Tower of Babel

Chapter 112

It’s Chinese New Year! I wish you all a happy New Year and a happy family. From now on, I wish you to make a lot of money, a prosperous country, a prosperous family, a prosperous wealth, a prosperous fortune, a prosperous body, may all your wishes come true, and be safe every year.

After three years of deep space exploration. Finally discovered the battlefield of God. The relics of the Beast God were also discovered, and Zhang Cheng then thought of going to the Beast God Continent to see the Fox Clan. It is also necessary to give them a formal title.

The Battlefield of Gods is located on the satellite of the nearest planet to this planet. The environment of the planet is similar to that of the moon. A total of thirty-seven battleship wreckage were discovered. Everything is very well preserved. These remnants have not been consumed by oxidation and corrosion. Although there are some meteor impacts, there are still more than those left by weathering. Twenty thousand years have passed, and the outline of that time can still be seen.

Zhang Cheng ordered the robots to land and inspect the ancient battlefield. These spacecrafts had been completely destroyed and the possibility of repair was lost. However, it could be vaguely seen that the technical level of these spacecrafts was equivalent to his own. They all had four-dimensional maintenance + anti-gravity engines and could not exceed Flying at the speed of light, only one of them may use a curvature engine, but it is completely unrecognizable. But this spacecraft is obviously outstanding, and its style is completely different from the other six major civilizations. It is certain that it is the product of another civilization.

There are two basic technologies for super-light flight, one is the curvature engine and the other is the four-dimensional shield. Both are indispensable. These so-called gods obviously only completed half of the work before the destruction of their home planet, so they had to go their separate ways.. Spread the fire of civilization to all parts of the universe.

But the development of science and technology is sometimes very scientific. Even though these spacecraft are not advanced to Zhang Cheng, they have unique attainments in space technology. A thousand cubic meters is nothing, these spaceships have a huge capacity. Far exceeds the size of the spacecraft. It is far more than what Zhang Cheng got from the Hai Clan. After all, the Hai Clan was just a biological factory in the early stages of the alien interstellar expedition, not the real industrial system on their home planet.

Thirteen of the thirty-seven warship wrecks had their host computers still intact, and three of them still had partially intact giant spaces. After Zhang Cheng deciphered these computers, he restored the events from 23,000 years ago. , these spaceships come from a total of seven civilizations, six of which are the destruction of the home planet as Zhang Cheng guessed, and are the seeds of civilization drifting. Their aerospace capabilities are very poor. Originally, the six companies have reached a peace agreement to jointly develop this planet. The Sea Tribe is actually their joint venture, but another adventurer from an advanced civilization arrived belatedly. This adventurer broke the balance and wanted to annex these six civilizations, so he united some people to suppress others, and started playing Thick black science, and ultimately the seven civilizations were buried here due to internal strife.

Although the spaceship was destroyed, the analyzed technology far exceeded the combined magic technology of all countries in the world. Twenty thousand years have passed, and the remains of these six civilizations are still there. Instead of progressing further, it has degenerated into a primitive society and started all over again. It is still in a medieval feudal society. The satellite has seen many unknown buildings, which are the prehistoric relics of the six major civilizations, including strategic reserve bases, energy centers, and communications. The base station cannot be approached by ordinary people, but now Zhang Cheng has obtained the highest authority of the three civilizations. These three civilizations include the Orcs, Demons and Feathers.

The Orcs were originally centered on the Fox Clan. The Lion King who is now in the dominant position is a usurper. The Lion Clan is positioned as a warrior, a type of war beast rather than a leader. By. The lion, griffon, snake-man, and rhinoceros are the four great warriors of the orcs, while the werewolves are positioned as assassins, the elephants are strongmen, and the tauren are coolies. The cats and rabbits are spies, and the foxes are the leaders.

It's not that these aliens don't want to engage in industry or thermal weapons, but they are unable to carry a huge industrial system across the vast interstellar space. The simplest way is biotechnology. Although organisms are complex, manufacturing them is very simple and only requires one female. Kazuo. Even a fertilized egg will do. It is very convenient to carry.

Zhang Cheng got the coordinates of the orc altar in the battleship. After connecting to the orc altar, he found that the orc king Lion King was leading the beasts to sacrifice to the beast god and pray for the beast god to come. Among the beasts, there was a man beside the lion king. The old man with black hair and yellow eyes, who looked like a Chinese, reminded Zhang Cheng of Bai Xue and the others. He immediately became interested and led ten robots to descend directly on the orc altar.

After a burst of ball lightning, the beast god arrived! All the beasts are confused! After more than 20,000 years of repeated sacrifices, the beast god has never appeared! Today! Why did it appear? Especially the Lion King is even more confused. After the Lion clan usurped the throne more than 10,000 years ago, he was afraid that the beast god would appear and punish him, so he changed the rules of sacrifice long ago. It just doesn't work.

The altar is no longer surrounded by flowers and fragrant fruits, but instead of vegetarian food, it is replaced by blood sacrifices. Although it is fresh flesh and blood, it is not fishy but it does not smell good. In addition to hoping that the sacrifice will not work. It is still a kind of temptation and blasphemy. If you don't show your spirit, you are weak. Therefore, the Lion King likes to sacrifice and use this kind of blasphemy to strengthen his confidence and prestige over and over again, thereby denying the existence of God.

Who knows, the initiative of whether or not the spirit will appear does not lie in how you perform sacrifices, but in whether God wants to manifest the spirit. It has nothing to do with sacrifice, not to mention it is a flesh and blood sacrifice. Even if you throw shit on it, it will still work.

The old man who seemed to be Chinese hurriedly knelt down and knelt down:"Master Beast God, you made the Fox tribe suffer so much! Wow!——"

Crying uncontrollably. The other beasts echoed, their subordinates had seen the files in the beast god's computer read by Master Beast God Zhang Cheng, and of course they knew the rules of sacrifice. They said angrily:"Who told you to use blood food for sacrifice? Quickly remove it and replace it with flowers and fruits. And you, the nine-tailed fox clan, have not ordered the fox girl to perform the dance and wait until when?"

The old man cried and said:"I report to the beast god, the lion clan people have rebelled. They are the ones who changed the flowers and fruits into blood food sacrifices. They changed the name of Qingqiu Mountain to Shituoling. They kill my fox tribe every year for sacrifice, and regard our fox tribe as domestic animals. If our fox tribe hadn’t been mentally superior to ordinary orcs, they would have perished long ago! Please give me back the beasts. Lord God makes the decision for us!"

What's going on? Why didn't these little foxes say anything?

The Lion King said angrily:"You old man, I have been so kind to you and worshiped you as the prime minister. You accuse me like this today. You really know people but don't know their hearts. I won't eat you today!" The thorns are the most hateful. The lion king rose up and rushed towards the old man of the fox clan. Magneto stepped forward and punched the Lion King, and said angrily:"How dare you! How dare you be so arrogant in front of the Beast God."

Zhang Chengdao:"Someone will pull this blasphemer out and shoot him." However, he found the Lion King. The internal restraint method of the godhead failed.

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