You discovered a new substance called "brain source substance".

This is the essence of the human brain, and all things related to brain power are inseparable from these magical sources of brain power.

And when the source of brain power is exhausted, it marks that the human brain has entered the end stage.

But what makes Xu You feel a little fortunate is that the consumption of brain source material is not completely irreversible.

"If we can inject the brain power of the few of us into Lu Zhiyao's brain, in theory Lu Zhiyao can still recover."

After determining this direction, Xu You continued to invest in the brain simulation space to verify this situation.

Soon, Xu You discovered some new problems.

"This kind of infusion of the source of brain power is very risky. Even if I use my source of brain power to infuse, not to mention that it can restore Lu Zhiyao, I am afraid that even I will fall into a similar state. middle."

The source of Lu Zhiyao's brain power is very special, with some healing effects. It is precisely because of this that Lu Zhiyao was able to recover part of Xu You's brain power by himself.

Fortunately, apart from Xu You himself, Lou Song, Nie Jie, Severly, Lin Shi and others also have relatively high mental values.

If everyone can reasonably distribute the injection ratio of the source of brain power, it is possible to restore Lu Zhiyao without damaging the root of the source of brain power.

Although this could not restore Lu Zhiyao to her peak state immediately, it was enough for Lu Zhiyao to recover most of her brain power, and the rest could be recovered slowly later.

After making a complete plan, Xu You finally dared to call everyone together again.

After calling everyone to his office, Xu You said:

"I have come up with a method to make Lu Zhiyao recover, but this method requires the joint contribution of all of us, and may take certain risks."

Hearing Xu You's words, not only did everyone present not have any worries, but they all agreed immediately.

"Great, as long as it's something that can help Lu Zhiyao, we'll do whatever it takes!"

For what happened before, everyone more or less felt guilty towards Lu Zhiyao.

After all, only Lu Zhiyao really paid a very high price. Although the others worked very hard, they did not suffer any permanent damage.

In order for Lu Zhiyao to recover, everyone is willing to take any risk.

After feeling everyone's attitude, Xu You continued:

"According to my latest research, the root cause of Lu Zhiyao's inability to wake up is the damage to the source of brain power. The solution is to inject our own source of brain into Lu Zhiyao's brain. The source of brain It is difficult to recover from the loss, and if the loss is too much, it may even be permanently irreversible. But as long as the amount of brain source substance loss can be controlled, these can be recovered naturally over time."

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