"Why, do you despise the three hundred thousand yuan year-end bonus?"

"I know that President Han gives you a lot of money every month. Although the hospital can't give you so much, it is at least a reward for the medical staff."

Looking at Professor Ding's chattering at this moment, Fang Xin understood.

This time, he would never withdraw from the selection. The reason why Fang Xin wanted to withdraw was not because of the amount of bonus, but because he didn't want to have a bad relationship with Zhang Yueyue, and Zhang Yueyue from the obstetrics and gynecology department was not a woman to be messed with.

With Wu Zekai as a competitor, Fang Xin was already very satisfied, and he didn't want to have another one appear out of thin air.

"Professor Ding, this is not about money."

"I won't quit, but I think Dr. Zhang Yueyue is also very good.……"

Fang Xin said cautiously, since he couldn't withdraw from the selection, then he could just let someone else be elected.

This is also a method, isn't it?

"Xiao Fang, don't be fooled by Zhang Yueyue's serious appearance. She is actually a very kind person."

"Hahaha! A grown man was actually frightened by a little girl.

Fang Xin's hesitation also made Professor Ding guess the reason.

He never thought that the reason why Fang Xin didn't want to participate in the selection was because of Zhang Yueyue.

"Professor Ding, I suddenly remembered that there are several patients waiting for me, so I won't talk to you for now."

Fang Xin, who was exposed, hurriedly left Professor Ding's office.

This old man really didn't give him any face and spoke too directly.

Fortunately, there were only two of them in the office just now, otherwise if this matter was spread out, how could Fang Xin live his life in the future?


Oh my god, isn't this Zhang Yueyue?

On the way to work, Fang Xin recognized the familiar figure next to the bus stop. She was wearing a black woolen coat and a light white scarf, like an angel who accidentally fell into the world.

This was also the first time Fang Xin met Zhang Yueyue outside the hospital. She didn't expect that there was such a beauty in their hospital.

""Let's go! You'll be late by the time the bus arrives!"

Zhang Yueyue was shocked as she looked at Fang Xin sticking her head out of the window.

Under the strange looks from the people around her, Zhang Yueyue quickly walked to the passenger seat and got in.

She could feel that those people waiting for the bus had already regarded her as a woman who was dating a rich man. Their eyes were full of contempt.

"Do you usually drive this to and from get off work?"

"Not really, I also have a Mercedes Benz to drive."

For a moment, Zhang Yueyue fell silent. They were both doctors in the hospital, but they had sports cars to drive to and from work, while she had to squeeze into the bus every day.

Some people work to live, while others work to survive!

"The year-end bonus will be announced today. How confident do you think you are of getting it?

Turning her head towards the window, Zhang Yueyue spoke aimlessly.

"That has nothing to do with me. I haven't achieved much in my first year at the hospital. But I think you have great hope. I heard from them that you were only slightly worse than Professor Ding in the past few years."

"Professor Ding has retired this year, so the year-end bonus must be yours. Besides, your medical skills and the pregnant women you have treated are obvious to all, right?

Fang Xin replied hurriedly. He didn't know why Zhang Yueyue wanted to talk about the year-end bonus as soon as she saw him, but now Fang Xin decided to do everything according to Zhang Yueyue's wishes.

He didn't want to offend such a colleague, and a beautiful colleague, because of such a small matter.

"Do you take the bus to work every day?"

Seeing that Zhang Yueyue didn't say anything, Fang Xin quickly changed the subject. He didn't want to discuss the year-end bonus at all.

In Fang Xin's eyes, these unfounded titles were useless, and he didn't need the money.

"Most of the time, sometimes I take a taxi. Unlike you who have such a good family and no pressure, my salary is only enough for rent, utilities, etc. Workers have to be careful about everything."

As she spoke, Zhang Yueyue's mouth curved into an arc, and the smile seemed to be self-deprecating.

But in Fang Xin's eyes, this touch of red lips hit Fang Xin's heart directly. At this moment, Fang Xin actually felt that Zhang Yueyue was the one for her.

"How about I pick you up every day? We're on the same route anyway."

Fang Xin didn't know why he said this.

"No need , I don't want to be talked about by the nurses every day, thank you."

After learning the other party's answer, Fang Xin had to smile politely and awkwardly.


After a busy day at the hospital, the director finally gathered all the people in the hospital in a large conference room when it was almost time to get off work. At this moment, everyone was extremely excited.

Because they would soon know the winner of the year-end bonus, which was as high as 300,000 yuan.

For ordinary medical staff, this was an astronomical figure.

"Everyone, be quiet. I know everyone is very excited at this moment. Everyone is curious about who will get the year-end bonus this year."

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their efforts this year. It is you who have helped many patients return to health."

"I am also honored that the winner of this year's year-end bonus is a very young doctor in our hospital."

When she said this, Zhang Yueyue had already determined that the year-end bonus belonged to her.

In her eyes, no young doctor could compare with her.

For this award ceremony, Zhang Yueyue, who had never put on much makeup, dressed up today in order to outshine the others.

"Yueyue, it must be you!"

"Remember to treat us to a meal then!"


Under the praise of everyone in the department, Zhang Yueyue's face was radiant and full of confidence.

"I declare that the person receiving this year's year-end bonus is Fang Xin!"

"Let's congratulate Dr. Fang Xin!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Fang Xin who was chewing an apple in the corner.

At the same time, Zhang Yueyue was stunned when she heard the result.

She refused to believe why she was outperformed by Fang Xin who had just come to the hospital. She didn't understand why she was inferior to him.

"Dean, are you mistaken? I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications."

Putting down the apple in his hand, Fang Xin said carefully.

It was too social to have so many people watching him eat an apple.

"Doctor Fang, put down the apple in your hand. How can you not be qualified? Come quickly!"

Listening to the dean's words, all the doctors present laughed.

Fang Xin is really the only one who has won awards for eating apples in so many years.

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