The farce in Mingxu's eyes gradually ended, and he obviously felt that after he won Tanaka, the people in the class looked at him with a little more awe.

"What the hell? Isn't it just a gamble to win? As

soon as this doubt appeared in Mingxu's heart, a soft voice sounded in his ears.

"Shira-san, you... You're amazing. Tanaka-san is the head of our class. "

Well, it's you, listening to their conversation just now, you should be called Hana Shou Ge Long, right?"

"Yes, I really didn't expect Shiliang-san to remember the name of a little person like me."

Hearing Mingxu say her name, a hint of surprise flashed in Hua Shou Gelong's eyes, and she said quickly.

"But what did you mean when you said that Tanaka was the leader of this class? Is it okay just like that?

"Hey, it's also hey, Shiliang-san came to this school on the first day, and some things are not well understood, let me explain it to you."

"That's great, but don't call me Shiliang-san, just call me Mingxu."

"Good, good... Mingxu can also call me Jinjinli, which is my alias.

"Okay, Tsuzu-ri."

"Oh my God, he smiled at me, why is he so gentle. He must be a prince!

A voice in Ge Long's heart was roaring, and two red clouds could not help but appear on his white face.

"Jinjinli, Jinjinli, did you lose your mind just now?"

"Ahh... It's okay, I'm sorry, I was in ... Think of something else.

"Oh, okay, can you please help me continue the introduction?"

"Yes, the private Hyakukao Gakuen is a 119-year-old school with a glorious tradition and high status, and the children of many financial leaders in the country have studied here. It is also commonly known as the aristocratic academy in the outside world. "

There's an extremely strict class system in colleges, where you can't rely on your academic performance and athletic talent to get you to the top of the rankings. It's about gambling.

"Is it gambling to determine status?" It's really peculiar. Hearing

this, a glimmer flashed in Mingxu's eyes, and then he said with interest.

"Well, gambling is paramount in this school. As long as you are good at gambling, you can make a splash here, and you can cheat at any time as long as the other party does not find out.

"So that's the case, no wonder that guy in Tanaka is so bold, which means that it is money that determines everything, and the strength of gambling, right?"

Mingxu's previous arrogant expression appeared in Mingxu's mind, and he said in a disdainful tone.

"Exactly. After all, for most people here, they are born with unimaginable wealth that can be obtained without learning and hard work. So what they need more is strategy and resilience, as well as decisiveness and courage at critical moments. These are also closely related to gambling.

"In this way, after all, most of the people here will be in the class of "dominating others" when they go out in the future, so learning is not very important, no, it should mean that what they learn is different from ordinary people, what they want to learn is power and mind, right?" "


"I also have a question, what if they lose the gamble and the money they owe is not paid?"

Ming Xu asked as he thought back to Tanaka's pickled cucumber-like face before.

"This ahhhh If you go into debt because of gambling and can't donate to the student council, your ranking at the school will drop. Students in the bottom 100 will be reduced to family pets, boys are stupid dogs, girls are... Miscellaneous cats. Of course, as a poor student, you will be bullied by others every day, and you cannot resist other people's orders. "

Huh? What do you mean by student union and donations?

Mingxu was keenly aware that something was wrong, and Tsujinli seemed nervous when mentioning the student council.

"The student union is the organization that controls this student, and it has a lot of power, even more than teachers and principals."

"It was under the management of the student union that such a strict class system was formed. People with strong gambling skills will be admired by others, while people with poor gambling skills will be treated inhumanely. Students who are unable to pay because they have too much debt, the debt will fall into the hands of the student council, and when the student council determines that you are unable to pay the debt, it will make a life plan for you! "

Life planner?"

"Well, the student council will send the life planners they make into the hands of debtors and pay off huge debts by manipulating their lives. Of course, this life planner is naturally related to the interests of external groups, which also allows the student union to obtain great wealth.

After saying this, Jinjinli's expression appeared a little apprehensive.

"As for the president of the student union, because he holds a lot of wealth and is coveted by many consortiums, many people want to sit on this throne. After all, having money in this world basically has everything.

"Donations are actually the amount that students need to pay to the student council on a regular basis in exchange for the same amount of chips. The 100 people who pay the least amount will become domestic animals as mentioned earlier, and if the livestock is to turn over, they need to pay a fee, which is fixed 1 million yen. But domestic animals have also been given the only right to "formula race", that is, they can challenge anyone. And the other party cannot refuse. Under normal circumstances, student council members accept formula matches with unlimited bets.

"Oh, this system is really interesting." It's heaven for the skilled, but hell for the weak. This kind of differential treatment can stimulate people's desires.

Mingxu was amazed at this cruel system, and a rare burst of excitement burst out in his eyes.

"That... Mingxu, you don't want to..."

"Ah, I really want to talk to those guys in the student union, the president of the student council must be a very interesting guy."

The corners of Mingxu's mouth rose, and he laughed while reverie.

"But... The members of the student council are all extremely skilled gambling, and their president has heard that they have never lost!

"That's interesting, relish, it's challenging to be undefeated, isn't it?" But don't worry, I didn't say I had to bet with them, I was just a little curious about them. Let's take a look at this situation for now. "

Whew, that's good,"

Ge Long said as he patted his chest and sighed.

"That's right, Tsujin-ri."


"I've always wanted to ask what is this tag on your chest? You're not going to be one of those last 100, are you? "

Hmm... Mingxu, you are right, I... It's a miscellaneous cat.

Ge Long lowered his head, his lips squirming slightly, and slowly spit out the words.

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