"Yes! But there has been no problem, Professor Pang is also taking medication.……"

"That's right, immediately push him to the intensive care unit, and then organize your doctors to perform surgery immediately. One second later, the professor's life will be in danger."

Seeing Fang Xin's determined eyes at this moment, Doctor Wang immediately sent someone to send the professor to the intensive care unit according to Fang Xin's instructions, and dismissed the remaining students.


"Dean, you are here. We have confirmed that, as student Fang Xin said, Professor Pang has a recurrence of cerebral thrombosis, and his life may be in danger at any time. He must undergo surgery immediately."

After seeing Dean Zeng Changsheng, Dr. Wang said anxiously.

Professor Pang Jin is dying and must undergo surgery, but Professor Pang Jin has no children and no one to sign the agreement, so they have to wait for the dean to make the next instructions.

If they act on their own, they will not be responsible for any problems.

"Then prepare for the operation immediately. You have been a doctor for so many years, do you still need me to teach you?

Zeng Changsheng shouted angrily. The situation had already had a significant negative impact. Many people posted the video online. For a time, the medical level of the Imperial Capital Hospital became a hot topic.

Although these students were not doctors in their hospital, they were all medical staff. They were so panicked when they encountered something. It was not a shame for the medical community.

"Dean, Professor Pang has no children, and no one has signed the consent form for the operation. This operation cannot be performed."

Dr. Wang said in embarrassment.

"Perform surgery immediately. If there is any problem, I, the dean, will take the responsibility. It has nothing to do with you."

Zeng Changsheng glanced at the doctor beside him and said, how could he not understand Professor Pang Jin's situation.

Pang Jin has dedicated her entire life to medical treatment. She has no friends, let alone a partner and children. She stays in the hospital every day and does not quit the front line even when she is old.

It was because of her long-term hard work that she suffered from cerebral thrombosis, but no one expected that the disease would develop so suddenly.

Looking at the back of Dr. Wang leaving, Zeng Changsheng sighed. Medical students have saved thousands of patients, but in the end they are still plagued by diseases and cannot heal themselves.

"Dean Zeng, you don't have to worry. With the medical level of the Imperial Capital Hospital, Professor Pang will definitely be out of danger."

Seeing Zeng Changsheng's anxiety, Fang Xin hurried forward to comfort him.

Originally, Fang Xin should have been sent back to the hotel with the other students, but because Fang Xin made an accurate judgment at the first time, and handled the situation calmly and decisively, he was kept as an exception.

As for whether the others can still be trained in the Imperial Capital Hospital and whether they can successfully obtain the medical qualification certificate, Fang Xin did not know.

After all, their previous behavior was indeed unbecoming of a doctor.

"Well, Xiao Fang, thanks to you this time. The others are simply outrageous. I really don’t know what kind of people these schools recommend. If such people become doctors in the future, they will cause trouble!"

Zeng Changsheng sighed.

Listening to Zeng Changsheng's words, Fang Xin didn't know what to say. She just stared at the door of the intensive care unit, hoping that Professor Pang Jin could get treatment.

"Director, all the brain doctors in our hospital have been sent out. Now there is no one in the hospital who can perform cerebral thrombosis surgery. If we can't do it, we can ask for help from our sister hospitals."

"What! Such a big hospital, but not a single one can do it!"

Zeng Changsheng shouted angrily. Their hospital is good at brain surgery. It just so happens that all the doctors are sent to the community today. Now it is too late to borrow people from the sister hospital or ask the doctors to come back.

Cerebral thrombosis is no different from other diseases. One second late can endanger Pang Jin's life.

"Dean Zeng, if it really doesn't work, let me do it. Don't worry, I have some knowledge about cerebral thrombosis. I believe I can do this operation!"

Fang Xin walked up to Dean Zeng and said. If it were in the past, Fang Xin would never dare to boast like this, but the system had just given him the knowledge of brain surgery not long ago.

The considerable experience in brain surgery also made Fang Xin believe that he was capable of facing it alone, not to mention that there was no one more suitable than him in the Imperial Capital Hospital.

"Don't be ridiculous. You, who don't even have a medical qualification certificate, don't really think that just because you have performed a few surgeries on TV and just happened to conclude that you have cerebral thrombosis, you can perform surgery!"

"Dean, I think this matter should not be taken lightly, let's borrow someone!"

Doctor Wang said unhappily, but this time Fang Xin did not rush to refute, but just looked at Dean Zeng beside him motionlessly, waiting for his answer.

Fang Xin understood Doctor Wang's concerns, but he also understood the importance of time.

"Fang Xin, I think you should know what this operation means. Have you thought about it?"

Looking at Fang Xin, Zeng Changsheng asked

"I understand, Dean Zeng, please believe me!"

If Fang Xin was a doctor at the Imperial Capital Hospital, he wouldn't be implicated even if the operation failed, but now he is not Fang Xin.

And he doesn't have a medical qualification certificate, to put it bluntly, he is practicing medicine without a license. If nothing goes wrong, everything is fine. If something goes wrong, he will be sued.

"Well, in this case, Pang Jin's life is in your hands. Please do your best to save her!"

Zeng Changsheng held Fang Xin's hand, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Dean, he is just a……"

"Shut up! He can't do that? You can?"

"I will take full responsibility for this matter. Human lives are at stake right now, and saving people is the top priority!"

Zeng Changsheng said firmly. Although he didn't know whether Fang Xin had the ability, he watched the whole process of the heart transplant surgery performed by Old Ding through the Internet. He knew Fang Xin's medical attainments. Although heart transplantation and cerebral thrombosis are not the same, there is no other way at the moment.

After getting the affirmation of Dean Zeng, Fang Xin also changed into work clothes and carried out a full range of disinfection. Pang Jin was also pushed from the intensive care unit to the operating room.

In the operating room

"How are the patient's heart rate, blood pressure and other indicators now? Is everything all right?"

Fang Xin walked onto the operating table and looked at Pang Jin, whose eyes were closed at the moment, with mixed feelings.

""Everything is fine!" the assistant beside him replied calmly.

Although they didn't understand why the dean agreed to let this young man be the surgeon, as doctors they kept their duties and missions in mind. They didn't reject Fang Xin at all. There were only patients and doctors here, and no other relationship.

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