War as a super civilization at the cosmic level.

That duration is undoubtedly protracted.

Every few years, decades, or even hundreds of years is a normal state.

But this time, the offensive and defensive battles between the chaotic cosmos civilization and the Blue Star City civilization have lasted for three months so far.

This situation was unexpected by many cosmic civilizations, as well as the chaotic cosmic civilization.

In the view of many cosmic civilizations.

One of the origin master world, although the life intensity is very high.

However, if enough power is invested, it will be torn apart by a simple attack in a few days.

Then attack the source, and then completely destroy the main world of one source.

However, this time the offensive force is a combination of many powerful chaotic cosmos civilizations.

The defending side is not a simple cosmic civilization, but a powerful Blue Star City cosmic civilization.

In the entire universe continent, there are almost invincible existences.

between these three months.

The power that has just begun to be invested is the power of routine.

But over time, the investment is no longer purely conventional forces.

The powerful top-notch chaotic fleets, the cosmic beasts controlled by the eternal gods, and even some eternal gods with powerful life-saving abilities have all taken action.

However, the main source world of the Blue Star City civilization, using the outer cosmic space barriers, and the barriers of the main source world, completely withstood.


The strength of the Blue Star City civilization is even more terrifying than they imagined.

Between offense and defense, the two sides completely stopped.

At the same time, the scale and ferocity of this war.

It also completely refreshed many cosmic civilizations, the understanding of the chaotic cosmic civilization and the civilization of the Blue Star City.

The number of combat units in the chaotic universe civilization is completely terrifying numbers they can't imagine.

And the top offensive force is also very powerful.

Although there is still a gap compared to the extraordinary holy beasts of the Blue Star City civilization,

But it is still not as high as they can reach.

And the civilization of Blue Star City has shown the power that they have never shown before.

That is near-invincible defense and super-massive means of destruction.

The first is the means of mass destruction of the Blue Star City civilization.

Before, when Blue Star City Civilization sold extraordinary sacred beasts to the outside world.

Seeing the power of these extraordinary holy beasts, they were all shocked.

But in this offensive and defensive battle.

The Blue Star City Civilization brought out another super destructive guardian beast.

According to external speculation, it should be the existence of the eternal fairy beast level.

This eternal fairy beast.

Each attack, the area covered, is the scope of destroying a small world, and it can wipe out millions of invaders that are thrown in within the scope.

And the frequency of such attacks is quite high.

Once there is a large-scale gathering and projection of power in some places.

Immediately there will be continuous attacks of the eternal fairy beast level.

Clear the area directly.

Under the attack of the eternal fairy beast.

Units without any attack can survive.

Even after the area is destroyed, the characteristic of death pulling will kill all the hundreds of millions of attacking units in a large area around it, which is completely a chain reaction.

The terrifying output of Blue Star City caused the massive intruders who attacked during this period of time to suffer heavy losses.

To put it more simply, it's about dying as much as you come.

There is absolutely no possibility of going back alive.

In addition to attacking terror.

On the other hand, the defense capability of the source world created by the Blue Star City civilization made them completely unbelievable.

Offensive at this scale.

Even if there is the existence of cosmic artifacts.

This source world will definitely be destroyed in less than a day.

However, it has been three months since then.

No matter how much power, how many methods, how many offensive cosmic war artifacts, or how many offensive strategies those chaotic cosmic civilizations put in.

But none of them had any impact on the main world of Blue Star's origin.

The outer layer of the Blue Star City [Cosmic Space Barrier], and the World Barrier with the blessing of the defensive war artifact, are like a mountain, blocking all attacks from the outside.

Logically speaking.

One world has suffered so many blows, and the life intensity of the world will also be attenuated.

・・Please ask for flowers.


Those many cosmic civilizations, far from being aware of the decline in the life intensity of the Blue Star City Lord World.


The life strength of the Blue Star City Lord's world has also been slightly increased.

This discovery has made many cosmic civilizations feel that their IQs are being rubbed on the ground.

Being attacked, the life strength has become stronger.

how can that be.

After the analysis of many cosmic civilizations.

This situation is mostly because the source world attack has been damaged, resulting in the leakage of life strength.

Then, because the peculiar cosmic barrier completely imprisoned the source world, and did not have any communication with the outside world at all, some scattered life breaths filled the interior and expanded, which led to the measurement error.


Similar situations have occurred before.

But no matter what, even so, this also means that this party's source master world is only slightly injured, and does not damage the foundation at all.

Under the large-scale attack of so many chaotic ships, he was only slightly injured after carrying it for so long.

This level of defense has been regarded as the most powerful defense system in the universe.

Even the cosmic barriers are not so strong.

At least, the cosmic barriers they cast power can cross.

But the barriers of the Blue Star City Lord's world.

They can't cross.


No matter how the outside world sees it, it is their own opinion.

And actually.

As simple as they see it.

During this three-month offensive.

After using the main world of the source of the [Shenyuan Compass], after absorbing a large amount of life breath, it is indeed becoming stronger.

No matter how those chaotic cosmic civilizations attacked.

It is difficult to cause effective damage to the Blue Star City Lord World.

The Blue Star City Lord's world is growing gradually in a slow but stable way in the tug of war between the two sides.

at the same time!

The defensive power of Blue Star City.

During this period of time, the floating defense points began to increase on a large scale.

Continue to fight, and the civilization of Blue Star City will only become stronger and stronger! 100 million.

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