How could it not hurt? Lin Feng felt that his back teeth were about to break, but was it the right time to say this? !

After the intense sting, the rest was to apply medicine and bandage.

Since the pain was so painful, the follow-up could be ignored.

Seeing her busy bandaging herself, Lin Feng moved his lips and chose to ask, "Can you help me leave here?"

Yu Xueyan paused and said in surprise, "You want to leave here?"


Finally seeing someone who was willing to communicate with him, Lin Feng's dead heart was rekindled!

He said eagerly: "I don't want to stay here. As long as you can help me leave, I will repay you with all my abilities."

He no longer fantasizes that a stranger can help him. He is negotiating terms.

Use his last value in exchange for a plan to leave here.

But Yu Xueyan laughed when she heard this, "Your ability? Don't be ridiculous. Can your ability be greater than my lady's?"


Lin Feng was speechless.

Indeed, he has nothing now. How can he compare with the eldest lady of the famous Chu family? !

Seeing him silent, Yu Xueyan asked back, "Why do you want to leave here so much? Do you know that what you are enjoying now is what many men outside dream of?!"

As she said, she picked up the gauze and wrapped it around her, saying, "If I were you, I would listen to the young lady's words honestly. Excuse me, I have never seen the young lady bring a man back. How lucky is this!"


Lin Feng couldn't hold it anymore. How come being favored by the eldest lady of the Chu family is lucky? !

He didn't care about this luck!

"I'm just an ordinary person. I just want to live an ordinary life. I don't want to have anything to do with her at all!"

Yu Xueyan seemed to have heard a big joke. Her hand wrapped around the gauze trembled. "Do you know that when my young lady waves her hand, the whole city of Beijing will tremble. Don't you want such a good fortune?!"

Ever since she followed the young lady, she has been thinking that a young lady who is as outstanding as a demon and has a stunning face, which man can be worthy of her in the future!

A few days ago, when she learned that the lady brought a man home, she was shocked until now!

After meeting, she found that the man was indeed good-looking and had a good figure, but even so, she always felt that he was a step behind.

Now the man still looked like he was broken, and he kept shouting that he wanted to leave here...

Is he mentally okay?

"I'm not interested in money!"

Lin Feng emphasized unbearably that no amount of money was enough to make him feel at ease. He only wanted a stable residence, his own home, no longer restricted by others, at the mercy of others, to truly be himself and do whatever he wanted.

Yu Xueyan stared at Lin Feng as if he was looking at a fool, tearing off the gauze with force and wrapping it with medical tape.

It's probably because the man has never seen such a luxurious place.

Yes, he said that he was just an ordinary person, and suddenly seeing such a top place, he would be more or less uncomfortable.

Some people are really like this, and they do feel uncomfortable if they have too strong self-esteem.

As a doctor, Yu Xueyan has also learned some psychology. This kind of person, once he gets used to it, he will enjoy this place, and then become obsessed, and finally unable to leave, and beg the lady to let him stay.

Yu Xueyan didn't take it to heart. She packed up the medicine box and stood up.

Seeing that she was going to leave like this, Lin Feng was anxious!

Even if she didn't help him leave, at least help him untie the chain. Is he going to lie on the sofa all night? !

"No, you help me untie this!"

Lin Feng hurriedly waved the chain on his wrist.

Yu Xueyan carried the medicine box and said meaninglessly: "The lady only asked me to help you treat your wound, not to help you untie it."

After that, she left without looking back.

"No, hey! Hey hey hey!!"

Lin Feng struggled and shouted a few times, and the sound caused his Adam's apple to slide up and down and pierce the wound. The numbness passed, and he grimaced in pain.

Seeing her disappear at the corner of the stairs, Lin Feng was completely hopeless.

He looked at the extravagant ceiling and was too lazy to struggle.

Chu Lingshuang did not come again. Lin Feng lay on the sofa and fell asleep in the second half of the night...

When he woke up again, he saw two more servants helping him to untie the chains.

He tried to ask a few more questions, but the other party ignored him like a mute.

At this moment, Lin Feng finally accepted this reality.


Without Chu Lingshuang's permission, he really couldn't leave.

Then wait until she gets tired of playing.

He's waited for eighteen years, and a few days won't make a difference.

He felt that Chu Lingshuang was just a temporary novelty to him, and it would be fine after this novelty wore off. He warned himself not to try to reason with her anymore, because she was a complete lunatic.

His hands were finally freed, and he rubbed his wrists that had been imprinted with iron chain marks. After the servant left, he ran to the bathroom.

After finally solving it comfortably, he stared at himself in the mirror.

In just a few days, his face turned terribly pale, because he had been hungry for too long, and suddenly overeating, he vomited a lot, and the pain from his neck from time to time made him even more painful.

Forget it, if you can't afford to provoke, can't you hide? !

Anyway, he has nowhere to go now, so he'll just be a corpse here and heal his wounds first.

He touched his stomach, and the nausea made him unable to eat the feast.

He wanted to drink some porridge.

He groped his way downstairs and saw Wang Ma and others cleaning the table.

Seeing the gauze wrapped around his neck, Wang Ma's eyes flashed with surprise, but she didn't say much, instead she smiled and asked: "Sir, good morning."


Lin Feng didn't respond. He saw that there were many more people in the living room today, at least seven or eight, all wearing the same uniforms, busying around, as if preparing for an important banquet.

But these were none of his business, he asked, "Is there porridge?"

"Porridge?" Wang Ma was stunned, then smiled and said: "Yes, but sir, you have to wait a while, and you can eat after the lady comes back."


Is she sick?

Is she going to wait for her to come back to eat? !

Lin Feng's face was a little angry, and he retorted, "If she doesn't come back, I have to wait until she starves to death, right?"

"No!" Aunt Wang waved her hand and smiled, "The banquet is ready, and the lady will be back in an hour. You just sit on the sofa and wait for a while."

After that, Aunt Wang went to do other things.

Lin Feng was so angry that his mouth was twitching. What a bullshit compromise, he didn't want to compromise!

He had to wait for her to come back to eat, and if she didn't come back, he would have to starve. What a bullshit rule!

This even affected his normal life!

Lin Feng was so angry that he was speechless. The door of the restaurant was still locked, and he couldn't get in at all!

He sat down on the sofa with an angry face and shouted at the ceiling: "I want to drink water!"

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