Director Jiang's face turned pale.

Xiaoxue was a girl who loved beauty the most. If she was disfigured like this, how would she live in the future?

"Although the wound is not deep, it is very long. However, if it is treated well, the shape of the scar can be minimized after healing, and the success rate of skin repair surgery will be higher!"

Fang Xin said, looking at Wang Yuwu and said:

"Doctor Wang, it's your turn now."

Director Jiang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Although Wang Yuwu has a bad character, he is a professional doctor in skin repair surgery after all!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Wang Yuwu and said:

"Wang Yuwu, you are a doctor who performs skin repair surgery, right? You can definitely handle this kind of wound! Come on! As long as Xiaoxue's face can be restored, I owe you a favor!"

Wang Yuwu was immediately shocked.

It's not that he can't do this kind of surgery, but to restore the skin to its original appearance, his level is not enough!

The operations he performed in the hospital were basically minor operations.

After his hands handled the large skin marks, some scars of varying depths would still be left.

But so what? He didn't care at all.

For those ordinary patients, he would just make a few excuses and perfunctorily deal with them, as long as there was no medical accident, it didn't matter!

But now this is Director Jiang's niece!

If he can't handle it well, I'm afraid he won't be able to be a doctor in the future.

Wang Yuwu took the tweezers and needle and thread, and walked to Xiaoxue tremblingly.

She still had a respirator on her face, and could only sew a little bit on the side. This difficulty made Wang Yuwu dare not start, and he gestured for a long time with trembling.

His hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold the tweezers and needle and thread steadily.

Director Jiang was immediately furious:

"Will you do it? Didn't someone just give you a banner?"

Wang Yuwu trembled with fear and said with a sad face:

"I really have no experience in treating such a large wound."

Fang Xin sneered, silently took the needle and thread and said:

"Let me do it!"

He walked to Xiaoxue's side and raised the bed slightly. The next moment, his wisdom eyes opened.

"The wound is ten centimeters long and three millimeters deep at its maximum.

At this moment, Fang Xin discovered that there were some tiny pieces of glass in Xiaoxue's wound, stained with blood, so that it was almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

""Open with your skillful hands!"

Fang Xin picked up the needle and slowly removed the glass shards from the wound.

Seeing the tiny glass that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, several people swallowed their saliva.

It takes a terrifying vision to find these transparent tiny glass.

After cleaning the wound, Fang Xin picked up the needle and thread and began to suture.

At this moment, everything in Fang Xin's eyes disappeared, and there was only the needle and thread in his hand and the wound on Xiaoxue's face.

"The wound here is relatively shallow, so fewer stitches are needed and it will heal naturally.……"

"The wound here is quite deep, so deeper stitches can be used."

Director Jiang, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he saw Fang Xin's hands flying.

How much can this guy do?

Even the dean was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

There was such a strong man in his hospital, and he didn't even know about it?

If he had known that this kid was so powerful, wouldn't his hospital have been upgraded long ago?

Why did he buy equipment secretly, and why did he do these little tricks that were not presentable.

At this time, he looked at Wang Yuwu with a somewhat unhappy expression.

If I remember correctly, this kid is Wang Yuwu's assistant, right?

Just like that, under Fang Xin's treatment, the wound on Xiaoxue's face was sutured bit by bit.

Finally, after all the small wounds on Xiaoxue's body were treated, Fang Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

"The operation is over!"

"Contact the central hospital and take the patient to the ICU later. Remember to explain the patient's condition clearly."

"The patient's blood pressure is maintained at a slightly lower level to avoid increasing the heart's burden.

Seeing the nurse beside her writing down everything, Fang Xin prepared to change clothes.

Director Jiang quickly caught up with her.

"Young man, who is your teacher? I see that your knowledge of cardiac surgery is not as good as yours even in the best surgical hospital in the city, no, the province."

"Why stay in this small hospital?"

"May I have your name?"

""Which school did you graduate from?"

Director Jiang asked a series of questions, which made Fang Xin upset.

He took off his surgical gown and frowned as he said:

"Sorry, I had two operations today and I am very tired now. I want to go back and rest."

"And I am no longer a medical staff in this hospital!"

After saying that, he threw down his surgical gown, hugged his things and walked out of the hospital.

Director Jiang was stunned. This young man has a bit of a lonely personality!

He was about to go and see Xiaoxue's condition when he saw the dean approaching and saying:

"Director Jiang, look at what happened today... That young man is a doctor in our hospital. I am planning to open a department for him. This ECMO is for him.……"

Director Jiang was immediately upset when he heard this.

"Dean Liu!"

"I need a complete explanation for what happened today!"

"Why, as a hospital, does it lack such safety awareness?"

"Why is it that even though he is the surgeon in charge of the skin repair surgery, he doesn’t even have the courage to operate!"

"And that ECMO! Why would a hospital affiliated with a surgical hospital have such a machine!"

"And that young man, why is he facing dismissal even though he has such surgical skills!"

"You'd better think it over before telling me!"

Director Jiang said, picked up his phone and walked aside to explain the matter to Xiaoxue's parents.

Dean Liu knew that he was powerless to save the situation, glared at Dr. Wang next to him, and thought to himself:

"It's all your fault! Even if I can't be the dean, I'll get rid of him!"

Fang Xin returned home, looked at the bare rented house, and lay exhausted on the bed.

What happened today was so up and down so fast that he felt like he was immersed in a dream.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind again.

【The patient is completely out of danger, and all vital signs have returned to normal. Now the reward is settled.……】

【Mission completion: S+】

【Emergency response level: S+】

【Slap level: S+】

【Comprehensive index: S+】

【Rewards: Advanced Mastery of Head Surgery, Advanced Mastery of Cardiopulmonary Surgery, Insight +2, Dexterity +2, Concentration +1】

【The skill level has reached level 5, and he has been promoted to the primary sky-patching hand. 】

A series of voices startled Fang Xin, and then he felt a lot of knowledge pouring into his mind again. One surgical example after another emerged in his mind, which shocked Fang Xin greatly. What surprised him even more was the changes in his eyes and hands.

He raised his hand and shook his fingers slightly. The flexibility of his ten fingers surprised him so much that he was speechless.

He could even judge the subtle flow of air and the vibration of sound around him through his hands.

The changes in his eyes were not small either. He could even distinguish the muscle tissue under the skin of his hands through some subtle differences.

This is not perspective, but it can almost catch up with perspective!

These two improvements simply provided Fang Xin with a microscope that can adjust the magnification at any time, and a super-precise manipulator.

Now, if he sews a surgical wound, he can almost sew it along the incision of the wound with zero error.

While Fang Xin was shocked, the two operations he performed during the day finally brewed a huge storm. He didn't know that he had become famous overnight.

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