"Who is it for? Our hospital has never had this rule. If you don't have your diploma with you, go back and get it, or we won't accept it."

The staff waved his hand impatiently and drove Fang Xin away

"This is also simple. You can find the graduation certificate by searching the skills in the formula system of the education network. It is exactly the same as what I filled in on the form.

Fang Xin thought for a while and said

"Don't you understand? If you don't have it with you, go back and get it. I have no obligation to help you check it online. What we require here is the original diploma. We don't recognize the results of checking it online."

The staff member took the form, certificate and letter of introduction handed in by another young man and ignored Fang Xin.

Fang Xin was a little annoyed. What era is this? Things in the hospital are so rigid.

Suppressing his anger, Fang Xin decided to ask the staff who this person named Zeng Changsheng is and which department he is in. He can just go to him directly and let him handle it.

He didn't expect that when he asked the staff about Zeng Changsheng, the other party answered impatiently.

"What Zeng Changsheng? This name is really out of date, I have never heard of it."

The staff member glanced at Fang Xin

"Could you please help me find out where this senior named Zeng Changsheng is?"

Fang Xin asked

"Are you annoying? I told you I didn't know him, but you still asked me. Get out now!"

The staff member yelled at Fang Xin.

"Hey, what's going on? Were you caught cheating?"

A sarcastic voice sounded.

Fang Xin turned around and saw Liang Lili, who was standing next to Chu Tian and rubbing her ball against Chu Tian's arm, walked in.

"Lili, you are here."

Gu Tian was very happy to see Liang Lili coming.

""Gu Tian, how come you came so quickly?"

Liang Lili was a little surprised that Gu Tian came so quickly.

"I came here by taking Brother Fang's car."

Gu Tian explained.

"His car? Does he have a car?"

Liang Lili asked in disbelief.

"The car is not Brother Fang's, he said it belongs to his boss……"

Before Gu Tian finished speaking, Liang Lili interrupted

"You are just pretending to be rich. What's going on? You were rejected because you couldn't produce your diploma? Haha, I knew it."

Liang Lili became happier and happier when she saw the scene in front of her.

Chu Tian looked at Gu Tian silently, then looked at Fang Xin deeply, and walked past the two of them silently to the staff. He took the form handed over by the staff and handed it to Liang Lili. The two of them also filled out the form quickly.

Soon, the two of them handed their diplomas and letters of introduction together with the forms to the staff.

"It turns out to be Mr. Chu Tian. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The staff immediately changed their expressions when they saw Chu Tian's graduation school and basic information.


Chu Tian replied simply

"Mr. Chu, we have already arranged everything for you. You just need to wait for two days for the class division.

The staff returned Chu Tian's diploma and other things, leaving only a registration form.

As for Liang Lili, she also went through the process and was done.

"You didn't even look at his diploma and just passed it, why do you insist on having it from me?"

Fang Xin asked angrily.

"Who is Young Master Chu? Who are you? Can you be compared with Young Master Chu?"

The staff member said sarcastically.

"What? Isn't the Master Chu you're talking about a human being?

Fang Xin retorted.

"If you don't leave, I'll call security."

The staff member said to Fang Xin.

"What's wrong with you? I asked you to check your diploma online but you refused. Is this your attitude when I say a few words to you?"

Gu Tian couldn't stand it anymore and started to blame the staff.

"Who are you? I remember you came together, right? Are you here to cause trouble? I'm afraid of you, right? Take your diploma and letter of introduction and get out of here."

The staff member yelled at Gu Tian.


Gu Tian was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Brother, this is my classmate and he is not with that guy. Can you please make some concessions?" Seeing this,

Chu Tian took the opportunity to plead for Gu Tian.

"Since you are Mr. Chu's classmate, forget it. Give me your diploma and letter of introduction so I can see them."

The staff member said, crossing his legs and bouncing back and forth.

"You haven't answered my question yet. You can tell the authenticity of a diploma by just checking it online. The diplomas online are more authentic than the ones in real life. Why do you have to have the originals?"

Gu Tian said unconvinced.

"What? You're never going to stop, are you? Are you trying to go against me? Now I declare that you two are disqualified from this training session. Get out now."

The worker pointed at the door and shouted.

Gu Tian was about to step forward to argue, but was stopped by Fang Xin.

"Who gave you the courage to receive people and handle things like this?"

Fang Xin looked at the staff with cold eyes.

"What? I have the final say here. I told you two to get out. Are you deaf? Didn’t you hear me?"

The staff member said arrogantly.

"I let you go with him, now you are in trouble."

Liang Lili looked at Fang Xin and Gu Tian with a gloating look.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I wonder what level of position you hold in this hospital?"

Fang Xin asked.

"You have no right to control what level I am, but I can control you by not letting you attend training to get your qualification certificate."

The worker saw Fang Xin hadn't left yet, and took out his cell phone with a sneer.

"Hello, is this the security department? Send some people over here, someone is causing trouble here!"

The staff member said, looking at Fang Xin and Gu Tian, and then ignored them.

When encountering such people, Fang Xin was also a little helpless.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Fang Xin said to Gu Tian with some apology.

"Brother Fang, I don't blame you. It's better not to come to such a hospital. I really can't imagine that there are such people in such a hospital. It's better not to participate in such a hospital and such training."

Gu Tian put away her graduation certificate and letter of introduction and turned to leave.

Fang Xin was about to leave together and make other plans.

Suddenly, the phone rang. It was the number of the capital again.

"Hello, who are you?

Fang Xin asked politely.

"Is this Xiao Fang? Lao Ding told me that you should arrive in the capital today. I called to ask where you are."

An old man's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Who are you?"

Fang Xin was a little unsure whether the old Ding mentioned by the other party was Professor Ding.

"I am Zeng Changsheng. Why didn’t Lao Ding mention me to you?" said the old man on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Zeng, Mr. Ding mentioned you. He wrote me a letter of introduction and asked me to give it to you.

Fang Xin originally wanted to find Zeng Changsheng, but he didn't expect him to call him on his own initiative, which saved him the trouble of looking for him again.

"Xiao Fang, where are you now?"

Mr. Zeng asked on the other end of the phone.

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