"Oh, ah, this is..."

Silas stood in a blank white clearing, strange that she was now wearing a set of blue pajamas.

Suddenly, the floor under his feet shattered, and several people who were as pale as zombies came out of the ground.

"Sketches, cups, honey, dogs."

The men chased Senas without knowing what they were saying. Celeston was startled and ran away, and I don't know how long she ran, she suddenly hit a person.

It was the man in the blood-colored trench coat that night, and the man didn't say a word, just opened his mouth and bit her neck with his fangs exposed.


Sellars yelled, sweating and getting up only to find that he was in bed, and what had just been a dream was just a dream.

"Here it is... Where?

Silas looked around, feeling safe for the time being, and lifted his pajamas to examine his wounds. Fortunately, after opening it, only the two balls and smooth skin that made many girls envious did not see any traces of the wound at all, not even a trace of scar.

"I didn't expect your first move to be this, it really surprised me, but it's not bad to say a word."

At some point, the man in the blood-colored trench coat had already sat down on the edge of her bed.


There was another scream, but the man ignored it and got up from the side of the bed to look at her.

"Policewoman, how does it feel to be Dragourina?"

Silas pulled out a small mirror, looked at the fangs in his mouth and cried.


"It's too noisy, policewoman, don't lose your Englishmanship."

The door to the room was opened, and Intergula walked in, followed by Walter.

"Even if you become Dragurina now."

"Dragurina? Then again, where is this? The

policewoman's face was written with a look of dazedness.


"So, I..."

"You were brought back by Accardo, theoretically not under my control, you can stay here for the time being." Since you have become Dragurina, you should make a contribution to dealing with monsters, and I will ask someone to send you a set of clothes later.

Intergula said and left the room.

"Well, seeing that you are still at a loss, ask if you want to ask, but try to pick the important ones."

"Ah, yes, what is Dragoulina?"

"It's a female vampire, otherwise how do you think you survived such a serious injury."

"I'm a female vampire, so I'm going to suck blood for a living in the future?"

Silas had a look of shock on his face.

"That's right, I'll teach you the essentials of being a vampire, but there's been a lot of things going on in Britain lately, I'm afraid you'll have to learn as you go."

Saying that, Accardo's blood-red eyes locked on Silas's body, making Silas's hair stand up.

"Listen, from today I will be your master, you have to obey my orders, understand?"

"Ahhh... Be! Master!

Silas's body tensed sharply and hurriedly answered.


Silas had changed into a uniform and was sitting in the car with a weapon in hand, and had received a mission before setting off that she was now going to kill vampires.

"It won't be long before we will live forever."

On a quiet night, such a sound came from the house, where there were several horrible corpses. A male vampire held up a gun, and that's what he said.

"Is it an invincible vampire?"

Inside the house came the voice of a female vampire teasing.

Suddenly, there was a whistle outside the house, and the male vampire seemed to notice something and slowly walked towards the door.

"Bang bang..."

As he approached, countless bullets entered the house from outside the door and hit his body.


The gate full of bullet holes was instantly smashed, and a man wearing a top hat, sunglasses, and a blood-colored trench coat walked in in the moonlight.

Accardo raised his pistol and aimed it at his prey on the ground, and the other party immediately raised the light submachine gun in his hand and shouted and laughed to counterattack.

"Bang bang..."

Soon the bullets in the gun were fired, but the man at the door remained motionless, as if the bullets had not hit him at all.

The male vampire looked at the man with a look of consternation in his eyes, and even some fear.

"You can't turn into fog or bats, you can't even recover wounds, you can't even fight when you run out of bullets, are you a vampire too?" Shameless!

Accardo slowly stepped out of the smoke and dust, approached the male vampire, and questioned.

The male vampire was already frightened when he saw him approaching, dropped his gun and ran. But the men were in vain, and with a stingy smile on Accardo's face, he raised his pistol and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang..." Under

the penetration of the bullet, the male vampire couldn't stop falling against the wall.

Accardo walked up to him and stabbed his heart with a hand knife, blood gushed wildly from the opponent's body, and soon the body turned blue and the flames disappeared.

Looking at the shape of the cross depicted in blood on the wall, Accardo turned around.

"Don't let her run, policewoman."

PS: Here is my explanation of Mary and Accardo, skip it directly if I don't like watching it. (Come back tomorrow, ( ́◊ω◊'))

I see that many readers are mostly controversial about the plot of accepting Mary. I'll talk about it from the perspective of Accardo and Mary. (It may be a bit long, please be patient.) Let's

start with Accardo.

He was a self-centered vampire at the time and only did what was good for him. Accardo had already seen his destiny in Gao Ming's memory, which is why he would ask Queen Mary questions about fate when she was a child. And he was interested in Queen Mary's answer, because he also wanted to change his destiny.

For the end of his original fate, Accardo is actually very unwilling. Because in memory he was defeated by Helsing, became a servant of Intergura, and was finally "poisoned" by Schrödinger for 30 years before coming out. This is not a good ending by any means. Not to mention being a servant to Intergula, Accardo actually looked down on the Major's gang in his heart. Accardo felt that they were a bunch of monsters, not people at all.

