The more you try, the more you will be punished.

I knock!

This is not just a simple matter of imprisonment, this is a disguised form of abuse!

He thought Chu Lingshuang was crazy enough, but he didn't expect that she had this habit of torturing people!

While there was no one in the room, he tried to cover the two pillars of the iron cage with a pillowcase and twisted it a few times.

Without a fulcrum or a hard object, he couldn't twist it at all!

After trying for a long time, his hands were almost broken, but the iron pillars didn't move at all!

It seems that he is really going to starve to death here? !

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly felt a little fortunate that he had eaten something before coming here. There was still food in his stomach, which could last for two days at most, but what about the remaining five days? !

He didn't even have a cell phone, how could he ask for help from the outside world? !

This woman was so cruel!

He simply lay in bed and tried to save his strength for seven days... If he could resist, he would resist. If he couldn't, he would just leave it to fate.


Xia's family.

After Xia Qingqing's grandfather Xia Ziqiang and grandmother Zhao Hong came back and saw the newly added refrigerator and a large table of dishes at home, they were both a little unbelievable!

"Qingqing, keep the money for yourself. You have only been working for a few days and you bought such an expensive refrigerator. You have too much money to spend, right?"

Zhao Hong saw the price tag of more than 40,000 on the refrigerator and couldn't help but criticize it.

Xia Ziqiang smiled and said, "Hey, Qingqing also means well, don't be so disappointing, old woman!"

"No, she can't spend it like this even if she is filial. Cailian is still sick. Who knows how much medical expenses she will have in the future!" Zhao Hong sighed and her tone softened.

Xia Qingqing touched her ears awkwardly, "Grandpa and grandma, I didn't buy this..."


"Who bought this?!"

The two elders were stunned and screamed!

"It's my colleague, a very nice guy." Xia Qingqing explained hurriedly, "He came to see me today and borrowed a car to help me transport my mother back from the hospital. He bought everything in the refrigerator..."

"Why don't you invite him to dinner?!"

"That's right, you are such a kind-hearted kid. Let's thank him by inviting him to dinner!"

"No, grandpa and grandma, he had agreed to stay for dinner, but he suddenly had something to do, so I didn't feel like inviting him to dinner..." Xia Qingqing explained hurriedly.

She didn't notice the "ambiguous" look between Zhao Hong and Xia Ziqiang when they looked at each other.

The two elders sat down at the table. While picking up the dishes, Zhao Hong looked at Xia Qingqing with a smile, "Qingqing, tell grandma honestly, what is this boy like? How many people are there in his family?"


Xia Qingqing shouted, and instantly understood what grandma meant, and her face turned red!

Xia Ziqiang also said, "What's there to be shy about? You are not young anymore. It's time to talk to us honestly. Your grandma and I are very open-minded!"

Xia Qingqing picked up a mouthful of rice and put it in her mouth a little uncomfortably, chewing it in small bites.

Seeing her granddaughter silent, Zhao Hong said worriedly: "Qingqing, is it because of your mother's matter that has affected you..."

As she said this, she poked Xia Ziqiang with her elbow, and the other party immediately reacted and said hurriedly: "In fact, your mother is not the wrong person. Your biological father was also very good to your mother before, although he died young..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Hong poked his elbow fiercely!

But it was too late, Xia Qingqing had already heard it!

She immediately put down her bowl and chopsticks, and said in disbelief: "He has passed away?!"

Zhao Hong glanced at Xia Ziqiang, who covered his mouth after saying something wrong, and sighed, "Forget it, the child is grown up now, and some things should be told to her."

After that, she looked at Xia Qingqing, "Your biological father is Lin Zhenyong, who was the captain of the special forces sent abroad in his early years. He and your mother were classmates and fell in love, but they were together for a long time. Later, when they were on a mission..."

She didn't continue, as if she was lamenting the injustice of fate and pitying her daughter's tragic experience. Just talking, Zhao Hong's eyes turned red.

Xia Qingqing couldn't believe her ears!

She stood up suddenly and roared: "Then, what about what you said before that he would transfer living expenses to me every year? Could it be that you..."

"No." Xia Ziqiang shook his head and sighed

: "Your mother is from our village. The Lin family looked down on your mother's background, but your parents had a good relationship and got married secretly. Later, after your father passed away, they knew about your existence. In order to shut your mother up, the Lin family sent money every year..."

"Your grandfather and I took the money, but we didn't spend a penny. We saved it for you."

Zhao Hong explained on the side, and then reminded, "Qingqing, don't think that this money can't be spent. After all, you are the blood of Lin Zhenyong. You should spend their money!"

Xia Ziqiang sighed and said slowly: "If you want to recognize your relatives, we won't stop you. You are already grown up and you should make your own decisions."

Listening to the description of her grandparents, Xia Qingqing felt her mind go blank.

What Lin family? She had never even heard of the name...

In the past, she always felt that although she had never seen her biological father, she had grandparents around. Although her life was tight, it was better now at least.

But now, suddenly there are so many things she has never heard of, and grandpa also talked about "recognizing relatives". A panic that arises from the bottom of her heart instantly occupied her!

"Grandpa and grandma..."

Xia Qingqing stood there in a daze, her nose was sore, and she looked at them with red eyes, and a crying voice came out of her nose, "Don't you want me?"

She was afraid, she was afraid that grandpa and grandma would say something like "I have raised her so big" after saying so much.

She didn't want to recognize her relatives, and she didn't want to leave here. She gave birth to her but didn't raise her. Why should she go back to such a ruthless family!

"How could it be?!" Zhao Hong was stunned, and hurriedly got up and hugged Xia Qingqing, "My dear granddaughter, grandpa and grandma didn't mean that..."

The sudden hug made Xia Qingqing, who had already collapsed emotionally, burst into tears instantly!

She hugged her grandmother, crying out of breath, muttering, "I don't want to leave you, you raised me up with great difficulty, now it's time for me to be filial to you, I don't want to leave, I don't want to recognize any relatives..."

Who would have thought that Xia Qingqing would say this.

Xia Ziqiang's serious face was also moved, and he said with red eyes: "Don't worry, my dear granddaughter, as long as your grandmother and I are still capable, we will never let you and your mother suffer any grievances!"

After crying bitterly, Xia Qingqing's mood gradually calmed down. She picked up some dishes for her grandparents and was wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, but suddenly heard her grandmother say another sentence.

"Qingqing, now that it's come to this, when will you bring that boy back to show us?!"

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