"That's right, the doctor said it's fine, why are you talking so much?"

""Could it be that you just want a female doctor to treat you?"

As he spoke, the patient's wife stared at him intently. The misunderstanding had just been resolved, but after the incident with the man who secretly photographed her, his wife could not help but have some doubts about him.

Even if he did not do this, in the eyes of women, looking at other women is a sin, not to mention going to a group of female nurses to see a doctor.

"Why are you so unreasonable? I just want to find a professional doctor. What's wrong with that? Do you want me to die? What good will it do you if I die?……"


Along the way, the couple argued endlessly. Fang Xin even regretted accepting this patient. She really didn't know what the two were arguing about.

"Okay, lie down!"

"I have a general understanding of your situation. I will bandage your wound first."

Looking at the patient lying on the bed, Fang Xin's ears were finally quiet. If the two of them continued to chatter while she was working, Fang Xin would really collapse.

"Why are you cleaning the wound again? Didn’t you do it just now?"

"I say, Doctor Fang Xin, are you a professional? And what are you doing with the needle?"

"I'm telling you, don't mess around! I'm not a fool either!"

After seeing the suture needle in Fang Xin's hand, the patient stood up directly, looked at Fang Xin with a vigilant face, and leaned back unconsciously, as if Fang Xin at this moment was like a ferocious monster. Oh my god! Is this reaction so big! I just took an ordinary suture needle, not a murder weapon.

Is it because I look too scary? This is impossible, I am so handsome!

"You are sick. You can't see the wound on your arm."

"A grown man, isn't it shameful?"

After rolling her eyes at her husband, the wife quickly pressed him down on the bed. For some reason, the more she looked at her husband, the more she disliked him.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional!"

Looking at the patient's frightened expression, Fang Xin comforted him. In life, some people do suffer from symptoms such as needle phobia and blood phobia. This is innate and has nothing to do with age.

After careful disinfection, Fang Xin began the suturing work. In order to relieve the patient's pain, Fang Xin deliberately sped up the speed this time. After all, for this kind of wound with a small area, anesthesia measures are generally not taken, so every action of Fang Xin can make the patient feel the pain personally.

"Doctor, do you think this wound will get infected and then I will die?"

"Don’t worry, it won’t happen!"

"Doctor, why haven’t you finished yet? Can this bed support my body?"


In just over ten minutes, the patient kept chattering, asking Fang Xin every sentence whether he might die, and his reasons were all kinds of bizarre.

At first Fang Xin felt a little annoyed, but as time went on, Fang Xin vaguely felt that the patient in front of him was not as simple as he imagined.

In the previous patient's case, Fang Xin also noticed that the patient had only a common urinary tract infection, which had been cured long ago.

But he still insisted on a follow-up check every Monday, even if the doctor told him that he was cured, he didn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Fang Xin instantly realized the seriousness of the problem. After bandaging the wound, he glanced at the patient with fear in his eyes, pulled his wife aside, and then asked in a low voice:

"Has your husband always been like this?"

Looking at her husband, the wife shook her head helplessly. If her husband had been like this from the beginning, how could she be with such a person and live together for so many years.

From his wife's words, Fang Xin gradually learned the whole story.

Originally, the patient was a very cheerful person with a stable job and a happy family. Although his life was mediocre, it was also happy.

But everything became different after a car accident.

Ever since the patient witnessed a little girl being hit by a car and crushed to death, everything has changed dramatically. Since then, the patient's mood has become unstable. He always feels that there is something wrong with his body. He checks on time every week. Even if the report shows that there is no problem, he will never stop, and he always feels that someone wants to harm him.

All the sharp objects in the house were hidden and placed where he can't see them, because as soon as he sees these, he will curl up in the corner in fear.

"Persecution delusion!"

After listening to the patient's wife's description, Fang Xin immediately came to this conclusion.

Persecution delusion means that the patient always feels that he is in an unsafe environment and always feels that someone wants to harm him. Fang Xin had some doubts just now, but he was not sure.

But after listening to his wife's description, Fang Xin was very sure of this symptom.

"What? My husband is fine, how could he be so sick!"

After learning that her husband might have paranoia, his wife was very nervous. They were originally a very loving couple.

It was because her husband's behavior was a little abnormal recently, so she was a little irritable, and today's scene happened. She thought her husband had an affair.

He did all this just for acting, so that he could divorce her and marry that vixen.

But she never expected that the reason why her husband behaved strangely was because he was sick!

She also had a certain understanding of this disease. If you want to cure this disease, it is a very difficult process. After all, it is a psychological disease.

And psychological diseases are full of variables.

"It was the problem of the car accident."

Because the patient saw the whole process with his own eyes, his body automatically produced a protection mechanism, but this mental protection mechanism was a bit extreme.

The patient felt that he could become that little girl at any time, and this situation was a manifestation of paranoia.

Generally speaking, all mental illnesses are the automatic defense of the human body, but these defenses are stronger than those of normal people.

"Don't worry, this disease is very common now. As long as you actively cooperate with our treatment, you can be cured."

"The process may be long, so you as family members should be mentally prepared."

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