Tower Defense For All: Resist Trillions Of Dark Creatures

Chapter 100 Bai Yu City's Headache!

Bai Yu City, the City Lord's Mansion!

The city lord "Gadros" looked at the statistics of the battle in front of him with a solemn expression.

He clenched his fists tightly, his face ashen.

That powerful and terrifying human being finally took action against them Bai Yucheng.


When that human was cleaning up the zombie town.

Bai Yucheng discovered the existence of the other party.

And, according to the content of the report.

That human chariot is very powerful.

It could even be said to be terrifying.

They had never seen such a terrifying chariot.

The attack speed and power are simply amazing.

At that time, at the council of Bai Yucheng, someone proposed.

We must destroy this human camp as soon as possible.

Otherwise there will be endless troubles.

So they quickly prepared to cut off the source of zombies in the zombie town, and then united with Magic Shield City to exterminate this very special human being.

However, just after the meeting was over, there were not a few days left.

Magic Shield City surrendered.

The speed of this kneeling is faster than the speed of the zombies.

When they saw this information, they were a little confused.

Is that human being too powerful?

Or is it that Magic Shield City is too weak? Without fighting?

Finally, a few days ago, they tried to attack a patrol line of that human being.

As a result, they felt a chill in their hearts.

Some of them understood the reason why the Magic Shield City knelt down so fast.

The first is the enslavement talent of their Demon Snake Race, although it can have a certain impact on those guardian beasts.

But it was impossible to enslave it.

On the contrary, the guardian beast attacked with the enslavement talent will especially hate them.

Chase them all the way.

If it is a meat shield of slavery, a warrior is fine.

You can also escape.

But once the enslavement of the archers and scouts failed.

The archer's long-range attack could instantly kill the Demon Snake Clan.

And not to mention the scouts, the invisibility and the incredible speed made it impossible to escape.

Being stared at by the scouts of Blue Star City, he is basically certain to die.

In just a few days, they lost more than a dozen war commanders.

Secondly, the guardian beast team in this camp is also extremely terrifying.


Their team was in the hands of the opposing team and could not last for ten seconds.

Mainly because that archer was horrible.

If you meet the green eagle-eyed archer, that's fine.

The meat shield can resist for a while while carrying the top of the shield.

If you encounter a blue shadow archer, just that shadow archer can easily destroy all members of their entire team.

Loss of consecutive touches.

It made Bai Yucheng a little dazed.

They also can't fight many guardian wars.

However, they have never seen a war that is not qualified to compete like this.

It's like facing a sense of despair when faced with a group of deformed zombies.

Therefore, Bai Yucheng decided to stick to the strategy like Magic Shield City.

It's a pity that you didn't tell them about Magic Shield City, and it's not enough to stick to it.

In the face of the terrifying guardian beast of the opponent, you can't even defend.

At this time, Bai Yucheng felt it personally.

Even if it is fully defended, it is very difficult to face the bombardment of the opponent.

First of all, a spring of light in Bai Yucheng was breached in the morning.

The defense line of the Spring of Light is just like paper.

The defenders in that place were completely wiped out.

More than 200 guardian beasts and more than 30 commanders were all killed.

The facilities there were also all destroyed by the other party.

Although a general strongly demanded that the other side be given effective countermeasures.

But it was rejected by Kathrus.

Go out and fight the opponent, do you think the guardian beast is not dying fast enough?

Thankfully there was no support.

It was discovered after investigation.

The other party has already been ambushed on their route, and once they pass, they will basically suffer heavy casualties.

And above the city wall, even relying on the tower defense city wall.

But the losses were also severe.

The first is the top of the city wall, where no one can stand at all.

The other side's weird projectile artillery chariot is terrifying.

Whoever dares to stand on it will basically land on the forehead with a single shot, and his body will be blown to pieces.

The artillery and manipulators of the artillery muzzle inside the city wall also suffered heavy losses.

Mainly because the other side's other kind of straight-line artillery is just as amazing.

With a distance of more than 1,000 meters, it is possible to bombard into the cannon with a good probability, and then bombard the artillery, along with the casualties of the surrounding operators.

Even at a distance of 100 meters, their artillery does not have such a target.

After they were attacked by each other's artillery fire.

They also fought back with their artillery.

However, the opponent's energy shield blocked all their attacks.

They were able to reach the other's hundreds of artillery pieces, and abruptly did not cause any effective blow to the other side.

It looked like the two sides were gunning for each other.

...... Ask for Flowers

In fact, they were beaten unilaterally.

It was only one morning.

In the past, the tower defense wall that they relied on in Bai Yucheng had become a gate of hell, and they were afraid at a glance.

More than two hundred guardian beasts died on the city wall.

More than thirty artillery pieces were destroyed.

More than two dozen operators died.

As their artillery was continuously eliminated, personnel died.

A large number of arrow towers arranged in front of and at the top of the city wall were also destroyed one after another by the opponent.

This is all built by them with a lot of resources.

But now they can only watch the other side constantly bombard and shatter these arrow towers, and they have no effective countermeasures.

This is a completely unequal battle.

After thinking for a long time, Gatoros made a decision.

"Come on.

On the side is a female demon snake clan with white scales and a beautiful appearance, dragging a long snake body cruising here.


"Lord City Lord.

"Write a letter to Lord Aphrodite, saying that our tower defense city is being attacked by humans, and we will use his war spirit to defend it for a period of time.

The female demon snake clan was startled.

As the personal guard of the city lord of Gadros, she is naturally aware of the value of the war weapon of the Lord "Aphro" from the Demon Snake Clan.

Borrowing once will consume a huge amount of resources.

However, she also knew that the role of the "war magic weapon" of that Lord Aphrodite was extremely powerful.

Possesses extremely powerful defensive power.

This is an extremely important defensive treasure in the face of long-range consumption.

However, this also requires the energy of the Fountain of Light as support.

Fortunately, the bright spring water in Bai Yu City is very abundant.


According to Gadros's description, soon, the female demon snake clan wrote a letter.

Stamped with the seal of Kathrus, and engraved with the imprint of the soul.

The female demon snake tribe delivered this letter along the source of light.

The war treasures of the dark world are various.

That long-range attack is not impossible to deal with.

"There is absolutely no problem in defending this guy's attack by borrowing Lord Aphrodite's war magic weapon. 35

"Then activate the special attack methods of our tower defense city to accumulate some strength in the future dark tide, and after the dark tide, it will be enough to deplete some of them. 35

"After all, Bai Yucheng is close to a large-scale tower defense city, and a small tower defense camp like you doesn't have enough personnel. If you dare to attack my tower defense city like this, I will make you suffer.

Kathoros gritted his teeth and said secretly.

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