
Fang Xin hung up the phone before he could finish.

He had finally made up his mind to leave the hospital, so how could he go back?

"You want an interview, right? Let's go back first. This is not the place to talk."

Fang Xin said as she stood up, scanned the code to pay, and walked out of the breakfast shop with the reporter.

Seeing this, the landlord hurriedly said,"Hurry up, go back with him. Didn't he just save Xiaowei? The TV station will definitely interview us."

"My house has such a celebrity, it will be easier to rent in the future!"

The little boy's mother sighed, but before she could thank him, she chased after him.

As soon as she reached the door, she saw Director Jiang standing at the door of his house, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

""Why are you here too?"

Fang Xin asked in confusion.

Director Jiang came forward, shook Fang Xin's hand and said:

"Doctor Fang, I have something very important to discuss with you. It is about surgery. There is a 12-year-old child who is facing a heart transplant.

Fang Xin frowned and said:

"Although heart transplant surgery is difficult, many doctors can do it, right?

Director Jiang nodded and said:

"If it was just surgery, it was performed by Professor Ding from Jiangnan Provincial Surgery Hospital."

"Professor Ding? Professor Ding, the master of cardiopulmonary surgery?"

Fang Xin said in surprise:

"With him here, what kind of surgery would I be worried about?"

Director Jiang shook his head and said:

"Professor Ding is indeed very capable in performing this operation, but before starting, we need to discuss the feasibility of successful implementation."

"Because this patient is different from other patients!"

When Director Jiang talked about the difference, he hesitated a little, and finally sighed and said:

"This patient is a mirror image person!"

Fang Xin suddenly realized!

The so-called mirror image person means that the patient's"heart is on the right and liver is on the left" and all the internal organs are reversed, just like the imaging principle of a plane mirror.

The mirror image person is extremely rare, and the probability of all organs growing reversed is only one in a few million.

It is precisely because of this particularity that the operation has become extremely complicated.

First of all, if the heart is transplanted according to the normal method, the left and right sides of the heart will be swapped, and there will be problems with the blood vessels. Secondly, due to the different position of the heart, after the transplant, the atrium is squeezed. Even if there is no problem in the short term, there will still be great hidden dangers over time. The most direct one is heart disease.

Fang Xin frowned, thought for a while and said:

"It is indeed very difficult... What does Professor Ding want to do?"

Director Jiang said:

"Professor Ding meant that if it is done normally, it is not impossible, but the operation is very difficult and requires an experienced assistant."

"But all doctors who perform cardiopulmonary surgery are afraid to take on this job because the responsibility is too great.

Fang Xin was stunned for a moment and said:

"But that's the way it is. A mirror image heart transplant is unheard of. You have to do your best when doing it, but even if it fails, it's understandable, right?"

Director Jiang glanced at Fang Xin, then at the reporter who had been listening at the side, coughed twice, pulled Fang Xin aside and said:

"The identity of this mirror person is very special. Her grandfather is the head of a military region in the north. Her father died heroically in a border conflict two years ago. If something happens to this little girl again,……"

"Do you understand?"

Fang Xin took a breath of cold air when she heard this.

No wonder no one dared to be this assistant.

"Teacher Ding and the leader had a deep friendship when they were young, so Teacher Ding could fight for his life, but others……"

Fang Xin shook her head.

Director Jiang sighed and said:

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't agree."

"No, I did it!

Fang Xin said,"Mirror human heart transplant, I am very interested in this operation."

"But if you fail……"

Fang Xin interrupted Director Jiang and said seriously:

"Director Jiang, every life is important, no matter if she is the granddaughter of a general or a beggar."

"What's more, the other party is the child of a martyr. How can we let the descendants of a hero who died on the battlefield delay his treatment because no one dared to perform surgery!"

Hearing this, Director Jiang said excitedly:

"OK! I will contact Professor Ding to prepare for the operation. The patient is already in Shanghai, at the Provincial Surgery Hospital. When is convenient for you?"

"Let's go now!"

Fang Xin turned to the reporter and said,"Sorry, let's talk about the interview later."

Then he went back to the room to get the charger and followed Director Jiang out of the room.

