Professor Ding's heart was in his throat.

But he was calmer than everyone else present.

Fang Xin's skills were indeed recognized by Professor Ding.

Professor Ding even felt inferior to him in terms of technique.

In addition to lamenting that the younger generation was pushing the older generation forward, Professor Ding's heart was mostly filled with admiration for Fang Xin.

But even so.

Such a bold move still made Professor Ding's heart rise.

Don't make any mistakes.

Professor Ding kept repeating in his mind.

No one dared to breathe.

For fear that a strange sound would disturb Fang Xin.

Everyone's attention was focused on his hands.

Fang Xin used the Zhenlong Eyes and the Bu Tian Hand to the extreme.

In his sight, the barb of the steel bar immersed in blood appeared exactly at the end of the cut wound.

It was time.

His hand did not tremble at all, and he pulled it out very firmly. Before anyone could react, it had been pulled out from the victim's right lung.

No additional damage was caused at all.

The steel bar was really heavy.

When Fang Xin put the steel bar on the tray held by the nurse, the nurse didn't react and almost couldn't hold it.

It was then that everyone realized that the steel bar had been pulled out.

"Change gloves, gauze hemostat, needle and thread!"

Fang Xin raised his hands.

The assistant who just reacted immediately took off the gloves on Fang Xin's hands and put on a pair of gloves for him.

""Clean the wound and replenish the lungs!"

Another order was issued.

Professor Ding did it himself.

Fang Xin's hands were like flowers, and the stitching movements dazzled everyone present.

"The patient's blood pressure has stabilized and his vital signs are stable!"

"Doctor Fang is amazing. 100CC of plasma is just right."

"Don't talk, the operation is still going on!"

With the cooperation of Fang Xin and Professor Ding, the injured man's chest was quickly sutured.

"The patient's blood pressure rises slowly"

"The patient's vital signs are normal"

"What I cu please observe!"

Professor Ding gave the order.

As long as the critical period is observed, the life of the injured person will be saved.

Fang Xin pulled open the mask to make his breathing smoother.

He knew that his hands were trembling slightly. In just a few minutes of ultra-high-intensity suturing operations, the overload of the sky-patching hand made him a little unable to hold on.

Although it still needs to be observed, Fang Xin knew that the life of the injured person was saved.

"It's a good thing you came, otherwise I would have a hard time dealing with it."

Professor Ding also took off his mask, his face was already covered with sweat.

"It doesn't matter how hard it is to save the person."

Fang Xin said sincerely

"It would be great if all doctors had your sense of responsibility.

Professor Ding looked at Fang Xin with satisfaction.

"Are there any more injured?"

Fang Xin asked

"There is nothing left, so you can take a break for now."

Professor Ding pulled over two chairs.

An old man and a young boy sat on the chairs and took a break.

At this moment, the people outside the operating room heard the news of the successful operation, and they cheered at the door of the operating room.

They were immediately reminded by the nurse to be quiet.

As Fang Xin boldly cut the wound and pulled out the steel bar to save the patient's life, the news spread.

The whole hospital knew about this deed that was enough to shock the entire medical field.

Fang Xin's name was once again shaken.

The more famous Fang Xin was, the more uncomfortable some people felt.

Chen Siwen regretted it now. How could she have known that the ex-boyfriend she had always looked down on had such ability. It would have been great if she had not broken up with him.

But how the breakup was, Chen Siwen felt that it was no big deal.

As long as she let go of her attitude a little, Fang Xin would still hook her hand and come back to her.

""Fang Xin, you're out now, wipe your face quickly, you're covered in sweat."

Seeing Fang Xin coming out of the operating room,

Chen Siwen immediately came up with a towel.

She didn't notice the contemptuous looks of the nurses who came out with her.

They all knew how Chen Siwen treated Fang Xin.

At this moment, Chen Siwen actually came up to show his courtesy, which was too shameless.

But Chen Siwen didn't care about that.

She just wanted to get Fang Xin back under her skirt as soon as possible.

"No need, just give it to whoever you want.

Fang Xin said coldly.

"That's right, don't you have a rich boyfriend named Hao? Go give it to your boyfriend, he'll be sweating profusely when he's tired on you."

A nurse who came out with them said mercilessly.

Fang Xin was so fierce after hearing this. The ladies in this hospital really can't be judged by common sense.

"What's your business? Just go where you need to go."

Chen Siwen responded without mercy.

It was a pity that others felt disgusted even to talk to her.

How could they want to talk to her?

At the corner of the corridor, the nurses and Fang Xin separated.

Chen Siwen still followed Fang Xin.

"Do you want some water? I'll get you some."

"No thanks"

"There is a very delicious restaurant near where we live, let's go eat together. After eating, there is a theme hotel next to it, let's stay there for a night.

Fang Xin looked at Chen Siwen with a smile.

After rejecting her many provocative invitations,

Fang Xin came to the gate of the hospital.

Chen Siwen followed him, unwilling to accept her failure again and again.

""You stinky bitch, it's only been a few days and you're already fooling around with that little jerk again?"

Someone blocked Fang Xin and Chen Siwen's way.

It was Zhou Hao.

It seemed that the previous lesson was not enough for him.

At this moment, he was still arrogant.

"Zhou Hao, what are you doing here?"

Chen Siwen looked at Zhou Hao with disgust.

She knew exactly who Zhou Hao had offended.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zhou Hao and his father Xiong are finished.

Now Zhou Hao is just a grasshopper in autumn, and he has no days to jump.

Zhou Hao looked at Chen Siwen jokingly, with a hint of madness in his eyes."

I don't understand what you are saying, Zhou Hao, I tell you, don't bother me."

Seeing that more and more people were watching the show around, Chen Siwen said hurriedly.

"How come you forgot so quickly how you knelt down in front of me and my friends to lick their feet? Do you want me to call everyone to help you recall it?"

Zhou Hao laughed wildly.

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