It was half an hour after Su Ye completed the drawing design.

At about 800 meters, 500 meters and 200 meters from the camp.

Su Ye built three city walls along the terrain.

These city walls only occupy a quarter or even a fifth of the canyon passage.

These walls are only for drainage and obstruction.

It does not have the effect of attracting hatred, and it will not cause the attack of the corpse tide.

By detouring, it will greatly block the rushing speed of the corpse tide, but it will not cause blockage.

Su Ye didn't dare to do too much. Once blocked, these blocking walls would become targets for the corpse tide to vent their anger.

After releasing the corpse tide in an orderly manner, Su Ye can shoot and kill in an orderly and reasonable manner.

Then there is the most critical design.

This is the so-called "urn city" design.

Weng City!

After the zombies are drained, the area that gathers together makes a large number of zombies crowded together.

In this way, Su Ye can maximize the splash damage of the splash fangs.

In the canyon, Su Ye prefers to go for the design of the big V-shaped urn city.

"After the large V-shaped urn city drains the water, open a passage of about ten meters at the bottom of the V-shaped."

"Build a special arrow tower that attracts firepower and hatred at the back of the passage."

"In this way, even if there are giant zombies or even deformed zombies, they will be attracted by this special arrow tower."

"Let me have plenty of time to eliminate."

A simple one-word shot, of course, is simple and convenient.

However, Su Ye's current number of guardian beasts does not allow Su Ye to do this.

And through such a drainage design, the damage of the guardian beasts can be greatly exerted.

After checking to make sure there was nothing wrong, Su Ye started the manufacture of the city walls and special arrow towers.

Wood: 205

Stones: 105

Iron Body: 41

Lanyu Stones: 54

Zombie Crystal: 10

Banshee Crystal: 18

Botanical imprint: 1

Mechanical Marks: 2

Guardian Beast Mark: 1

Mark of Light: 0

Eagle Eye Archer Blueprint (Green): 2

Miner blueprints (green): 2

Genetic Medicine (green): 1

At this time, Su Ye still had fifty units of the stone city wall in his hand.

However, these stone walls need to be used in the construction of the drainage site in front.

In the construction of the v-shaped urn city, Iron Body is needed.

Fortunately, Su Ye now has enough Iron Body.

The most important thing is the "special arrow tower" that attracts firepower.

City walls and arrow tower units, as long as they have learned the corresponding "technology" and the materials are sufficient, they can be made at will.

In school, these things are compulsory subjects.

It's just that the arrow tower built by learning the Master's "Arrow Tower Technology" has a worrying ability to attack.

If you want the arrow tower to really play an offensive role.

That still needs to use the "drawing arrow tower".

However, this arrow tower of this Su Ye is not used for offense, but for defense and attracting hatred.

Attack ability is not important, what matters is defense ability and ability to attract hatred.

As the main material for the construction of the Arrow Tower, Su Ye placed a total of 8 Lanyu stones.

Eight main materials are the limit of Su Ye's arrow tower technology.

At the same time, these eight main materials can make the arrow tower have a height of eight meters.

It is also possible to make the most of the characteristics of the main material, the Lanyu stone.

The No. 1 secondary material, Su Ye was cruel and put 10 Iron Body directly.

This will make the tower larger, with a higher defense and vitality.

No. 2 secondary material, Su Ye put 20 stones to stabilize the foundation and improve the defense ability of the arrow tower

Sub-material No. 3 is the core, two copies of "Abomination Crystal".

This is also a rare material in Su Ye's hands that attracts hatred.

If possible, Su Ye would like to put ten crystals of hatred.

However, Su Ye has limited materials in his hands.

The Crystal of Abomination can make the tower's attacks more capable of attracting hatred.

For those creatures with a certain amount of intelligence, if the arrow tower with the abomination characteristic is attacked, it will breed anger.

For zombies, they are more of a dark creature that acts by instinct.

Even just a certain amount of hatred attraction is enough.

The three auxiliary materials are the limit of Su Ye's city wall technology.

It is said that some professional tower defense craftsmen specialize in building city walls, and their auxiliary materials can have seven or eight, or even as many as ten.

With the Abomination Crystal put in, all the ingredients have been put in.

Su Ye clicks to synthesize.

A huge arrow tower with a height of eight meters and a diameter of more than five meters, with a whole body of azure blue and iron blue, appeared in Su Ye's space ring.

At its top, there is a large exaggerated iron crossbow that can automatically attack surrounding enemies.

Such an arrow tower was built, and if others saw it, they would definitely scold Su Ye for wasting materials.

However, what Su Ye is about to face will be tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of zombies.

There will also be a large number of giant zombies and possibly deformed zombies, which cannot allow Su Ye to be cautious.

Finished building the "Abomination Arrow Tower" and other steel walls.

Su Ye walked out of the stone house.


The icy cold wind howled.

There was even a black mist floating in the air.

Look at these black mists in the air.

Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly.

These strange black mists appearing in the air are signs of the emergence of dark tides.

"Dark tide, it's coming soon, we have to speed up our actions."

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