Not to mention Gu Tian and the others complaining, even Fang Xin couldn't stand such treatment.

You say that he is a person with superb medical skills and a system, and he should be the protagonist and the one being sought after, but now he has fallen to running errands and doing odd jobs in Renhe Hospital. This gap is too big.

If Fang Xin didn't want to get a medical qualification certificate and no longer practice medicine without a license, he would have quit long ago.

"It's okay. Isn't today just the first day? It must be like this when you first start working."

Fang Xin came to Gu Tian's side and smiled.

Although Fang Xin was also dissatisfied at the moment, he kept comforting Gu Tian. People like Gu Tian who had just entered the society were different from him. Their mental tolerance was not as strong as his.

Fang Xin was also worried that if he complained, Gu Tian and the others would really not be able to hold on, and all their previous efforts would be wasted and they would not be able to get their medical qualification certificate.

In today's society ruled by law, no matter how good a person's medical skills are, he must have a medical qualification certificate. This is the reality and no one can change it.

However, Fang Xin also agreed and understood this requirement. Only after the emergence of industry standards can the good development of the industry be promoted.

"But if things continue like this, when will we be able to see patients?"

After hearing Fang Xin's consolation, Gu Tian's mood calmed down a lot compared to before. Even so, she was still very dissatisfied with the practice of Renhe Hospital. After all, they are graduate students from famous universities. Are they really not better than those ordinary nurses? Even if they are not better than them, at least they can tie.

"If they don't allow us to go, we can go by ourselves. Although we can't get in touch with the patients, we can get in touch with the doctors. When other doctors are diagnosing, we can just listen."

"While listening to the analysis and diagnosis of seniors who have been in the industry for many years, we also make our own diagnosis to see the gap and difference between us and the seniors."

"Then you can just summarize it yourself."

Fang Xin said with a smile.

This is what he had always done before, but because he always interrupted, he was always criticized, but even so Fang Xin did not intend to"correct" it.

After all, before this, every time he interrupted, it was because of the deviation in the medical diagnosis. He also wanted to point out the problem and consider the patient.

"Yes, Fang Xin, you are so smart. Why didn’t I think of it before? I am so stupid."

Gu Tian stamped her feet subconsciously and looked at Fang Xin with admiration.

Just now, although Gu Tian was full of complaints, she was also doing the tasks assigned by Dr. Wang honestly. She didn't expect that she could"steal" as Fang Xin said.

For a moment, Gu Tian's admiration for Fang Xin increased a bit.

In fact, any girl would feel admiration and love after seeing Fang Xin now.

When Fang Xin didn't have the system, his appearance was beyond reproach. Now he has good looks, talent, financial resources, and is kind. Which little girl doesn't like such a high-quality man?

"But there is one thing I want to remind you, that is, never interrupt unless you are sure that what you say is right, but even so you will still be scolded"

"Don't ask me how I know this."

After saying this, Fang Xin looked helplessly at the mop in his hand.

Wasn't this"artifact" in his hand obtained because of his own mouth?

"Got it. I have to get busy. Otherwise, if other people see me, I’ll get scolded again."

Gu Tian looked at Fang Xin and said with a smile. Then, she waved at Fang Xin and hurried back to her post.

However, this time, Gu Tian also listened to Fang Xin’s advice. Whenever there was a patient, she would rush to the doctor and listen carefully to every word the doctor said.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Fang Xin kept wandering around the departments. After all, his current task was to clean up. He could go wherever he wanted without any obstacles.

In this way, he could better go to different departments to"learn from others"."

"Your child doesn't have any serious problems. It's just a common cold. I'll give it to you later.……"

Listening to the pediatrician's analysis, Fang Xin nodded with satisfaction and left.

"Why are there only these? Aren't there any more serious cases?"

Fang Xin muttered to herself, but the next second, Fang Xin wanted to slap herself in the face. As a medical worker, she actually wanted to make people sick, and it was a serious disease. This was simply against medical ethics.

"Make way, everyone, make way!"

"Doctor! Doctor, come quickly, someone is dying here!"

Just as Fang Xin was blaming himself, a sweaty man ran in, followed by several panicked men and women. One of the men was carrying a pale woman on his back.

Seeing this, Fang Xin could conclude that the patient's illness must be serious and could even threaten his life.

For a moment, Fang Xin became serious and ran towards the patient. Fang Xin was too far away from the patient just now and could only see the patient's complexion.

And relying on this alone, there is no way to determine the cause of the patient's illness.

"Come on, family members, put the patient here, our director is here."

Before Fang Xin could run over, a group of medical staff rushed over and stood between the patient and Fang Xin.

After hearing what the medical staff said, the patient's family members also hurriedly put the patient on the stretcher.

It was at this moment that Fang Xin got a thorough look at the patient.

She was a woman in her forties. From the moment she lay on the stretcher, she kept covering her stomach with both hands. At the same time, her whole face was pale, and beads of sweat kept rolling down.

This hand?

The part that was pressed was exactly the position of her appendix. Could it be appendicitis?

Based on what he had observed, Fang Xin could only come to such a simple conclusion. If he wanted to understand more deeply, he had to go to the patient's side. But at the moment, Fang Xin was not given such an opportunity. After all, the moment the medical staff rushed over, a young nurse told him not to make trouble, and the director was on the way.

So, at this moment, Fang Xin could only stand here, waiting for the arrival of the director mentioned by the nurse.

Soon the director came to the scene, began to inquire about the patient's condition, and examined him carefully.

"Doctor, please save my wife. She was fine before and had no pain or discomfort."

"Who would have thought that after eating and shopping, I would be rolling around in pain"

"You must save her!"

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