Seeing him leave, the reporter didn't know what to say. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he said to the photographer:

"Let’s go directly to the Provincial Hospital and wait. This is a mirror image of a human heart transplant operation. This news plus the weight of Doctor Fang will definitely be the headlines!"

On the other side, Fang Xin had already gotten into the car with Director Jiang and headed straight to the Provincial Surgery Hospital.

The Jiangnan Provincial Surgery Hospital is located in Shanghai.

Although Shanghai is a municipality, it is precisely because of its prosperity that the Provincial Hospital can obtain the best treatment resources.

On the way, Director Jiang had already called Professor Ding. Hearing that Fang Xin was willing to be an assistant, Professor Ding was very pleased.

The two entered the main building, and Director Jiang arranged for Fang Xin to sit in the lobby first.

At this time, Fang Xin also began to think about the difficulties of this operation.

The system knowledge in his mind contains a lot of knowledge about cardiopulmonary surgery, but there is no method of heart transplantation for mirror images.

But it was all in vain, and this knowledge seemed to be imprinted in Fang Xin's mind. He couldn't help but conceive the key to the operation in his mind.

At this time, under the effect of the"focus" skill, an operating table seemed to have appeared in front of him, and on the table was a mirror image person who needed a heart transplant.

Fang Xin's eyes were blank, but his hands seemed to be holding a scalpel, sometimes holding it in vain, and sometimes pushing and pulling.

"Direct heart transplantation is not feasible because the chest cavity compresses the heart, which can easily cause myocardial infarction."

"What if we use bionic structures to support the chest? No, she is only 12 years old and her body is still developing. If we do this, in the next ten years, if the bionic structure is integrated with the body, it will easily affect other organs."

One by one, he simulated the plan in front of him, but he rejected them all.

At this moment, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Fang Xin?"

Fang Xin was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw the source of the voice, and frowned immediately.

That familiar face was his ex-girlfriend, Chen Siwen.

At this time, Chen Siwen was wearing a nurse's uniform and looking at him with disgust.

"Why are you here? Are you chasing me so closely? I'm telling you, this is only my first day at work, don't make a scene here!"

Fang Xin suddenly realized.

Chen Siwen was originally a nurse at the 174th Surgical Hospital. It seems that the rich second generation used his connections to transfer her to the Provincial Hospital.

Although she is still a nurse, her treatment is much better.

However, the intention of doing so is obvious.

I'm afraid that the rich second generation is just playing with her and finding her a better job so that she won't bother him?

"Don't worry, I'm not here to look for you.

Fang Xin sneered. He no longer had any illusions about this woman.

"Are you here to see a doctor? Can't I see that you are still ill? Aren't you a doctor yourself? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you are just an assistant in a small hospital."

Chen Siwen sneered and said:

"My boyfriend's father is a good friend of the director of this hospital. I can help you get an appointment with a specialist. What's the matter? What's the problem?

Fang Xin ignored her. The last bit of goodwill in her heart also disappeared with her attitude. She frowned and said:

"Just do your thing and don't worry about me."

Chen Siwen sneered and said:

"Tsk, I'm telling you, stop imagining, we are so different, don't even think about turning back if you are not ambitious and have no ambition!

My current boyfriend is different, his father is the general manager of a listed company, you can never be as good as him even if you work hard for your whole life!"

"Have you said enough?"

Fang Xin interrupted her and said with a frown:

"I don't want to bother you, please don't bother me."

Chen Siwen sneered and said:

"Are you angry? You are such a loser, how could I be so blind to like you!"

Chen Siwen said, and turned to leave.

Fang Xin was interrupted by her, and his mind was completely blank, and he even lost the heart to continue to deduce the operation.

He looked around and saw a child next to him holding a toy.

But there seemed to be a problem somewhere in the toy, and a part could not be put back after it was buckled.

The child was sweating anxiously holding the toy.

Fang Xin smiled and was about to reach out to help him, when he saw him twist the toy half a circle and press it in.

Although the toy was not the same as before, it did not affect its operation. At this moment, Fang Xin seemed to have thought of something, but the inspiration flashed and disappeared.

Just as he was frowning, he saw Director Jiang leading two older men over.

One of them was Professor Ding!

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