In the past few days, riots have begun to appear in Magic Shield City.

There are even some runaway behaviors of the wealthy class.

All kinds of rumors and rumors are surging all over the Magic Shield City.

And this happened, naturally, because Magic Shield City had been losing successively in the battle with Su Ye in the past few days.


On the 24th, after destroying a light-fountain in Magic Shield City.

On the 27th day, Su Ye's men discovered another bright spring, and then carried out the destruction again, eliminating all the stationed personnel of the bright spring, and at the same time destroying the bright spring.

Destroy more than 200 guardian beasts and more than 30 war commanders.

Arrow towers, hundreds of defensive towers.

Also, on this day.

Su Ye's men, leading a dozen chariots, carried out a sneak attack on the large army of the Magic Shield City that was clearing the No. 4 Bright Spring.

In the first battle, he wiped out more than 1,200 guardian beasts of the opponent, and even more than 100 war commanders of the opponent.

Then on the other side's patrol front, Su Ye's large army of guardian beast chariots attacked.

It directly pierced through the other's seven or eight mineral fields.

Destroy more than 300 guardian beasts of the opponent.

Along the way, they ambushed another wave of the other party's additional personnel.

Although there were not many kills, it greatly damaged the morale of Magic Shield City.

At this time, finally the Magic Shield City couldn't bear it anymore.

on the last day of May.

That is, May 31st.

They bypassed the Lanyu Stone Mine territory.

He made a big circle at the top of the canyon, and launched a wave of attacks towards Su Ye's city lord's mansion in the canyon passage.

It's a pity that they didn't know that their actions were completely watched by Su Ye.

Those high-level ghost guardian beasts, who have strong concealment, can't see it at all.

For this battle, Su Ye's thirty sixth-order chariots gave full play to the terrifying characteristics of their ultra-long-range attack range.

In the canyon, they can easily project the shells four or five hundred meters high.

Then across a distance of 600 meters, bombard the enemy.

Wait until almost all the enemies have entered the attack range.

The bombing began.

It was a complete one-sided massacre.

They have absolutely no power to resist.

The fight lasted nearly two hours.

Most of the time, it was Su Ye and others who were chasing him.

The final result is staggeringly rich.

In this battle, more than 3,000 guardian beasts were wiped out.

Eliminate more than 300 commanders.

More than 200 commanders were also arrested.

As for other chariots, defensive chariots, etc., there are as many as five or six hundred.

They also wanted to use defensive chariots against Su Ye's advanced plants.

I really think too much.

The fifth-order plants in the dozens of fifth-order chariots before could easily wipe out more than a thousand opponents.

And now, in front of the sixth-order plants, one of these defensive chariots is about to burst.

This battle completely wiped out the self-confidence of Magic Shield City in the past.

Even the entire Magic Shield City was completely blinded.

Without even touching the opponent's camp, they were completely wiped out.

How to fight this?

Can't beat it at all.

This isn't a battle on the same level at all.

The successive defeats led to the turmoil in Magic Shield City.

For some wealthy classes to run away, this is fairly light.

All kinds of gossip and rumors are surging all over the Magic Shield City, which has already made ordinary people want to run away.

Once ordinary people run away, the tower defense city on this side will be over.

Fortunately, the upper levels of Magic Shield City also have enough power to control the entire tower defense city.

Has control of the teleportation array.

Although it was turbulent for a while, there was no major chaos.

But if you continue to fight like this.

Once Su Ye's shells landed on the walls of Magic Shield City.

The Magic Shield City must be fried in place.

In the conference room!

Su Ye looked at the fruitful record in this period of time.

The current Su Ye has been fighting with Magic Shield City for about a month.

It can be seen that the six or seven thousand or so guardian beasts in Magic Shield City have been completely wiped out.

The new guardian beasts are basically synthesized at this stage.

And those dead war commanders, there is no way to get them together in a short time.

Now the defensive ability of Magic Shield City is almost the same as before.

But without so many war commanders, the command is definitely not as flexible as before.

After reading the list of war statistics.

Only then did Su Ye pick up a letter on the side.

Since the first time that unsigned guy handed him a peace letter.

The other party has successively stated his identity. He is the chief analyst of Magic Shield City and wants to have peace talks with Su Ye.

However, Su Ye has already burned five or six letters from the other party.

Even the city lord did not come forward to negotiate peace.

A guy who has no sincerity at all, do you still want peace?

....... ask for flowers.

Open this letter.

With one glance, Su Ye couldn't help but frown, and immediately looked at it carefully.

This time it is not the letter from the chief analyst.

It's the Lord of Magic Shield City!

"Dear Lord of the Rift.

I am the lord of the Magic Shield City 'Batashan Elut'

I am very sorry for the disturbance to your territory before.

There is war and peace between races, and neither of us benefits the other from our conflict.

And Your Excellency also knows that the apostles that swept the entire ancient ruins jungle, the speed of their power escaping has been getting faster and faster.

If we don't stop fighting each other, then when the Apostolic Calamity breaks out in the Ancient Ruins Jungle, both of us will be severely injured.

Your Excellency's camp is also under development, and I don't think Your Excellency will see the outbreak of the Apostolic Disaster destroy the camp that Your Excellency has worked so hard to build.


In order to express my sincerity in peace, I am willing to take out 1,000 guardian beasts of green quality, as well as related materials, to express my apology for the conflict before.

Lord of the Magic Shield City, Batashan Elut Yours sincerely.

After reading the letter, Su Ye smiled and threw it to Li Tianan who was beside him.

After reading it, Li Tianan circulated it to others again.


The five core managers have all been circulated.

"What do you think?

Su Ye asked.

"It should be a real surrender, but what this gives... is completely us." Li Tian said in a dark voice.

"It's really too few. Anyway, as a medium-sized tower defense city, this thing is not painful at all, just want to have peace?"

“We should bombard their tower defense walls and let them know that defeat costs a little more than that.39

Zhou Kalu is well aware of the ferocity of the Lord's strength.

Naturally, he scoffed at the letter of surrender from the Lord of Magic Shield City.

"Well, you discuss it, draw up a compensation list, and send it to them."

Su Ye spoke up.

"And the letter should tell them that if they don't pay compensation according to our requirements, even if the high level of their ethnic group opens the door to war for them, they will die as much as they come.

"If they want to fight, we will accompany them to the end."

Su Ye is very clear that only by having a firm attitude can he get more good things.

This time, it is necessary to make enough blood from the Magic Shield City.

Otherwise, your tower defense city will not be full of millions.

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