The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

"Who did it? I ask you who did it, was it her!"

Instantly, as if a gunpowder barrel had exploded, Su Ziyan's anger rose and she walked straight towards Lin Feng!

As she looked at the position where her eyes were locked, Lin Feng lowered his head and realized that it was the marks on his neck. He was about to speak, but was grabbed by Su Ziyan's collar!

"She dared to do that to you, she's looking for death!"

The former gentleness is no longer there. Su Ziyan's almond eyes widened, staring at the scarlet, her fingers tightly grasping Lin Feng's collar, and the fabric has deformed in her hands.

It was the first time that Lin Feng saw her like this. She was very different from her gentleness before. Her expression was somewhat similar to Chu Lingshuang's in the past...

Lin Feng's mind unconsciously recalled Chu Lingshuang's domineering look and the hip-hop play with her in the early morning...

He didn't hear Lin Feng's answer, but his eyes were far away. He was obviously distracted!

Su Ziyan was so angry that she forced Lin Feng to look down at her, "I'm talking to you, Afeng, you can't hear me, right?"

The address was still the same as before, but the tone was extremely bad.

Lin Feng's eyes darkened, and he grabbed her wrist through the clothes and shook it off, "Miss Su, you have seen what I want to say, why bother asking me again."

His expression was extremely calm, and there was no emotion in his words.

Su Ziyan was almost staggered and fell down after being thrown away by Lin Feng. She looked at her right hand in disbelief and yelled at Lin Feng angrily, "Is this what you want to say to me? Is this the reason why you ran away from the marriage?!"

"You have fallen in love with her a long time ago, right?! The reason you ran away from the engagement scene is because you love her, right?"

With tears in her eyes, she walked towards Lin Feng step by step with disbelief on her face, questioning him like crazy.

Lin Feng had only seen such a crazy look on Chu Lingshuang.

Her figure was reflected in his vision, but she was replaced by Chu Lingshuang uncontrollably. He didn't know when it started, but whenever something similar to Chu Lingshuang appeared, she would appear in his mind.

Like is really a disease!

Lin Feng frowned, closed his eyes suddenly, and then opened them again, "Miss Su, I think you misunderstood. I chose to run away not because of her. I should also say sorry to you for abandoning you at the engagement scene."


Su Ziyan was speechless and laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, A Feng, so all you want to say to me is sorry? Why do you apologize to me? I don't accept it--"

As she said, she raised her hand to cover her chest, her eyes slightly red, and pointed directly at Lin Feng, "In the final analysis, you just fell in love with her. You like her, so you would rather abandon me and make me a laughing stock in the mouths of the whole world. On the day of the engagement banquet, the fiancé ran away, and his sweetheart also blew up his fiancée's engagement scene. How ironic--"

"Why do you apologize? You are not qualified to apologize to me. I will not accept it..."

She murmured, like a mentally ill patient, shaking her head uncontrollably.

Although the Su family is not as rich as the Chu family, it is also a famous medical family in China. She must have grown up in a wealthy family. Her nobleness comes from her heart. But now, she looks so out of control. The contrast is so great. In comparison, she is so pitiful!

But there is no sympathy on Lin Feng's face. He just looked at her coldly, "Miss Su, it is not necessarily my fault that I apologize to you. I think you know what you and Lin De did behind your back. You go against other people's wishes. Why do you want others to obey you?"

He really wanted to communicate with her, but she was obviously unable to communicate with him in this state. He could only tell her what he thought was right. Whether she accepted it or not was her own choice.

What's more, although she didn't show her cooperation with Lin De on the surface, he was not a fool.

The premise of respecting others is that you have to respect others.

Su Ziyan would not listen to what he said. She burst into tears and looked at Lin Feng like a madman, begging, "What do you like about Chu Lingshuang? Tell me, I can do what she can do. If it doesn't work, I can learn it. As long as you like me as much as you like her, I will learn it, even if it means going to heaven or hell!"

"This has nothing to do with Chu Lingshuang!"

Lin Feng could no longer bear it and subconsciously retorted, but as soon as he said it, he glanced at Su Ziyan, who was in tears.

's cheek, he was stunned.

He had seen the same expression on Chu Lingshuang.

It was the night when she drank, she questioned him so frantically, and her words were full of humility.

Like a stray dog ​​that was abandoned, without dignity.

Once he put the face in front of him on Chu Lingshuang, Lin Feng felt suffocated. Fortunately, fortunately, she drank that night, and it could be attributed to drunkenness.

If Chu Lingshuang really became so heartbroken, he would really be heartbroken.

But when Su Ziyan heard this, she became even more desperate, "You still defend her... You actually started to defend her... Ah Feng, what am I to you? Are my feelings for more than ten years worthless in your eyes?"

Her bitter entanglement seemed a bit unreasonable in Lin Feng's eyes. He was like this in his bones. He was extremely indifferent to everyone. Except for those with feelings, he would tolerate them. For the rest, they had to show the value that he could tolerate.

Now, it is obvious that the value Su Ziyan provides to him is zero. Apart from the childhood friendship between him and her in that memory, there is almost nothing else.

But that friendship is enough for him not to speak so absolutely.

"First of all, Miss Su, we did have a good relationship when we were young, but this cannot be a reason to continue. Secondly, everything will change. My experience over the years cannot be explained in plain words. I am very grateful that your family raised me when I was young. Similarly, I did not let you experience these."

This seems a bit confusing, but the central idea is nothing more than one, what does your feelings have to do with me? It's not me who made you like me for so long, so it's none of my business?

Obviously, Su Ziyan understood. She looked at Lin Feng blankly and said incredulously: "So you mean that I deserve all this?"

"I didn't say that."

Lin Feng is very good at shirking responsibility.

Su Ziyan shook her head stupidly, muttering: "That's right... I haven't participated in your experiences over the years, what right do I have to make you like me, I deserve all this... I deserve it..."

She murmured, and her eyes fell on Lin Feng's face, but there was a spark of possession, "It doesn't matter, I have medicine, as long as I disrupt your memory, as long as I meet you a little earlier than her..."

"Even if I have to do it again ten thousand times, I will make you fall in love with me..."

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