"Just now, when you were staring at the cleaner, someone broke into the surveillance camera for half a second and then disappeared. That was the killer."

Han Mengmeng said

"How did you determine that?"

Fang Xin was a little surprised by Han Mengmeng's words.

How could a person who appeared in the surveillance video for half a second be determined to be the killer?

"He only appeared in one surveillance video, and only for half a second. I checked all the exits and surveillance cameras in the hospital, but I didn't see this person."

"This person couldn't have appeared out of nowhere. He could only have disguised himself several times and found his way to the ICU."

"The half second he appeared was enough for him to figure out that someone was watching outside the ICU, so he needed to find a way to disguise himself and get in."

"He won't act rashly for the time being. He will sneak in in disguise during the morning shift change. You can go around and have a meal or something."

Han Mengmeng meant that Fang Xin, as a tool, could take a break.

"Are you sure there won't be any problems?"

Fang Xin asked

"Don't worry, I'm a professional."

Han Mengmeng yawned.

"Don't fall asleep!"

Fang Xin couldn't rest assured. If Han Mengmeng fell asleep, it would be troublesome.

"Hey, Brother Fang, stop talking so much. Go ahead, go ahead. By the way, go straight to the left for about 300 meters after leaving the hospital. There is a 24-hour coffee shop. Please buy me a cup of milk tea, pudding-style. Thank you."

Han Mengmeng said.

Buying milk tea in a coffee shop? What kind of operation is this? And your real purpose is to let me buy you milk tea.

Fang Xin complained.

But he was indeed a little hungry.

Walking out of the hospital, the sky outside was beginning to brighten.

The hospital began to get busy.

Many family members of patients went out to buy breakfast. Some people had joy on their faces, presumably because the patients' conditions had improved.

But more people had back pain and helplessness on their faces, and some people were already a little numb.

How nice it would be if there was no illness in the world, Fang Xin sighed in his heart.

"Brother Fang, what are you sighing about? You look so sad?"

Han Mengmeng's voice came from the headset.

"Can you see me now?

Fang Xin was surprised.

"Look, there is a camera on the wall in front of you on the right."

Han Mengmeng said playfully.

Fang Xin looked up and saw a camera. Then she remembered that Han Mengmeng had monitored the cameras in the hospital.

"I think this killer is cunning enough to get in through so many cameras."

Fang Xin said with emotion

"Brother Fang, you are lying. You definitely didn't mean that just now."

Han Mengmeng exposed Fang Xin's casual remarks.

"This... I just feel that it would be better if no one got sick."

Fang Xin felt a little headache, is this girl's intuition so accurate?

"Hehe, I didn't expect Brother Fang to be so kind-hearted."

Han Mengmeng said with a smile

"All doctors should think this way.

Fang Xin said as she walked out of the hospital.

"If there are no patients, what do doctors eat?"

Han Mengmeng asked

"Change careers, what to eat, if I don't become a doctor, will I starve to death?"

Fang Xin replied.

While the two chatted, Fang Xin looked for breakfast shops nearby.

"Brother Fang, the second Shanghai breakfast shop on your left is pretty good. I suggest you try it."

Han Mengmeng recommended it to Fang Xin.

"How did you know that?"

Fang Xin asked curiously.

"I checked it online."

Han Mengmeng replied.

It was just a simple soup dumpling and soy milk.

It tasted really good.

Fang Xin was very happy eating it.

"Warm reminder, the coffee shop is 50 meters ahead of this store."

Han Mengmeng's voice sounded when Fang Xin burped for the first time.

After paying the bill, Fang Xin walked out 50 meters and found the coffee shop as expected, and bought milk tea as expected.

"Where are you now?"

Fang Xin returned to the hospital.

Under Han Mengmeng's voice command, Fang Xin came to the military off-road vehicle parked in the corner downstairs of the hospital's scientific research building.

Han Mengmeng opened the car door, took the milk tea bought by Fang Xin with a smile, and then drove Fang Xin away.

Drink, drink, drink milk tea early in the morning and you are not afraid of getting fat, Fang Xin complained maliciously.

Back outside the ICU, there was another two hours of waiting.

Medical staff began to change shifts one after another.

Medical staff came out of the ICU one after another to say something bad.

Some took the initiative to greet Fang Xin, and some who were not in a good mood and were sleepy just walked out.

"Brother Fang, pay attention! I can't arrive immediately, you must entangle the killer before I arrive."

Han Mengmeng reminded


Fang Xin perked up.

People kept coming out of the ICU and entering the ICU, but Han Mengmeng didn't say anything.

Fang Xin was a little worried that Han Mengmeng might have missed them, and she began to get a little restless.

"Brother Fang, he's here!"

Han Mengmeng's voice suddenly reminded

"The two people wearing white coats and masks came in front and behind. The one in the middle is the killer. Brother Fang, hold him back. Don't do anything. Just hold him back and wait for me to come over."

Han Mengmeng's voice came.

Fang Xin heard the sound of the car door closing and Han Mengmeng's quick footsteps.

Time was running out, so Fang Xin stood up and walked towards the three people.

"Good morning!"

Fang Xin took the initiative to greet

"Good morning, Doctor Fang!"

The man walking in front immediately became excited when he saw Fang Xin.

"Good morning, Doctor Fang."

The other two people also greeted him.

"It's your turn to be on duty!"

Fang Xin deliberately blocked the three people's way.

"Yes, it's time to change shifts." said the man in the front

"Who is responsible for the female reporter who was in a car accident yesterday?"

Fang Xin asked deliberately

"It should be Xiao Zhang, he took over Xiao Li's shift"

"I'm in charge during the day."

The medical staff member walking at the end replied.

Fang Xin, who was concentrating, noticed that the ear of the person Han Mengmeng thought was the killer moved slightly.

After greeting Fang Xin, the killer was about to leave and go to the ICU.

"Which patient are you in charge of today?"

Fang Xin saw him leaving and hurried over.���Stopped him

"Doctor Fang, I am in charge of Aunt Liu.

The killer replied

"Aunt Liu, is that the one who just had a heart transplant?" asked Xiao Li, who was walking at the end.

"Yes, that's her." said the killer.

"Isn't it Lao Wang who should be in charge of Aunt Liu? Brother, your voice sounds unfamiliar, are you new here?"

Xiao Li asked

"I was just transferred here."

The killer replied

"You'll be busy then. Aunt Liu's family is difficult to deal with. They'll surround you whenever you come in or out."

Xiao Li looked at the killer with some sympathy.

"As a doctor, it is inevitable that we will be pestered. It is our duty."

The killer said seriously.

"Oh, brother, well said, I hope you will always think so."

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