
After handing over the money, the beautiful woman glared at the little girl next to her again.

If the little girl hadn't suddenly rolled over with a stomachache today, she would have been fighting with her friend on the mahjong table at this moment.

"You're a money loser!"

"How do you, as a parent, speak like that?"

"That is, there is no quality at all"

"Little sister, don't listen to your mother's nonsense, you are very good."

Seeing the woman being so rude to her own child, the people in the queue couldn't stand it anymore and began to blame the woman. The little girl on the side was shaking more and more as she listened to the words of the crowd. The little girl knew that when she got home, she would be beaten and scolded because she made her mother angry. As long as she made her mother angry, she would be beaten and kicked.

"Go upstairs to see Dr. Fang!"

The nurse handed over the registration form, and the woman took the little girl and left quickly. Along the way, the little girl didn't dare to look directly at her mother, as if she had done something wrong.

"Are you Doctor Fang?"

Looking at the delicate face of Fang Xin in front of her, the beautiful woman said with a crazy look on her face. The original irritability of accompanying her daughter to see a doctor was swept away after seeing Fang Xin's face.

The beautiful face was simply pleasing to the eye!

"Yes, that's me!"

"This is the first time I have seen such a handsome doctor."

After seeing Fang Xin's answer, the beautiful woman hurried into the office, not caring about the little girl standing at the door at all, as if the two of them were strangers.

""Thank you for the compliment, ma'am. I wonder what's wrong with you?"

Fang Xin said gently, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. During Fang Xin's consultation, many patients had praised his handsomeness. Fang Xin was no longer surprised by this.

But even so, Fang Xin was still very happy to hear someone praise his handsomeness. After carefully looking at the woman in front of him, Fang Xin really couldn't tell where she was uncomfortable. Her forehead was full, her face was ruddy, and she was full of energy when she spoke. She didn't look like a sick person at all.

"It's not me. I'm here to see a doctor with my child. Where's my child?"

After turning around and not finding her child, the beautiful woman hurriedly shouted:

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, where are you? Where have you been?"

"Mom, I'm here!"

"Come in quickly, Doctor Fang, please be patient, children like to run around when they are young."

After pulling Xiaoyu through the door, the woman hurriedly smiled and said, without any of the arrogant look just now.

""Little boy, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Tell your brother."

After handing over a stool, Fang Xin looked at the little girl in front of him tenderly. For some reason, Fang Xin could always sense a hint of fear in the little girl's eyes.

Was she so scary in the eyes of a child? This shouldn't be the case. The children before obviously liked her very much.

Looking at Xiao Yu who had been silent for a long time, Fang Xin fell into deep thought. Although Fang Xin was only in his twenties, he still liked children very much, so he specially greeted the nurse and assigned himself a few pediatric patients.

Otherwise, children of this age group would never be assigned to a surgical doctor like Fang Xin. However, Fang Xin finally used his strength to tell everyone that he, Fang Xin, had the ability to do this.

"Doctor Fang, I'm sorry, Xiaoyu is a little shy, please don't mind.

Seeing Xiaoyu was reluctant to speak, the beautiful woman beside her hurriedly explained

"It doesn't matter, you are her mother?"

"Yes, his father and I are remarried. Strictly speaking, I am her stepmother. You know, it is not easy to be a stepmother in this era. As soon as Xiaoyu felt uncomfortable, I immediately took her to the hospital for fear of gossip."

After saying that, the beautiful woman shook her head helplessly.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Fang Xin felt very sympathetic. Many times, people still have a lot of prejudice against stepmothers. Although some stepmothers are very harsh on their children, most of them are still very good. After all, people are made of flesh and blood.

"Thank you for your hard work. Can you tell us about your child?"

"She just has had stomachaches lately."

Walking to the little girl's side, Fang Xin pressed gently a few times without success, then turned around and said:

"Take her for a checkup. We cannot judge what is happening inside the body by appearance."


Half an hour later, looking at the test report and film in his hand, Fang Xin fell into deep thought.

"Xiaoyu, have you been feeling nauseous and vomiting frequently recently, and have you lost a lot of weight?"

"Yes! Doctor Fang, is the problem serious?"

Listening to her mother's answer and looking at Xiaoyu beside her, Fang Xin really didn't want to believe that this young girl was actually a stomach cancer patient.

But now, all the data show that she is undoubtedly a stomach cancer patient.

"Please come with me, the child's condition is quite complicated."

After that, Fang Xin brought the mother and daughter to Professor Ding's office.

After handing over the little girl's test report, Professor Ding was shocked. He had been practicing medicine for so many years, but this was the first time he had seen such a young patient with gastric cancer.

"Your child has stomach cancer. It hasn't spread yet. If you have surgery, she may be saved."

"Otherwise, after a while, once the cancer cells spread, we will be powerless.

Staring at the mother and daughter in front of him, Professor Ding pushed up his glasses.

"Are You Sure?"

"Xiaoyu is only ten years old, how could he get stomach cancer?"

"Listen to me, gastric cancer is caused by many factors. The most important thing now is to prepare the child for surgery. As for the cause of the disease, it is not too late to analyze it after the child is cured.

Looking at the panicked mother, Professor Ding hurriedly comforted her.

Cancer, if discovered early, if discovered late, with the current medical level, there is no power to save the patient, and the only way waiting for the patient is death.

""Okay! I'll go and get the hospitalization procedures done right away."

She had always been critical of Xiaoyu, but at this moment, tears began to flow from her eyes unconsciously.

"Fang Xin, go and worry about the other doctors. Xiaoyu's case is very special. We need to have a comprehensive discussion."

Fang Xin then hurried out of Professor Ding's office.

In the next few hours, Professor Ding led the hospital's top medical staff to conduct a systematic and comprehensive analysis of Xiaoyu's condition. They analyzed the key points and difficulties of the operation one by one and thought of countermeasures. In order to save Xiaoyu, the young flower of the motherland, everyone was 120% alert.

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