Tower Defense For All: Resist Trillions Of Dark Creatures

Chapter 89 Selling Tier 5 Guardian Beasts

Everyone in the public channel spoke one after another.

Obviously, the images of medium and large dark tides this time are still very huge.

Dark Tide's small, medium, and large.

It's all three concepts.

Small dark tides, mainly a large number of ordinary dark creatures.

There are fewer giant dark dark creatures.

Aberrations are even fewer.

When Su Ye occupied one of the ten external passages of a zombie town, he only encountered two aberrant creatures.

If the aberrant creatures are allowed to enter the vast open area outside.

I am afraid that it is difficult to be encountered by the camp.

The Medium Dark Tide is different.

Medium Dark Tide, first of all, the number and variety of dark creatures will be complicated.

At that time, the large area of ​​the Zombie Grand Canyon.

Not only are there zombies on the ground, but also some ghost nests in the sky/dark ghosts in the town, vampire dens in the crypt caves/dark vampires in the town.

Their lands are also affected by dark forces.

At that time, there will be zombies on the ground, and there will be a dense mass of dark ghosts and dark blood races in the sky.

Among them, the zombie town was the most severely affected.

There will be huge numbers of giant zombies. 443

The number of deformed zombies will be as large as the previous giant zombies.

One in ten minutes, or even a few minutes.

And large tides, let alone.

It only comes once every two or three years.

It's a catastrophe once in a while.

Medium Dark Tides are extremely dangerous.

Even a tower defense camp with sufficient personnel and sufficient defensive strength, if the location is not good, it is difficult to hold on.

It is no wonder that at this time, there was a lot of shouting in the channel.

This is indeed a relatively big blow to the pioneers.

Numerous and noisy compared to public channels that accommodate a large number of people.

The small channel was much quieter.

Tianmu: "This time, the medium and large dark tides are really fucked up!

"Give me another half a month and I will capture the wetland with green wood in that place. If it grows steadily, it will be fertile.

"It's a pity that time doesn't allow it!

"My side is still a little worse, but my terrain is relatively good, the number of those dark wolves in the wasteland should be small, that is, the ghosts and dark blood races in the sky, and the dark crows are somewhat difficult to defend.

It was the female academic bully Mengmeng who spoke.

"This wave is a bit ruthless!" Someone said helplessly.

"It's not a bit tough anymore, it's pretty tough."

"Which one of you is confident of surviving this dark tide?" Li Kua asked at this time.

"My side is better. The small island where I am is isolated on the periphery of the island group, and the terrain can isolate many dark creatures. 33 It was Chu Xiangtian who spoke.

"It is estimated that there will be more marine undead at that time, but it can still be kept.

"Mr. Chu is still amazing!

"Playing and playing, making troubles and making troubles, we still have to see Big Brother Chu at the critical moment!"

"I also got the light of Su Ye boss!"

"Without his Lanyu stone, my guardian beast would not be so powerful.

"The guardian beast synthesized from the blue stone blocks, plus some special boosters, tsk tsk... the frankness is amazing."5

"Boss Su Ye's Lan Yu stone is really powerful."

"The blue guardian beast I synthesized has been fully strengthened with the War Weapon Workshop, and the monoclonal antibody giant creature has been carrying it for a long time."

"Indeed, Su Ye's blue jade stone is indeed quite powerful. Combined with other high-grade materials, the power of the synthesized guardian beast is beyond doubt. 39

"Boss Su Ye, do you still have any Lanyu stones? I want to buy a wave!

At this time, Chu Xiangtian sent an exclusive reminder to Su Ye.

After thinking about it, Su Ye said.

"Lan Yu stone, there is no problem, but I have something better, do you want it? 39

"Fuck! The boss is the boss.

"The Lanyu stone is already a very powerful treasure, does the boss have more powerful treasures to take out?

"The boss sent it out to take a look. 39

"If it's great, we'll buy it!

"I beg the boss to show a wave.

(cgef) During this period of time, after careful consideration, Su Ye decided to start selling the sun-strengthened guardian beasts.

Selling materials to exchange things is not a long-term solution.

After all, the price of materials is stable.

It's hard to get a premium.

Simply put, materials are things without technical content.

In the hands of Su Ye, the most technical and easy-to-premise good things are undoubtedly the sunlight produced by the system.

To be more precise, the guardian beast has been strengthened by sunlight.

Those green and blue guardian beasts don't consume much sunlight.

The green guardian beast, rises to the fifth rank, consumes 1500.

The blue guardian beast, rising to the fifth level, consumes 3000 sunlight.

But the boost it brings is terrifying.

How much is the price of the green guardian beast, about 60 to 100 iron pieces.

Blue guardian beasts are more expensive, generally around 500 to 1000 iron.

And if the green guardian beast is raised to the fifth level.

Its value, at least 5,000 iron blocks start, seven or eight thousand are possible. Fifty to sixty times the premium.

And the fifth-order blue guardian beast, not to mention, the 15,000 iron blocks are facing upwards, and the 20,000 iron blocks may not be able to be taken down.

The fifth-order blue guardian beast is already comparable to the price of the Bright Mark, or even higher.

As for the more powerful purple, orange, and even chariots and so on.

At this stage, Su Ye will definitely not take it out.

And in the future, when these things are sold.

At that time, Su Ye will also make all his guardian beasts reach the tenth-order threshold before selling these good things.

The green guardian beasts under Su Ye are already quite abundant.

Especially the eagle-eyed archers, very many.

And there will be more in the future.

It is also time to cooperate with the sun to exchange for higher-level good things.

These powerful guardian beasts can allow Su Ye to exchange purple or even orange materials.

Rare mark of heroic spirit, mark of war.

The land of ruins, the coordinates of the mysterious land.

Even a war spirit, and even a war artifact.

These good things have never appeared in the market.

Now, Su Ye's basic things are almost there.

Then Su Ye also needs to progress in a higher level field and start his own transactions.

Su Ye can't come up with good things, but he can't redeem these good things.

And now, this wave of dark tides is coming.

is the best opportunity.

Take out so many good things by yourself, and let these geniuses who open up wasteland at the same time feel the power of these guardian beasts.

At that time, it will naturally spread.

Su Ye didn't even bother to ask questions one by one.

They will compete for the strong and find their own deals.

Make your own bid then.

You can exchange for advanced resources.

There are no advanced resources, sorry, but I don't have your share.

Watching everyone speak in succession, let yourself come up with good things.

Su Ye sent a holographic video that he had prepared before.

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