Time, unknowingly, has reached the end of May.

It has been half a month since the end of the Bright Contest.

In recent days.

In the human communication channel, it is not very peaceful.


The "signs of the apostles" have begun to emerge.

The dark world has never been a stable world.

Tides, riots, natural disasters, famine, cold waves, etc.

and even some special events. It is always threatening the intelligent races, including humans, who rely on tower defense to survive in the dark world.

Previously, Zhuge Tianyu had reminded Su Ye to develop as soon as possible.

There will be strange events in the ancient jungle ruins.

And now.

That "sign of the apostles" seems to indicate something.

In the small channel of more than 100 people such as Su Ye.

A pioneer named "Sun Haifei" is sharing his experience.

"My camp is about five kilometers to the north, where it was originally a barren barren area.

"Even those ghouls who are not picky about anything don't want to roam in that area.35

"Four, three, three" "Just yesterday, some dark goblins appeared there, and they appeared in groups.

"After a preliminary investigation, I found that there was a goblin crypt at some point in time.

"Dude, you have made a fortune."

"The gates of the dungeon have been opened to you, and endless wealth is at hand.""

"And there are beautiful princesses waiting for you to rescue.

"Remember to bring your Warrior Medal.

Chu Xiangtian rushed out with information.

"What a goddess princess." That Sun Haifei said speechlessly.

Tianmu: "I advise you to clean up the goblin lair there as soon as possible, it is best to destroy it completely.

"Brother Tianmu, does this thing have anything to do with the sign of the apostle mentioned during this time?"

"I'm not too sure, but it should be related. After all, just after the rumors came out some time ago, the entrance of the dungeon creatures appeared in your place. It's better to clean it up as soon as possible."

"Can someone explain what is the sign of an apostle? 35

"I heard that it seems to be a kind of riot in the dungeon world.

"Something like Dark Tide?"

"I'm not too sure, it seems that this is a phenomenon that occurs in all areas of the entire dark world.

"The dark tide is a younger brother in front of the sign of the apostle!

"real or fake?"

"Why haven't I heard of this so-called sign of the apostles before? 359

At this time, someone specially ordered "Mong Meng"

"Master Xueba, can you come out and explain?"

"Some people said about the apostle's sign a few days ago. At that time, I thought it was fake. Since some people in the channel said that they really encountered the lair of underground creatures, it seems to be true now. 35 Female Xueba Mengmeng said. .

As soon as the female scholarly tyrant found out, many people suddenly gathered to watch.

"The small bench has been moved, and I beg the big brother to preach and get rid of his doubts!



"+10086. Chu Xiangtian: "I knew Su Ye that you are diving secretly again. Su Ye: 6699

"Let's stop talking, let Mengmeng tell about the sign of the apostle." As soon as Tianmu spoke, everyone stopped speaking. The female academic bully began to tell the story.

"You students in tower defense should all learn that the framework of our world is very complex.

"In general, there are three layers, and the first layer is the sky layer.

"There is a floating fortress occupied by extraordinary creatures.

"There is a dark magic city with its own energy barriers.

"There are also some powerful intelligent creatures, such as angels, dragons, demons, etc."

"The second layer is our layer, also known as the surface layer.""

"The vast majority of intelligent creatures live in our layer, and we humans are one of the many intelligent creatures.

"We build tower defense, relying on guardian beasts and a large number of defense buildings, to resist the darkness and survive in the dark.

"You are all aware of the dangers and hardships involved, so I won't say more."

"Then, the third floor, which is the underground floor."

"The world we call dungeons. 35

"In the dungeon world, there are also a large number of dark creatures. The risk factor is not lower than the surface. 55

"And in the deeper part of the dungeon world, it is said that there are sealed and exiled [apostles] there.

"An apostle is a great, extraordinary creature with extraordinary powers.

"They were suppressed in the deepest part of this world."

"However, their power will dissipate at a certain point in time.

"As to why this is so, I don't know either. 35

"But one thing is for sure, once their power escapes.

"If there is less escape, then the signs of the apostles will only appear in the dungeon world, and will not spread to the surface world.

"And once there is a lot of escape, such as this time, the terrifying power has already permeated the surface. Some abnormalities have appeared on the surface."

"Then, there will be widespread disaster.

"Moreover, at present, this is only a preliminary sign, and it is obvious that the power of the apostles is still escaping.

"As for what level it will reach, it's hard to say."

"But certainly more terrifying than a large dark tide. 35


"In the next period of time, it is best for everyone to collect resources as much as possible to improve their strength, so as to fight against the dark creatures from the dungeon world after the outbreak of the apostolic sign.

"And facing the threat of possible existence of dungeon leaders, dungeon lords, even dungeon demon kings, and even the projection of the apostles. The escape of the power of the apostles from the deepest part of the dungeon world is more terrifying than the large dark tide? Speaking of the story, everyone couldn't help but contemplate. If this is the case, then the escape of the power of the apostles from the dungeon this time is too terrifying! Everyone knows about large tides. Generally speaking, it takes a few years. There will be one time. The reason why humans dare to launch large-scale reclamation in the ancient ruins jungle is mainly because the last large dark tide just broke out in the ancient ruins jungle area. At least for a long time in the future, it should not be There is a large dark tide. After all, once a large dark tide appears, basically one of the camps below the tower defense town will be counted as one, and none of them will survive. Even if it is a tower defense town, 80% It is difficult to defend. As for the level of tower defense city, only those tower defense cities with profound background, relatively strong strength and relatively good terrain can dare to say that they can survive the large dark tide. And this time the apostle The catastrophe. Worse than the Great Dark Tide.

How does this make people live?

It seemed that everyone was a little frightened by the power of the apostolic disaster.

Mengmeng continued to speak: "You don't need to worry too much.

"It is estimated that the escape of the apostles' power will take a long time to erupt, and the first explosion will come from the dungeon world first, and then it will spread layer by layer before reaching the surface world."

"The time it takes for light to escape is as little as two or three months, and as much as a year and a half. 95

"And after the eruption, it will take three months to escape from the depths of the ground. 35

"In general, we have at least half a year to come to four months, and better yet, half a year to prepare."

"There is such a long time, enough for everyone to grow to be strong enough."

Everyone heard that there were still four months, or even half a year, and they couldn't help but relax.


This time is indeed quite sufficient.

"Actually, in the dark world, there will always be this or that kind of incident." Tianmu spoke at this time.

"It's just that we weren't pioneers before, we didn't manage camps, and we didn't know much about these things.

"If you get the history of the ancient ruins jungle, you will know that most of the time, the ancient ruins jungle is not peaceful.

Mengmeng: "Indeed."

"Don't say it, it's true.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Ye smiled.

Regarding the history of the growth rings of the ancient ruins, Su Ye had read a lot during this time.

People in the channel communicated one after another.

Su Ye gradually calmed down.

"Apostolic calamity?"

"Now I may not be able to withstand the large dark tide, let alone the disaster of the apostle who is more powerful than the large dark tide."

"But after a few months, it will be different.

"Maybe in the disaster of the apostles, I can still get rich benefits.

Su Ye secretly said.

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