If the wound is sutured directly, everything will be difficult to say.

"Doctor, are you telling the truth?"

"Don't lie to us. How come there is an abdominal abscess? Didn't you and the director just say it was appendicitis?"

"We have also done this test, and have given you the film and results."

"How come I suddenly have a new disease, and it's a fatal disease."

As he was talking, the man's legs went limp. If someone hadn't supported him in time, he might have had to be hospitalized for observation.

"Listen to me, we did diagnose it as appendicitis, but after the operation……"

"Sir, please don't listen to his nonsense."

"The surgeon who performed the surgery on your wife is our chief surgeon. He is just an intern."

"Don't you trust our director?"

Before Fang Xin could explain, the nurse beside him interrupted him and said

"What's wrong with being an intern? Can't the director make mistakes?"

Fang Xin was dissatisfied.

It was true that Fang Xin was an intern in Renhe Hospital, but his medical skills were no less than anyone else here.


""I'm scared to death, what nonsense are you, an intern, talking about? You have an abdominal abscess!"

After learning that Fang Xin was an intern, the patient's family said unhappily.

For a moment, Fang Xin didn't know how to defend himself. Should he tell the patient's family that although he was an intern, he had excellent medical skills? Should he say that the director was wrong and he was right?

No normal person would believe this.

Not only that, Fang Xin was also sure that even if he let the other party read his news reports, they might not believe what he had just said.

After all, in the current situation, no matter who it was, even Fang Xin himself would firmly believe in the director's judgment.

Helplessly, Fang Xin had to lean against the corner of the corridor, quietly waiting for the operation to end.

Gu Tian, Chu Feng, and Liang Lili also came to Fang Xin's side and learned what had just happened from the nurse. They believed in Fang Xin's diagnosis.

But even so, what could they, a few interns, change?

"Brother Fang……"

"It's okay!"

Fang Xin stared at the sign in the operating room.

At this moment, he wished he was a well-known doctor. Only in this way, no one, including the director, would question his diagnosis, and he could correct the mistake in the operation in time.

Unfortunately, this was all Fang Xin's wishful thinking. At the moment, he was just an ordinary intern!

Ten minutes later


As the operating room light went out, the director dragged his tired body out of the operating room.���The family members inside hurried over

"The operation was very successful. As long as you actively cooperate with our treatment, your loved one will be able to recover and be discharged from the hospital soon."

The director rolled up his sleeves and said

"Thank you, Director. Thanks to you this time.……"

"Director, have you drained the abscess in the patient's body?"

Just as the director was immersed in the praise of the patient's family, Fang Xin's voice suddenly came out, and for a moment the director stared at Fang Xin with anger on his face.

He never thought that this intern would be so ignorant.

He just called himself a quack. If the operation was not urgent, he would have rushed out to teach Fang Xin a lesson.

"You just called me a quack, didn't you?"

"You know why I became the director, you know how many operations I performed, how many patients I saved, you know……"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. I just want to know whether you have done drainage or not."

Before the director finished speaking, Fang Xin interrupted him again. He didn't want to hear the director bragging about his own deeds. At the moment, Fang Xin was most concerned about the patient's condition.

Perhaps because Fang Xin questioned him in public, and because Fang Xin had called him a quack doctor before, the director could no longer tolerate Fang Xin's attitude, and then said sarcastically:

"Sorry intern, I didn’t do drainage because my experience tells me that I don’t need it."

"I thought you were a talented person, but I didn't expect you to be a cocky guy who thought you were great just by studying in school for a few years."

"No one would really use chicken feathers as a token of authority, right? You guys are just the guys who were eliminated. It is a blessing for you to watch my surgery."

"If I knew you were so ungrateful, I would never give you this opportunity."

"Intern, let me tell you!"

"You have repeatedly interfered with the work of medical staff, disrespected your seniors and spoke without restraint, maliciously slandered medical staff, and were disorganized and undisciplined!"

"I declare that your internship has failed!"

""Don't even think about getting a doctor's license!"

After hearing that he couldn't get a license, Fang Xin froze for a few seconds. For a moment, Gu Tian and others who wanted to step forward to stop him also backed off.

They sympathized with Fang Xin's experience and were dissatisfied with the director's words, but faced with the threat of failing the internship and not getting a doctor's license, they backed off.

If they couldn't get a diploma this time, they would never be able to work in this industry in the future.

In front of their future and friends, they decisively chose the former.


"You're a fucking quack, you revoked my qualifications and said I have no experience?"

"I will teach you a lesson today!"

Fang Xin punched the director in the face in a flash. The arrogant director never thought that Fang Xin would hit someone.

For a moment, his eyes went black and he fell to the ground and fainted.

Seeing the director lying on the ground, Fang Xin looked at his fist in disbelief. In his impression, he did not have such strength at all.

The director, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, was hit by his punch, and not only that, he fainted?

Could it be because of his physical activation?

Fang Xin had mixed feelings. He admitted that he was a little impulsive just now, but he just wanted to teach this arrogant director a lesson. He had no intention of killing him at all!

God and heaven are my conscience!

Looking at all this in front of him, Fang Xin understood that he could not wash away his guilt even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Security! Security!"

"Comrade Supervisor, someone is in Renhe Hospital……"

For a moment, the entire Renhe Hospital was in chaos. Everyone hid from Fang Xin as if they had seen the plague god, fearing that they would be the next one to be beaten.

"Don't come over, lest you get involved. This matter has nothing to do with you from beginning to end."

After seeing Chu Tian, Gu Tian, and Liang Lili walking towards him, Fang Xin quickly waved his hand to refuse, signaling them to step back.

Let him take care of this matter alone.

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