After finishing their meal, the three returned to their own department.

In the office, Fang Xin carefully looked at the medical records of past patients. This was also his favorite way to relax in his spare time.

At the same time, a 1.8-meter-tall man with thick eyebrows suddenly rushed in with a child in his arms, his eyes full of panic.

""Doctor Fang, please take a look at my child. She suddenly has a lot of small bumps."

The little girl in front of him had red cheeks. Her arms and neck were covered with large red bumps. Not only that, the little girl kept scratching. Her originally fair skin turned red at this moment.

Looking at his daughter's condition, the 1.80-meter-tall father was sweating anxiously, waiting for Fang Xin's answer anxiously.

"Doctor Fang, please speak up. I only have this one daughter.

Seeing Fang Xin hesitate to speak, the anxious father hurriedly asked. On the way here, he also looked up his daughter's condition on the Internet.

But the descriptions on the Internet were more terrifying than the other, which made the father, who had no experience to begin with, even more nervous.

"Doctor Fang, they said my daughter might have lupus. Is this disease difficult to treat? She is only eight years old."

While waiting, the father muttered to himself.

Fang Xin, who was taking the little girl's pulse, almost vomited blood after hearing about lupus. What the hell is going on?

"Who told you it was lupus erythematosus?"

Fang Xin asked curiously. He really wanted to know who the expert who came to this conclusion was.

"What the Internet said, my own illness was cured by the Internet, the doctor is very accurate."

Hearing the answer from the girl's father, Fang Xin felt like slapping him. He has been a doctor for so long, and the most annoying thing is that patients blindly treat themselves on the Internet, and some doctors don't believe it and insist on believing what is said on the Internet.

The father is so healthy now thanks to his good luck. Ignoring the father

, Fang Xin carefully examined the little girl and got the result. This is not lupus erythematosus at all, but a very common urticaria.

"Your daughter has urticaria, which won't kill you. Don't keep looking at random things on the Internet."

Fang Xin said to her daughter's father.

"Little girl, I'm going to give you an injection now."

As he spoke, Fang Xin took out a syringe and a needle. For acute urticaria, an injection is the fastest way to

""Dad, I don't want an injection, wow~"

After hearing about the injection, the little girl burst into tears. Children of this age are most afraid of injections when they come to the hospital. Fang Xin is already used to this kind of situation.

"Okay, okay, we won't have any injections."

""Niuniu, be good!"

After holding his daughter in his arms, the father winked at Fang Xin. Children of this age can only be outwitted and not forced. The little girl lying motionless in her father's arms was the best time for Fang Xin to make a move.


After Fang Xin's needle was pulled out, the little girl, feeling the pain, burst into tears again. Looking at the child in his arms with messy hair and tears and snot mixed together, the father hurriedly comforted her lovingly.

""Doctor Fang, is this really okay?"

After the child calmed down a little, the child's father asked half-doubtfully. He did not see the hives on the child fade away.

"Don't doubt the doctor, we are more professional than those people on the Internet, just wait a little longer"

"The drug has just been injected, even if it is a special medicine, it won't work so quickly."

Fang Xin smiled. The father at the moment is simply a daughter slave. After a few minutes, the urticaria on the child's body began to gradually dissipate.

"Baby, are you still itchy?"

After turning around, the little girl looked up at her father and said:

"It doesn't itch anymore"

"The baby didn't cry when she got the injection just now."

After hearing that the girl was much better, the father quickly stood up and thanked Fang Xin. Seeing that the urticaria had subsided, Fang Xin also spoke again:

"Be careful not to let her child get caught in a sudden cold."

"And you should take your children to exercise more. Urticaria is generally caused by low or disordered immunity of children. As long as the immunity is improved, the disease will not recur in the future."

"And, the most important thing is, if you have any problems in the future, go to the hospital to see a doctor, and don't blindly seek treatment on the Internet, otherwise something will happen sooner or later, adults and children are the same."

Listening to Fang Xin's words, the little girl Fang Xin's father nodded quickly. As long as his daughter can be cured, Fang Xin can say anything.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Fang."

"I will definitely not look at it online myself in the future. I will come to you if I have any questions."

"You'd better not come here often."

Fang Xin said with a smile. This hospital is not a good place. Who likes to come to the hospital often? Isn't this just cursing yourself?

"Oh, one more thing. Doctor Fang, do I need to bring my daughter here tomorrow?"

In the fixed thinking of ordinary people, diseases that generally require injections and infusions require several courses of treatment. One course will not work at all.

"Why are you coming here?

Fang Xin was puzzled. His child was cured now. What was he going to do in the hospital tomorrow? Could it be that the man in front of him could predict the future?

"It's the second shot. You just got one shot today."

Seeing his father's innocent face, Fang Xin almost laughed at him.

"Your daughter just got a special medicine, one shot is enough. Fang Xin said with a smile.

Looking at the child who had recovered in his arms, and then looking at Fang Xin, the father's face showed a big smile.

"Doctor Fang, thank you. We will leave now."


Fang Xin waved his hand and said, the father and daughter he met at the moment were really the most interesting couple he had met in the past year. The father who was a daughter slave was so cute.

At the same time, in Zhang Yueyue's clinic, a very special patient came. You know, Zhang Yueyue is a gynecologist, but now a man came in.

"Where is your girlfriend or your wife? Why are you here alone?"

Looking at the young man in front of her, Zhang Yueyue was puzzled.

""Doctor, can we let the other patients go out first?"

The young man pointed at the female patients around him and said with an embarrassed look.

Zhang Yueyue did not object at the moment. Gynecological diseases were no different from other diseases. It was very important to protect the privacy of patients, so she asked all irrelevant people to leave the office.

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