After saying this, Reporter Yu seemed to want to say something.

But no sound came out.

What was in the compartment of the back seat of the car?

Fang Xincai thought.

It should be something that Reporter Yu found during the investigation.

That's why he was targeted by the killer, resulting in two deaths and one serious injury.

""Don't talk anymore. Take care of yourself first. If there is something in the back seat of the car, I will investigate."

Fang Xin comforted reporter Yu Da.


Reporter Yu Da paused for a long time and said one word:

"You can't drink porridge now, you can only rely on nutrient solution for a while."

Xiao Li, who was in charge of her, heard the voice of reporter Yu and said

""Stop talking. I know what you mean. Just take a good rest."

Fang Xin stopped the reporter Yu Da who was trying to continue talking.

The reporter Yu Da blinked and closed his eyes slightly.

After leaving the ICU, Fang Xin called Chen Shuanghuai.

""Doctor Fang, how come you have time to call me? I heard that you have saved many people in the past few days. You must have worked so hard."

Chen Shuanghuai's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Chen, I need your help.

Fang Xin said

"Don't be so polite, tell me what's going on."

As a soldier, Chen Shuanghuai speaks very directly and clearly.

"There are two patients in the hospital who need protection, and I would like to ask you for help."

Fang Xin told reporter Yu Da about his situation.

"That's no problem. I'll send a few guards over."

Chen Shuanghuai agreed very readily.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I need your help with something else.

Fang Xin wanted to find the car that had the accident and search for the things in the back seat compartment that reporter Yu Da mentioned.

He described what reporter Yu Da said to Chen Shuanghuai.

"So the fire is probably related to Zhou?"

Chen Shuanghuai's voice on the phone suddenly became dignified.

"This is just my guess. I haven't found any evidence yet. Now we need to find the car and find the evidence.

Fang Xin said his purpose.

"OK, Doctor Fang, wait a minute, I'll have someone investigate."

Chen Shuanghuai hung up the phone.

A minute later, another call came in.

"Hello, Doctor Fang, the commander has arranged for me to come and talk to you.

A young male voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Who are you?"

Fang Xin asked

"I am the chief's guard. My name is Chen Zhengzhong. You can just call me Xiao Chen."

The young man on the other end of the phone said

"Hello, Xiao Chen"

""Doctor Fang, I'm going to the hospital with a few guards. Please wait."

Xiao Chen revealed his identity.

Half an hour later, a young man in plain clothes came to Fang Xin with six other young men in plain clothes who were also energetic.

"Hello, Doctor Fang, I am Xiao Chen. These are all members of the Chief Guard Company. They will be responsible for the security of the two patients."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and shook hands with Fang Xin.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Chen.

Fang Xin expressed her gratitude sincerely.

"You're welcome. We have to complete the task assigned by the leader. Doctor Fang, please follow me. I'll take you to find the accident car."

Xiao Chen didn't say any more nonsense, and was also very straightforward and got straight to the point.


Fang Xin didn't say much.

In addition to the hospital, Xiao Chen took Fang Xin to a very ordinary commercial vehicle.

This made Fang Xin feel a little interesting.

Han Mengmeng, a delicate beauty, seemed to be driving a hard-core military vehicle.

Xiao Chen, as a general's guard, was driving an ordinary and even somewhat flexible commercial vehicle.

"I didn't expect the car you drive is different from what I imagined."

Fang Xin, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but say

"Doctor Fang is joking. Don't underestimate this car. Ordinary rockets, mines, and sniper rifles can't penetrate the car's defenses. It's just for safety, so keep a low profile."

Xiao Chen started the car.

"It's really different."

Fang Xin felt the comfortable seats in the car and the soundproofing effect with almost no noise, thinking that it would be nice if he had one.

"Xiao Chen, where can I buy this car? I want to buy one too.

Fang Xin asked

"Doctor Fang, this car is a military product, you can't buy it on the market, and don't underestimate this car, it costs nearly 30 million, and this car won't be sold to you even if you have money but don't have enough grade."

Xiao Chen said this with some pride

"Three thousand……"

Fang Xin almost fell down.

He was overthinking. Whether it was money or status, he was afraid that he was not qualified.

No one spoke, and Xiao Chen returned to driving silently.

Fang Xin sat in the car and stopped talking.

Soon the car stopped outside the police station.

Because Fang Xin had been there before, the guard recognized him and asked the two to simply register and let them in.

"Xiao Chen, how do you know that the car is in the police station?" he asked curiously.

"The military has its own intelligence channel, which is more complete than the police's. If they are short of a car, it is just a matter of a phone call."

Xiao Chen said it was as simple as that.

Well, Fang Xin could only admire him.

After all, the military is better than the police in terms of personnel quality and equipment quality.

Soon he came downstairs of the physical evidence department.

He saw the car that was crushed beyond recognition.

Hearing about it is one thing, but seeing it for real.

Fang Xin was really impressed by the great intelligence of reporter Yu.

If he had been crushed a little more, even if reporter Yu could survive, his lower body would have been amputated, or he might even have been crushed to death on the spot.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is blessed with a long life. Can this really be regarded as God's blessing?

He looked up at the sky. He wondered if there was a master there.

The roof of the car that was crushed into a compressed biscuit was now cut open.

It should be that the fire brigade took action to rescue reporter Yu.

At this moment, the back seat of the car has also been crushed beyond recognition.

""Xiao Chen, do you have a knife?"

Fang Xin asked.

Xiao Chen looked at Fang Xin and was a little surprised, but he still stretched out his hand and swung a short knife from his sleeve.

Fang Xin's eyelids jumped. He didn't expect that his knife was hidden on his arm.

As for why he looked at him strangely, he realized it after he took the knife.

This is the police station. It's too eye-catching and arrogant to take a knife in the police station.

Fang Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But finding evidence is important.

Fang Xin picked up the knife and carefully pulled the car door, trying not to damage it more.

The squeezed car door was pulled open with great effort, and fragments fell to the ground.

Fang Xin was finally able to touch the back seat of the car.

Reporter Yu said that the thing was in the mezzanine.

Fang Xin opened his Zhenlong eyes, and the deformed back seat of the car became traceable in Fang Xin's eyes.

He simulated the original appearance and the deformed appearance of the back seat of the car.

Found it!

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