In anime, no matter how cruel and tragic the final battle is, Accardo will always be a light and breezy. Except for Father Anderson, he felt that no one else could kill him at all. He didn't think he would eventually lose to the Major, because Accardo felt in his heart that no matter what the end was, his dead river would solve all problems. But in the end, it was precisely the killer he was most proud of, which made Xue Ding'e pit him. It's like being beaten by one of your best aspects by the person you usually look down on the most, which is absolutely super unpleasant. With Accardo's arrogant and warlike personality, he definitely wants to change his destiny.

And reality has indeed been changed. Because of Gao Ming's soul, this time it was Accardo who defeated Helsin, and he naturally couldn't be willing to be a servant, so he only needed to change the matter of being secretly calculated by Xue Ding'e in the end.

But he didn't find the exact way to crack it, so he began to seek the power of man. Because he believes that humans can defeat monsters. That's why he will be the head of MI6 - to train humans who will help him.

Then it was logical to meet Mary, so when I first met Mary, I didn't raise her as my wife as some readers said. In his eyes, Mary was a useful tool for him at that time, and the stronger Mary's strength, the more likely he was to crack Schrödinger in the future. Accardo personally taught Mary just to make the other party stronger, not to crave her body, after all, Mary was only 10 years old at the time!

From Mary's perspective, Accardo was her benefactor. Because in my setting, her parents have died, leaving only her and her sister. The appearance of Accardo has made their lives secure. And at that time, under those conditions, she also did not have the right to resist. So the first time they met, Mary should be in awe and gratitude for Accardo.

Later, after more than ten years of getting along, the two of them also got to know each other better. The impression of each other also changed, and Accardo's eyes finally saw Mary no longer as a tool but as a potential person. Mary also developed a deep dependence on Accardo, as I said earlier in the article that Accardo knows Mary better than Mary's sister.

However, the relationship between the two sides only stopped at the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and no actual breakthrough occurred. If this is the case, Accardo will only regard Mary as a useful subordinate, and Mary will only press her feelings to the bottom of her heart and dare not tell them.

What makes them have a further development is actually the plot in the hospital.

Of course, Accardo couldn't have fallen in love with Mary the first time he went to the hospital and saw her, which was obviously unrealistic. But because of Gao Ming's soul, he has a trace of guilt. Just like you, as the boss of the company, let you have a capable hand to do errands, and your subordinates are hit by a car on the way to do errands and break a leg, you will definitely be sad.

Although Mary is not disabled, but gave birth to a child for the task, there is no need to talk about the pain of giving birth.

Some people might say, hey, why didn't you, as the head of MI6, help Mary before she got pregnant? I would say that as the head of the Intelligence Bureau, how can you focus on only one person? And if you form a habit and ask the chief to rescue the agent if they encounter some trouble, wouldn't it be over?

A woman's emotional instability after giving birth may even cause severe postpartum depression. To put it simply, women who have just given birth are more fragile than usual. It was when Mary was at her most vulnerable that Accardo helped her wipe her body, making her feel both warm and ashamed, and her mood swings were great. Finally, he inadvertently confided in his heart, thinking that he was speaking quietly, but he was still heard by Accardo. But Accardo didn't respond to her at the time.

During this time of getting along, Accardo was also surprised to find that he seemed to be enjoying this life, and he knew that it came to a large extent from Gao Ming's soul.

It was at this time that he came up with a bold idea, that is, he would no longer suppress Gao Ming's soul. Because he had tried to suppress it for decades, but it didn't work at all, he decided to give it a go.

Then it was Christmas Eve, and the two of them kissed to make Mary clear her heart. Finally, at Christmas, he decided to give himself to Accardo as a Christmas present.

Accardo learns Mary's intentions and agrees and turns her into a vampire as well. Because he needs someone to assist him in completing his plan - to free Gao Ming's soul. Mary has been with him for more than ten years, Accardo knows her well, and now the other party has also shown his intentions, absolutely loyal enough. So Mary was the perfect choice.

That is to say, even at the moment of going to bed, Accardo hopes that Mary can help him.

At first, he saw Mary to let her help him have a chance to deal with Schrödinger. In the end, I want her to cover her identity, after all, a 5-year-old child goes to Japan alone, and then mixes up, no one will believe it.

As for why he had to leave Britain and go to Japan, first of all, Accardo had been in Britain for too many years and was too familiar with Britain, and he did not want these familiar memories to affect Gao Ming's soul, since he chose not to suppress it, then be thorough.

Of course, there are also the author's own reasons, to go to Japan to develop other plots, otherwise how to write? (• ̅̑⌣ ̅̑•)✧˖

Of course, I'm just saying that Accardo still had some use of Mary before leaving Japan, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love Mary. After living with Mary as Mingxu for more than ten years and then changing back to Accardo, he actually has no use of Mary but true love.

Well, hard work everyone saw here. Now everyone should be able to sort out the changing relationship between the two people's psychology.

Those who raise their own women well to give others to get pregnant are nonsense, you can't see your wife when you are a child and know that you will definitely marry her when you grow up, right? So you can say that Accardo is thoughtful, but you can't say that he likes to be green!

As for the takeover, if you think take over, I have nothing to say. Just come gently, and walk gently. But I think I can see that this should already be acceptable, right? Hey!

By the way, the role of Takeshi Akai, I will only write him as a background board, and will not use too much ink. Because there are too many mysteries on this person's body, and they have not appeared, I am afraid that I will write wildly now, and when Conan later in the plot, he will pop out and make a shocking reversal, so that you don't feel embarrassed to look at it, and I feel embarrassed to write it.

Finally, thank you all for your great support!

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