This could have been avoided, but Professor Ding insisted on doing it his own way and distributing cash. Now Wu Zekai has discovered the clues.

Professor Ding is in a dilemma. If he tells Wu Zekai the truth, it will hurt his face. But he can't make up a reasonable lie for a while.

Looking at Professor Ding who is anxious at the moment, Fang Xin speaks up to help:

"Actually, this matter is all my fault. Something happened at home and I needed some money, but I had squandered all the money from my private doctor not long ago, so I asked Professor Ding if he could give me an extra month's salary."

"Send some money home to help with the urgent need."

After saying this, Fang Xin showed an awkward smile.

"Fang Xin, you know that this is not what I meant. If your family needs money urgently, you can use my salary first."

"I am the kind of person who feeds my whole family."

As Wu Zekai was talking, he stuffed his salary into Fang Xin's hands. Originally, he thought that Fang Xin's commission was higher than his because Fang Xin did more than him.

But he didn't expect that it was because Fang Xin knew the salary in advance. Although Wu Zekai always argued with Fang Xin, he still didn't want to expose other people's scars.

"I accept your kindness, but I don't need the money."

"My family has also raised a lot of money, and with the salary I just learned, it is enough"

"If it doesn't work in a few days, I'll ask you, and then you can't be stingy, Zekai."

Fang Xin hurriedly thanked him. The reason he said this was just to smooth things over for Professor Ding and the matter. As for borrowing Wu Zekai's salary, there was no need.

"If Fang Xin really doesn't have enough money, just tell me, I still have some savings."

After that, Professor Ding gave Fang Xin an appreciative look. It must be said that Fang Xin's rounding up was very complete. Not only did it solve the salary issue, it also did not make Wu Zekai suspicious, but it also made him feel a little guilty.

""Fang Xin, this kid, has a bright future!" Professor Ding sighed in his heart.

After a brief episode, Professor Ding talked to Fang Xin and Wu Zekai about some of his recent medical ideas and speculations. Professor Ding also wanted to see if the young people had any new ideas about his research field.

Just as the three were discussing, a young nurse rushed into the office in a hurry, and then looked at Fang Xin and the other two in front of her with an anxious face, but was unable to speak.

"Don't worry, tell me what happened slowly."

After coming to the nurse, Professor Ding said comfortingly.

He knew that if there was no emergency, no one would bother him. After all, the dean had promised Professor Ding that he would concentrate on medical research and let others do the hospital's work.

Only when there was an emergency would the hospital staff come to him.

After calming down, the nurse looked at the three people present and said slowly:

"Professor Ding, Doctor Fang, Doctor Wu, a very serious rear-end collision occurred on Tianhu Expressway, causing a large number of casualties."

"The headquarters has assigned six patients to my hospital. The dean wants you to prepare for the surgery now. Professor Ding, you have to come out this time. There are too many patients coming, and we don't have enough surgeons."

"Okay! Let’s get ready right away!"

After learning that a large number of patients needed surgery, Fang Xin and others hurriedly stood up and walked towards the direction of the surgery.

Their hospital only had six operating rooms, and the headquarters assigned them six patients, which meant that these patients were all in critical condition, otherwise it would not be the headquarters hospital's turn to intervene in this matter.

In the operating room, Fang Xin, wearing a sterile suit, quietly waited for the arrival of the patient. He didn't know what kind of patient he would meet, and everything was unknown.

But in the face of this unknown, Fang Xin not only did not have a trace of fear, but became more and more excited.

Doing this unknown operation requires a doctor to have extremely high professional requirements, which is also what Fang Xin is most looking forward to. He wants to know what stage he has reached now with the blessing of the system.

Better understanding of oneself can also improve oneself better in the subsequent career.

At the same time, more than a dozen ambulances were speeding on the road. They were pulling the injured in the continuous rear-end collision on the highway. All of these people had fractures of varying degrees, and many of them fainted due to excessive blood loss. There was no room for delay in their treatment.

"Hurry! Push the patient to the operating room."

As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital gate, the anxiously waiting medical staff began to get busy. For them, time is life.

"Doctor Fang, this is the injured person. According to my colleagues in the ambulance, he has multiple fractures all over his body, and the most serious muscle tear is in his left arm."

""My colleagues have already done the preliminary work, and now it's up to you!"

Looking at the patient in front of him, Fang Xin fell into deep thought. To be honest, before the patient was pushed in, he had imagined what the patient looked like and how serious his injuries were.

But what Fang Xin had never expected was that the patient lying on the operating table was actually a teenage boy, who had already fainted due to excessive blood loss.

""Doctor Fang, are we going to start the operation now?" the anesthesiologist asked.

For an operation like this, if it is to be started, the first task is to anesthetize the patient, otherwise no one can ensure that the originally unconscious patient will not suddenly wake up during the operation.

The severe pain caused by the operation will also make the patient who has just woken up fall into a coma again.

This will not only delay the progress of the operation, but may also cause secondary damage to the patient, leaving hidden dangers for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry, give me some time, I need to understand his injuries, otherwise I can't tell you the specific time of anesthesia."

After saying that, Fang Xin bent down and hurriedly checked.

It was during the inspection that Fang Xin realized how serious this traffic accident was. The child's left arm muscles and blood vessels were severely torn, and his liver was seriously damaged.

It can be seen that this operation is a severe test for the doctor's medical skills and endurance.

"Prepare for anesthesia, the time is tentatively set at about three and a half hours"

"This operation is a long-term battle."

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