"How... How can it be? You...... Is there still one more life?!

Accardo did not speak at this time, feeling the touch of his right hand running through the other party's body.

Is it blood....

Slowly pulling out his arm, a large amount of blood was brought out, and Helsin could not support it and fell to the ground.

"It's over, it's me... Win!

Accardo looked at Helsin, whose eyes were gradually fading, and said in an inexplicable tone.

The joy of the aftermath?

The sadness of surviving in this gesture again?

Or something else....

Maybe even he doesn't know.

Rego and Hans on the side, at this time, had turned into thin old men with only skin and bones, their hair had completely turned snow-white, their eye sockets were deeply sunken, and their bodies exuded a dead air, obviously dying.


pulled out the cross inserted in his chest, and on the silver exterior was carved a beautiful Virgin that seemed to tell something.

After thinking for a moment, Accardo put the cross into his arms and walked forward.

"Uh-huh..." The

man was struggling on the ground.

"You... Don't give up yet? Why? Rom

just stared at him with dead eyes and didn't answer.

Accardo seemed to understand something, tilted his head slightly, raised his right foot, and stomped on his spine.

The man's originally tense body instantly relaxed, lifeless like a puppet who had been played badly.

Rego and Hans also exhausted the last shred of life, turning to dust in the air.

Accardo opened his hands and reabsorbed the river-like blood into his body.

Accardo actually had no extra life at all, and at the moment when he faced a desperate situation, a soul suddenly entered his body, which allowed him to achieve counter-killing.

"Gao Ming..."

Accardo pronounced the name silently, and after absorbing his soul, he also received his thoughts and memories.

Now Accardo's body has been changed by the influence of Gao Ming's thoughts, and to use a comparative sentence, he is no longer the same person.

After absorbing the last drop of blood, Accardo stared at his outstretched hands, his eyes filled with blood.

"I am... King of Vampires, Accardo! "

"So where do I go next?" Ah, yes, foggy. "


Three months later—


..." billowing black smoke rose from the ship's chimney with a low roar.

A tall young man descended the stairs of the ship.

"Sure enough, the speed is still incomparable to the speed of the later life, but it has finally arrived, the United States."

The man looked at the land in front of him, and a smile flashed in his blood-red eyes.

Yes, Accardo wandered around Wiegand for a while before deciding to go to the United States.

As for the reason, it is to make money.

Although old monsters like him, who have lived for hundreds of years, no longer value money. But the saying that money can make ghosts push and grind is true, and wealth is sometimes more effective than force.

After absorbing Gao Ming's memory, Accardo naturally knew the future development trend.

Although Wiegeland is still very strong now, he needs a bigger stage and more land for him to play, and the United States is definitely the best choice.

As for the Dragon Country in Asia, forget it, the Dragon Country in this period is too chaotic.

Well, but first of all, before you can complete the grand hegemony in your mind, you must have a home, so you must have a private piece of land.


"Mr. Wenster, we are ready, can we start construction now?"

A middle-aged man with darker skin and a broad back came to the young man and asked with a slightly restrained look. The man's thick arms and thick cocoons on his hands make people know at a glance that he is a perennial hard-working and experienced worker.

"Of course, please get started, gentlemen."

After that, the young man went to the side and found a stool and sat down.

"Hey! Get to work, guys! The

strong man shouted to his companions behind him, and hundreds of able-bodied and poorly dressed workers immediately mobilized.

Several workers are divided into a group, divided into labor, measured, measured.

Accardo sat in his chair and watched the workers at work.

These workers came here for only one purpose, and that was to help him build a home, no, a manor to be exact.

As for the money needed for construction, he naturally had to thank him for what he had harvested in England.

People are not surprised that a monopoly suddenly appeared here, after all, there are so many crazy things in this world right now. Coupled with Accardo's hypnotism on these workers who helped with the construction, he ensured that they were obedient enough that nothing would leak out.

As a result, in the end, the outside world knew nothing but his false surname Winster. Gradually, the image in people's hearts has become an unfathomable mysterious rich man.

Four years passed in a flash, the general outline of the manor was formed, followed by fine adjustments and interior decoration.

Aldo did not seem so impatient about the completion of the manor. He demands quality, not speed, and with his almost immortal physique, these waits are nothing at all.

Of course, Accardo has not always stayed here all these years.

When he has time, he will return to Wiegand to check on the situation, after all, he will become Intergula's servant in the original plot. Although the plot has changed, Accardo still thinks it is better to be cautious.

"What are you thinking, Mary, or do you prefer to have me call you, May?"

In the tall palace, the man leaned down to look at the girl in front of him.

"You! How did you get in, sir? The

girl felt that the shadow of the man was obscured above, and was first taken aback, then quickly regained her composure, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible.

"You're really a rigorous and resolute woman, Mei."

A huge smile pulled out on the man's pale, paper-like face. In the empty palace, only the conversation between the two echoed, forming a strange atmosphere.

"Sir, you still haven't answered my question? Also, how the hell did you know my nickname?

Mary looked up at the tall, well-dressed man in front of her.

Mei, her nickname in the family, she didn't know how the man in front of her knew, which made her a little uneasy.

"There are always people in this world who are born to know more than others, beautiful young lady, no, the future queen."

"What, you say I'm the future queen!?"

Mary, who was still a girl at this time, had a thick surprise flashing in her eyes and asked in disbelief.

"Don't disbelieve, you will, so try harder, my dear Majesty."

It seemed that Mary, who had originally a serious face, suddenly showed a surprised expression to amuse him. The man put his hand on his chest, bowed to her, and then turned to leave.

"Wait, who are you? What is your name? "


Accardo glanced back at her, then melted into the wall like a shadow and disappeared.

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