Even though Wu Zekai had many questions in his mind, he could only stand outside and wait as he watched the doors of the operating rooms closed.

Even though he was a surgeon, he could not enter the operating room without permission. This was to avoid distracting the surgeon's attention and to avoid bringing extra bacteria into the operating room.

""Doctor Fang, the patient has a certain degree of self-awareness now. Does he need additional anesthetics?"

After seeing the patient wake up on the operating table, the anesthesiologist asked with concern.

It was precisely because of the use of local anesthesia that the anesthesia effect was not as good as before, and the patient woke up early. Although he could not feel the pain now, he was conscious.

Feeling his body tissue being taken out and then reorganized is a torture and challenge for anyone, let alone a teenager.

"No, I believe you are a brave child!"

Fang Xin looked at the child with eyes wide open and said gently.

Perhaps the effect of the anesthesia had not yet faded, or perhaps Fang Xin's words had worked, the child who was originally terrified, slowly calmed down and looked unusually brave.

"Give me the scalpel!"

Seeing that the patient's emotions had calmed down, Fang Xin did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly accelerated his operation.

Now that the patient has regained a certain degree of consciousness, this also serves as a reminder for Fang Xin. At this moment, he must speed up the process and speed of the operation, otherwise the effect of local anesthesia will disappear soon. At that time, the operation will face an unprecedented challenge.

As the scalpel quickly passed, the arm that was hit by the car was shattered, revealing the white bones.

As shown in the X-ray, the patient's forearm had already been comminuted, and the broken bone fragments had penetrated deeply into his tissues and blood vessels.


Taking the tool from the assistant, Fang Xin carefully took out the bone fragments bit by bit. Except for the larger bones, the rest of the bone fragments had to be cleaned up. During this period, he must be absolutely careful to avoid causing secondary damage to the patient.

"You start to stop the bleeding!"

After hearing Fang Xin's order, the assistant beside him also hurriedly started to work. The operation was complicated. If Fang Xin completed it alone, it would take at least seven or eight hours.

And a teenager, especially one who had experienced a major car accident like him, could not bear such a long time of consumption.

With the continuous efforts of many medical staff, the bloody arm now has its original appearance.

Next, the arm will be joined. At present, the patient's arm is severely fractured, and ordinary fixation is no longer effective. It can only be fixed with a steel plate.

"Hold on for a while, I'll fix your arm, and we can go out."

Fang Xin comforted him again.

Although the patient's fracture was very serious, he was still young and his bones were growing, so after the operation, the healing speed of his bones would be much faster than that of an adult.

"Give me the smallest drill bit and the smallest steel plate!"

"Doctor Fang, for a patient of this age, please use the smallest size.……"

"It doesn't matter, it will have less impact on him."

Fang Xin said firmly. The smallest steel plates and drill bits are usually prepared for children of five or six years old. They are more or less inappropriate for this teenager.

But Fang Xin understood that if a steel plate is implanted in the body, several holes must be punched in the patient's bones, and the steel plate must be fixed in the patient's body with screws, so as to fix the broken bones. The act of punching holes is an injury to the patient's bones, but this injury is based on the final healing.

Therefore, the smaller the hole in the steel plate, the less damage to the patient. The reason why the steel plate and the punch are differentiated by age is because the density and hardness of bones are different in different age groups. The smallest punch in their hospital is enough to penetrate the bones of a teenager. In this case, Fang Xin must choose a method that causes the least damage.


With the sound of the puncher, six holes appeared neatly on the patient's body. Then, with the help of the assistant, Fang Xin pieced together the broken bones bit by bit and fixed them with steel plates.

"Suture the wound!"

The little patient on the operating table looked at the medical staff beside him working tirelessly for him, and silently made up his mind that when he grows up, he will also become a doctor who saves the dying and the wounded.

Fang Xin would never have thought that today's operation not only saved a seriously injured child, but also planted a seed in a young heart.

And this seed will eventually sprout and bloom, and grow into a towering tree that can shelter one side.

As the assistant wiped the sweat on Fang Xin's head again and again, the operation gradually came to an end. For a full three hours of surgery, Fang Xin stood motionless, his hands constantly wandering among various tools.

If it weren't for the blessing of his physique, Fang Xin didn't dare to imagine whether he could complete this operation.

"Do we add plaster?"

The question raised by the assistant was also the problem that bothered Fang Xin just now.

Although they had already connected a steel plate to the patient's arm, which was enough to fix the broken bones, even so, without the auxiliary fixation of plaster.

Every use of the arm may cause abnormal healing of the arm bones.

If the patient's arm is fixed with plaster for a second time, it can indeed ensure the normal healing of the bones and avoid deformities.

In theory, steel plate fixation plus the assistance of plaster is the most ideal treatment method.

But there is a disadvantage of plaster fixation, that is, it is not breathable. However, the patient's arm has just undergone wound suture work. If the plaster is rashly covered, it will definitely cause the wound to rot and cause secondary damage to the patient.

The current plaster is neither adding nor not adding.

Fang Xin thought about this matter from the moment he saw the patient, but even now he has not thought of a good countermeasure.

After thinking for a long time, a bold idea appeared in Fang Xin's mind.

Since it is impossible to cast, then they will find something that has both the effect of plaster-assisted fixation and the effect of breathability.

In this way, isn't it the best of both worlds!

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