"Mr. Chu, please ask for mercy for me and your friend. I have parents and children to take care of, and I can't lose this job!"

The staff member who was stunned by the side cried to Chu Tian. He got this job because of many connections. Who would have thought that he would lose his job just because of a wrong word.

He said that he never thought that this inconspicuous Fang Xin would know their dean.

Otherwise, even if he had a hundred courage, he would not dare to be so arrogant and call his dean a fool.

""Go away! What I hate most in my life is people like you, who are full of power!"

Chu Tian said unhappily. How could he possibly beg for a stranger at this moment?

"Brother Fang Xin, my car is parked outside, so you don't have to worry about the hotel. Just leave it to me, regardless of our relationship."

After that, Chu Tian pushed his left arm forward and made a"please" gesture, signaling Fang Xin to leave.

Seeing this, Fang Xin didn't say much. How could he refuse someone who invited him to stay in a hotel? As the saying goes, a fool would be foolish not to take advantage of an opportunity.

On the way to the parking lot, Chu Tian and Liang Lili were extremely enthusiastic and talked about everything with Fang Xin. On the contrary, Gu Tian seemed to be much more taciturn at this moment. Gu Tian looked at the enthusiastic Chu Tian and Liang Lili, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. The two of them were too powerful, which was also the thing that Gu Tian hated the most.

"Fang Xin, the Mercedes in front is my car. I said I didn't want it, but my family insisted on giving me a Mercedes E. I really don't like this kind of publicity."

After saying that, Chu Tian couldn't help shaking his head, showing that he was extremely disapproving of his family's behavior, but he took out the car keys from his pocket and deliberately showed off in front of Fang Xin.

After being suppressed by Fang Xin for so long, Chu Tian can finally show off in the car. Even if Fang Xin knows the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital, he still has to ride in his own car.

Fang Xin was too lazy to argue with Chu Tian, and a smile of appreciation appeared on his face.

"Excuse me, brother, our boss has never ridden in such a low-end car."

Chu Tian heard the voice and looked over, only to see a man in a black suit walking straight towards them from a Rolls-Royce next to him.

""Sorry, boss, I kept you waiting!"

Looking at Xiao Zhang's behavior at this moment, Fang Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He never thought that Xiao Zhang would do this.

But I have to say, this is too cool!

He was showing off his car to me just now, so you must be dumbfounded!

Fang Xin looked at Chu Tian at this moment, secretly delighted in his heart, and had to say that Xiao Zhang was really awesome this time!

""Tiantian, you... you just came here in this car?"

Liang Lili said stammeringly, pointing to the black Rolls-Royce in front of her.

Although she didn't know much about cars, she knew that the car in front of her was more than ten times better than Chu Tian's Mercedes-Benz just from the appearance.


Gu Tian said calmly. Although she was also very surprised when she saw the car for the first time, she really didn't want to say anything more to her two friends at the moment.

"Xiao Zhang, don’t talk like that in the future, these are all my friends!"

"Chu Tian, let's take my car first, it's more comfortable!"

Fang Xin said the last few words very slowly, as if he was afraid that Chu Tian and others couldn't hear clearly. Although Fang Xin was not a powerful person, since Xiao Zhang cooperated with him so well, how could he not take the role?

It was just right for Chu Tian and his girlfriend to see what it meant that there are always people better than you!


After a moment of stagnation, Chu Tian managed to utter a word.

This Rolls-Royce really gave him a great shock. This level of car, not to mention Chu Tian, even his father had never owned one.

""Wow~ There's even a starry sky ceiling!"

As soon as she got in the car, Liang Lili praised the car like an ignorant countryman, and compared it with Chu Tian's Mercedes-Benz from time to time.

Fang Xin was also immersed in the feeling of being looked up to, but no one noticed that Chu Tian had a dark face and didn't say a word in the last row of seats.

Half an hour later, the car finally stopped at a hotel called Kempinski. This was also the first time Fang Xin came to such a"luxurious" hotel.

Looking at the room with a price of 1288 on the screen, he fell into deep thought for a long time.

Just a few days ago, he was just a"loser" who was worried about the rent of a few thousand yuan, and he didn't even want to think about this kind of hotel. Now he has become a young rookie in the medical field.

There are also villas and luxury cars, and the appreciation of industry leaders. All of this is as unreal as a dream, and all of this is thanks to the system he just got.

"Boss, this hotel is too……"

"It's okay, Xiao Zhang, you go find a place to rest first, I'll contact you when I need something."

Fang Xin showed a faint smile to Xiao Zhang. He knew what Xiao Zhang was going to say. Although, in Han Qianxing's eyes, this was not worth much, but he was embarrassed to let Han Qianxing spend money all the time.

What's more, isn't there Chu Tian, the sucker? He has also pretended to be a big boss, so he should let Chu Tian show off, otherwise, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to Mr. Chu?

""Okay, boss!"

Xiao Zhang didn't say much, bowed deeply to Fang Xin and left.

Looking at Xiao Zhang's back, Fang Xin once again silently gave Xiao Zhang a thumbs up in her heart. He is worthy of being Boss Han Qianxing's man, his emotional intelligence is different.

""Three luxurious king-size beds!"

Chu Tian handed over his gold card and said confidently.

Of the three king-size bed rooms, one was for him and Liang Lili, and the other two were for Gu Tian and Fang Xin.

"How annoying!"

After hearing that there were three rooms, Liang Lili pretended to be shy and hit Chu Tian lightly with her fist, then buried her head in Chu Tian's arms.

It was as if the two of them were living together for the first time.

Chu Tian originally lived with Fang Xin, and Liang Lili lived with Gu Tian, but today Fang Xin really slapped him in the face, and he had to vent all his anger on Liang Lili tonight to relieve his anger!

""Thank you, Brother Chutian, for spending the money. Have a good rest, and we'll see you tonight!"

Fang Xin said as he took his room card.

He was too lazy to say anything more to the two of them. He just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good rest.

Even though Fang Xin was no longer the loser he used to be, this hotel worth 1,288 per night was his first time staying there.

Who could have thought that Fang Xin would have this day!

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