Fang Xin was extremely calm at the moment, not affected at all. Although Fang Xin paid close attention to the two patients, as a doctor, he knew that he had to remain calm at all times.

As a doctor, he must not be swayed by his emotions!

Ten minutes later,

Fang Xin looked at the unconscious patient who was still receiving emergency treatment, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. In order to avoid emotional breakdown of the family members in the emergency room, the family members of the patient were invited out again.

At this moment, the family members closed their eyes, clasped their hands together, and prayed continuously. The defibrillator fell again and again in the isolation area. Everyone was using different methods to treat the unconscious patients.

"Is there any sign of waking up?"

After seeing Fang Xin coming in, the medical staff on the scene lowered their heads, and Wu Zekai was even more self-blaming. Now they have used all the rescue methods they can use.

But the unconscious patient showed no signs of waking up. Not only that, his breathing and heart rate had already stopped. In other words, the patient had died in his sleep during the rescue just now.

Looking at the lost people, Fang Xin rolled up his sleeves and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient:

""Wake up!"

Fang Xin shouted with red eyes. Since he had the system, Fang Xin's medical career has been smooth sailing. As long as he is here, there is no disease that cannot be cured. Facing this patient who has stopped breathing, Fang Xin's heart has always been unable to accept it.

Once, twice, three times...

As time passed, Fang Xin's head was already covered with dense beads of sweat. Looking at the calm electrocardiogram, Fang Xin slowly stopped the rescue, looked at the medical staff around him and said:

"The patient's rescue efforts were ineffective and he was pronounced dead at 2:05 am!"

"Ah... How am I going to live if you leave me alone?……"

At the same moment when Fang Xin announced the death, the patient's family members collapsed to the ground, crying bitterly. Their heart-wrenching cries made everyone present sad.

At the same time, the emergency room was dead silent, and only the cry of a woman could be heard.


After the body was pushed out, the medical staff on the scene no longer had smiles on their faces. As doctors, they had long since become indifferent to the separation of life and death, but when a living life really slipped away from their fingertips, the self-blame and depression in their hearts were self-evident.

Now, everyone of them was holding their breath. There were still many patients waiting for them in the emergency room. No matter how much resentment they felt, they could not show it.

"Nurse, is there any cure for my illness?"

"I feel my breathing is getting faster and faster, and my body is not under my control."

The young patient, who was already nervous, became even more nervous after witnessing the separation of life and death. When he thought of the severity of his illness that Fang Xin had just mentioned, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Don't worry, with Dr. Fang and Dr. Wu here, you will be fine. Believe it.……"

Just as Xiao Zhang was comforting the patient in front of him with a smile, the patient on the bed suddenly began to shake uncontrollably, and his face instantly turned purple.

"Doctor Fang, Doctor Fang!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhang hurried to Fang Xin's side.

"Push him to the operating room immediately, Wu Zekai, I'll leave this to you."

After saying that, Fang Xin rushed towards the operating room. Today, a patient's life had slipped away from his fingertips, and this time Fang Xin would never let the same thing happen a second time.

In the operating room,

Fang Xin, who had changed into surgical clothes, stood in this familiar position again - the chief surgeon!

"Ladies and gentlemen, a patient has died today despite failed rescue efforts. Can we allow the same thing to happen again?"

""Never allow it!"

Inside the operating room, the medical staff shouted in unison.

"Okay! Start the operation!"

Fang Xin was extremely determined at this moment. In view of what had just happened, the morale and atmosphere of the entire emergency room had dropped to the freezing point. Now they had to save this patient, rekindle the fighting spirit of the medical staff, and let the patient be full of hope for life again.

"Insert the tube!"

On the display of the instrument, Fang Xin could clearly see that the patient's lung function had been lost. If the tube was not inserted to deliver oxygen, the patient would suffocate to death.

"The patient has a lacerated lung. Judging from the current situation, it is not serious and can be repaired immediately."

After confirming the patient's condition, Fang Xin immediately gave the order.

The scalpel cut open the patient's chest cavity, and Fang Xin clearly saw the blood accumulation in the patient's lungs. It was because of the tear in the lungs that the patient's lungs had too much blood accumulation, which affected the patient's breathing and caused the current situation.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the tear in the patient's lungs is not serious. As long as the blood in the lungs is sucked out and the tear in the lungs is sutured, it can be repaired.

"Drainage tube!"

After receiving the tool from the assistant, Fang Xin immediately began to remove the blood.

In order to avoid secondary damage to the lungs, Fang Xin's movements were unusually slow. No matter what kind of surgical tool, it is a foreign body to the human body, so the entire operation must be very precise and there must not be any mistakes.

"There is still 5 centimeters away from the blood accumulation in the lungs. Always pay attention to the patient's physical condition!"

Although the space in the lungs looks large, most of it is supported by gas, which also makes the lung muscles very elastic. Now, as long as it goes down a little bit, the drainage tube can contact the blood accumulation and clear it.

Fang Xin, be careful, the better.

At this moment, Fang Xin kept cheering himself up in his heart. Even Fang Xin, who has the sky-repairing hand, dare not be careless at the moment.

The patient's lungs were originally torn. If he caused secondary damage due to improper operation, they might not be able to suture the lung tear, but instead turn it into a partial lobectomy.

In this way, due to the mistakes of medical staff, the harm to the patient is lifelong. After the lobectomy, the patient's respiratory function will be impaired, and he will not be able to perform high-intensity work in the future.

The whole person's physical skills and functions will decline

"Doctor Fang, the patient's heart rate has dropped sharply! We have to speed up!"

On the heart rate monitor, the patient's heartbeat suddenly dropped for some reason. If the heart rate is not increased, the patient may never wake up on the operating table.

Oh my God! Please help me!

Fang Xin was ruthless and directly inserted the drainage tube. His action was so fast that no one could react.

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