Above the sea, a warship swayed forward.

showed considerable reluctance.

On the deck of the warship, the yellow ape looked listless.

When he heard that Sengoku said that he was going to be sent a mission, his heart was already dark.

When I heard the content of the task next, I had a sad face.

It turned out that he secretly went to Wano Country to inquire about the actions of Arthur and his party.

Although he had only been in contact with Arthur a few times, the yellow ape did not want to have anything to do with them from the bottom of his heart.

It's too scary, and there's no sense of security standing next to it.

But Sengoku didn't pay attention to the yellow ape's feelings, and hung up the phone directly after giving the order.

The miserable yellow ape could only leave the naval headquarters three times in one step.

Wandering off to Wano Country.

"Hopefully, by the time I arrive, everything will be settled. "

The yellow ape thought expectantly.

When the time comes, he just needs to report what he sees, and it's perfect.

"Report to General Polusalino, ahead is the realm of Wano Country. "

A Navy officer walked over and reported loudly.

"Well, I see, drive a little slower. "

The yellow ape waved his hand weakly.

At this moment, the powerful overlord color spread out, causing the heavens and the earth to change color.

"I'm a good girl. "

The yellow ape took off his sunglasses with his right hand and looked at the sky above.

A huge vortex was mixed with thunder.

The slowly turning vortex seems to suck the soul of a person into it.

At this time, the yellow ape was really glad that he drove slowly.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will be just in time.

He really didn't know what to do.

"General Polusalino, we ......"

A Navy officer next to him asked cautiously.

"We'll go up again later. "

Naturally, the navy knew how to enter Wano Country.

This overlord color comes and goes quickly, but it also goes quickly.

After tens of seconds, it gradually subsides.

Heaven and earth are back to normal again.

"Almost, let's go. "

When the yellow ape came to Wano Country, he saw a large number of people fainting on the ground.

"Really...... There is no mercy in the attack. "

Dressed in the costume of an admiral, the yellow ape looked into the distance with a raised brow.

There, a powerful aura was approaching.

At the same time, inside the General's Palace.

Arthur took out several ninjas who were besieging him.

These ninjas protect the safety of the Shogun's Mansion, but at this moment they have gone with their masters.

"It's a little little, but it's better than nothing. "

After turning the entire General's Mansion around and looting all the wealth, Arthur shook his head in some frustration.

Now, billions of Bailey's wealth is no longer in his sight.

"What do you say about eliminating violence and peace, it turns out that the purpose of the captain is this. "

A faint voice came from the side.

"Aha, I'm robbing the rich and helping the poor, and I'm leaving. "

Arthur snorted, saw that Kiana wanted to continue to say something, gently patted her on the back of the head, and walked out first.

"Don't pat your head, you'll be stupid. "

Behind her, Kiana muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Captain, someone's coming. "

As soon as he left the General's Mansion, the aura in the distance made everyone's eyes look over.

A huge body walked slowly, and with each step, the ground trembled.

Kaido was holding a mace with a sharp edge in his eyes.

"Arthur ......"

A thick voice came out, like a muffled thunder, breathtaking.

It's just that no one standing here is weak, and this bit of power is like a breeze blowing on the face, and it doesn't have any impact.

"You don't have to scream so loudly, you can hear it. "

Arthur plucked out his ears and looked at Kaido, who was standing in the distance.

"Arthur ......"

This time, Kaido's voice was much lower.

The skull was slightly lowered, and the overlord color spread out from his body.

"Is this to compete with me for the overlord color?"

"Really...... I don't know what to say. "

Arthur snorted coldly, took a step forward, and the overlord color in his body spread forward.

In the next moment, the two overlord colors collided together.


Invisible forces turn into tangible damage.

With the two of them at the center, it's like an atomic bomb exploding.

The surrounding buildings were destroyed and bulldozed in an instant, and countless cracks in the hard ground spread outward.

But Kaido's overlord color is the strongest, how can he compare to Arthur's?

It only lasted a few seconds.


Kaido's muscles tensed, and he roared, raised the mace in his hand, and swung it at Arthur.

"Thundering gossip..."

In the sky, a huge thunderbolt surrounded the mace, carrying a huge force towards Arthur's head.

"Fu Hua, borrow your weapon and use it. "

Arthur's fists clenched slightly, and a pair of black and gold gloves appeared.

The key of God, the grip of the void.

Faced with Kaido's swing of this blow, Arthur did not dodge, but clenched his fists and confronted it head-on.


Centered on the attack of the two, the shockwave that swept through everything spread outward.

This once bustling street was completely reduced to rubble.

A crater resembling a meteorite impact spreads outwards centered on Arthur and Kaido.

A huge force rose into the sky, forming a pillar of energy light that soared straight into the sky.

In the distance, the yellow ape watched this scene and snorted out of his mouth.

Even if it was so far away, the power of the shock still made him empathize.

Too strong to be matched.

"I'm still here, and it's safer to wait for them to finish the fight and then sneak over and see the results. "

The yellow ape said and nodded.

And at the same time, inside the huge pit.

Two consecutive attacks were fended off by Arthur, although he had already expected it.

But when the truth happened in front of him, it still made Kaido a little unbelievable.

The overlord color of the whole body gradually converged on the arm.

Makes the overlord color that emanates from all directions more solid.

"Overlord Entanglement..."

Seeing Kaido's actions, Arthur raised his eyebrows, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't use your best strength too much, don't let me run this trip in vain. "

His hands were gently shaken with the grip of the void, and Arthur became a little excited for the first time in a long time.

Known as the strongest creature on land, Kaido's strength is unquestionable.

And Arthur may not have had a happy fight for a long time.

At this moment, he abandoned other special abilities and simply competed with Kaido for strength.

That's a worthwhile trip!

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