The road is wide enough to accommodate dozens of people walking side by side.

However, at this moment, somewhere on the road, countless people gathered to watch,

So that the whole road is no longer smooth.

In the distance, more people gathered.

"What's going on up ahead?"

"I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates came to this island and clashed with their master. "

"What happened in the end?"

"I don't know, I can't squeeze in. "

At the outermost end, a chaotic voice rang out.

Many people wanted to squeeze in front of them to find out, but the crowd was surrounded by walls that prevented them from moving forward.

And in the middle of the crowd, everyone stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"It's as strong as ever. "

Doflamingo looked at Arthur's figure, and his eyes no longer had the original desire to transcend.

When you are also human, there may be the possibility of pursuing.

However, if you are facing the gods, there is only awe in your heart.

Arthur is now a god-like presence in Doflamingo's heart.

And the opposite is the hawk-eyed Mihawk next to him.

The eagle-sharp eyes churned with battle intent.

Now, with such a mountain waiting for him to surpass, how can he not be excited?

The whole body was almost trembling with excitement, and every cell was jumping for joy, letting out a silent cry.

Surpass him, surpass him, surpass him.

"I advise you to die of this heart. "

Hawkeye's performance was too obvious, and soon Doflamingo next to him noticed the abnormality, and said lightly with disdain.

Although the two see each other every day, their relationship is not very good.

Neither of them is the kind of person who will take the initiative to greet others, and it is already very rare to be able to be safe and secure with each other.

"I naturally know that Arthur is very strong, so strong that with my current strength, I am afraid that I can't even get close to him, but this is definitely not a reason for me to give up. "

"Only the strong have the value to surpass me. "

Looking at Hawkeye's serious words, the corners of Doflamingo's mouth hooked into a smile.

"Then I'll wish you the best of luck. "

The two of them didn't say much, and looked ahead at the same time.

Opposite Arthur, the dust was filled, and the sound of Aiyi's complaining was still echoing around him.

In the dust, a tall figure emerged.

Whitebearded Edward Newgate.

As at the beginning, his tall figure stood tall, as if a thousand times the force of gravity had no effect on him.

"It's worthy of Whitebeard, and he's safe and sound under such a powerful force. "

The yellow ape in the crowd looked at Whitebeard, his eyes full of solemnity.

This is a very formidable enemy.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to deal with such an attack.

Speed is his greatest advantage, as long as he senses the slightest wrong, he runs away in an instant, believing that the speed of gravity is not as fast as his.

Yellow Ape nodded as he thought.

The dust in the middle of the road gradually dissipated, and behind Whitebeard, a huge pit appeared in front of everyone.

"Daddy, Joz, he fainted. "

Inside the pit, Marko's voice came out, shocking everyone.

Diamond Joz.

Superhuman Shining Fruit.

It can turn any part of the body into a transparent and pure diamond, and the part that turns into a diamond has the hardest state in the world, and it has extremely high defense and attack power, and is known as the "Shield of the King Kong".

This kind of defense is one of the best on the sea.

However, at this moment he fainted.

The horrified gaze slowly shifted to Arthur.

The man just waved his finger slightly.

It's so tough that it makes people feel terrifying and desperate.

In the deep pit, figures jumped out one after another and landed next to Whitebeard again.

He looked at Arthur with anger and shock.

One person actually challenged their Whitebeard Pirates, and he still had the upper hand.

It made them feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't look at me one by one with the eyes of an enemy. "

"I just punished you slightly. "

"Remember that the land under your feet is mine. "

"So it's better for your words and deeds not to be so unscrupulous. "

Arthur spread his hands, and his flat tone seemed to tell a sparse and ordinary thing.

The white-bearded man who was standing straight finally moved, and slowly raised the cong cloud cut in his hand.

This has made many people's eyes shine.

Is Whitebeard going to do it?

However, in the expectant gaze of everyone, Whitebeard clenched his hands into fists.

"I apologize to you for what the child said, Arthur. "

The dignified whitebeard even apologized to people.

Everyone who saw this scene dropped their jaws in shock and rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

However, what Whitebeard said next shattered their three views.

"I've admired you since the time of Locks. "

"It's just a pity that I was just a crew member of the Rocks Pirates at the time, and you didn't even pay attention to Locks, so naturally you wouldn't notice my existence. "

"Now, we're finally standing here face to face. "

The soft sound seemed to come from time and space, echoing all around.

The whole street seems to have fallen into a stagnation of time and space, and the pin drop can be heard.

Locks, the crew, don't take it seriously.

They seemed to have heard something very good.

"In the era of Locks, is that the Locks you talking about?"

An unbelievable voice came softly.

"Is there a second Locks in this world?"

A terrifying figure has come to everyone's minds.

If you rule the existence of an era.

However, according to Whitebeard, even if he is such a character, he is not taken seriously.

Why have I never heard of it?

All kinds of shocked eyes looked at Arthur, who was still calm and breezy.

Whether or not the young appearance appeared in the Rocks era is a question.

What's more, the thing about Arthur has only recently gotten around.

How can people from two eras be mixed together?

Although I couldn't believe it, such words came from Whitebeard's mouth.

In fact, since he came to this world, Arthur's appearance has not changed.

It's not just his appearance, it's Kiana, Rita, and they're the same.

As for the reason, Arthur can only blame it on the system.

"Don't talk about the past, let's go have a drink or two if you're interested. "

Arthur smiled and turned to leave.

With Arthur and Whitebeard gone, the entire street gradually recovers.

Only that huge pit proves what happened before.

In a short time, several Titan mechs came to repair the pit.


Xi'er's one hasn't come out yet, and even if it comes out in the future, it can evolve.

The goal is that all members are lawyers.

For example, Rita can be the Lawgiver of Ice, Ciel the Lawgiver of Death, Teresa the Lawgiver of Constraints, Himeko the Lawgiver of Fire, etc

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