"Help the man up first!"

"What happened to her just now? Why did she suddenly faint?"

Zhang Yueyue rushed over first. As a doctor, especially a gynecologist, she knew how much the fall of the pregnant woman had affected her and the fetus in her belly.

"Who are you? Don't touch my wife."

The young man shouted loudly. At this moment, he had completely lost his mind. He was naturally full of distrust towards Zhang Yueyue who rushed over.

"Don't get excited, this is my medical qualification certificate. I am a doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department. This is my colleague. Please trust us, okay?"

After taking out her work ID from her pocket, Zhang Yueyue said calmly.

She fully understood the actions of the pregnant woman's husband.

After all, it is very difficult for people to remain rational in such a situation.

After seeing Zhang Yueyue's work ID, the man was relieved.

Now that there is a gynecologist present, he is no longer nervous as he was at the beginning.

"Do you feel any discomfort now?"

Zhang Yueyue came to the pregnant woman again and asked carefully.

At this moment, she was also very worried about the pregnant woman's physical condition. The fall just now might cause miscarriage or premature birth.

No matter which of the above situations occurred, it would be difficult for the pregnant woman and her family to accept it.

"I...I just...just feel a little...a little breathless!"

The pregnant woman said with difficulty. Just now, she couldn't breathe, and her eyes suddenly went dark, and then she fell down. But she herself was not very clear about the reason for her shortness of breath.

And before this, she had never experienced such a situation.

Listening to the pregnant woman's description, Zhang Yueyue fell into deep thought. There are many reasons for this sudden fainting.

At present, she couldn't draw a conclusion immediately based on the pregnant woman's description alone.

And because pregnant women are different from ordinary people, their diagnosis must be based on the data of various examinations, and they cannot make arbitrary diagnoses.

""Doctor, is my wife okay? It's less than a month before her due date. Nothing can go wrong during this period."

The man on the side cried. His family has only one son for three generations. He spent a lot of money to conceive this child. If something happens to this child, their family line will be cut off.

Faced with the questions of the patient's family, Zhang Yueyue didn't know how to speak. At this time, Fang Xin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up.

"Did you gain so much weight during pregnancy?"

Faced with Fang Xin's question, the pregnant woman nodded helplessly. Before she got pregnant, she was very slim, but after she got pregnant, she ate bird's nest and drank chicken soup every day. The excess nutrition created her current body shape.

"Ignorance kills people. Who told you to eat like this? If you continue to eat like this, not only will the baby you give birth to be unhealthy, but your body will also be ruined. How can you be a husband?"

Under Fang Xin's accusation, the husband, who had just calmed down, shouted again:

"Do you know how to see that which pregnant woman does not gain weight during pregnancy? Is it okay if you do not supplement nutrition? Your child will be unhealthy!"

"Shut up and look at what your wife has become. I can tell you for sure."

"The reason why she fainted just now was because she was too fat, which made her organs bear many times more burden than before, and because she was pregnant, she fell."

"Is your wife snoring all the time now? Is she out of breath after walking a few steps?"

Listening to Fang Xin's description, the man who was originally very arrogant gradually lowered his head. The situations Fang Xin just described did happen to his wife after she became pregnant.

However, he always thought that it was because of the pregnancy, so he didn't take it to heart. Who would have thought it was so serious?

"Doctor, I was wrong just now, please tell me what to do."

The man approached Fang Xin and begged

"Your wife's condition requires immediate hospitalization!"

Fang Xin then walked straight to the side of the pregnant woman, then leaned over and said gently:

"Follow my breathing rhythm and take deep breaths together. This can reduce the burden on your heart and lungs."

Just like that, under the gaze of everyone, Fang Xin led the pregnant woman to take deep breaths. Gradually, the pregnant woman's complexion became much better than before, and her eyes regained their radiance.

""Okay, wipe her sweat."

Looking at the sweaty pregnant woman, Fang Xin handed her a tissue.

He didn't expect that the pregnant woman's condition had reached such a serious level. It was just a simple deep breath, and she was doing it so hard.

This was not about carrying a child or nurturing a new life, it was completely a slow suicide.

"I didn't expect you to know about obstetrics and gynecology."

At this moment, Zhang Yueyue looked at Fang Xin in front of her with admiration.

She had just discovered that the pregnant woman's body shape was a little special, but she didn't think much about it.

But after Fang Xin's analysis, she also realized the problem. The pregnant woman was already overweight.

This is already very fatal for ordinary people, not to mention a pregnant woman.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have some knowledge of this."

Fang Xin touched his head and said, Fang Xin knew more than just this little bit.

Ten minutes later, the pregnant woman was put on the ambulance. Because of this incident, Fang Xin and Zhang Yueyue's dinner ended.

At this moment, they needed to rush back to the hospital immediately to do a comprehensive and detailed examination of the pregnant woman's condition.


"Oh my god, why are you back so soon? What about your date with Zhang Yueyue? Is it over?"

Wu Zekai, who was about to get off work, was puzzled when he saw Fang Xin.

"During dinner, a pregnant woman suddenly fainted, so Zhang Yueyue had to be sent back to work overtime. I suspect that the pregnant woman is too obese, so I guess she will have to work overtime too."

Fang Xin spread his hands helplessly and said that as a doctor, it is normal to work overtime suddenly.

""Alas, you two poor lovers, I won't accompany you any more. I'm exhausted after a busy day. I want to go back and have a good sleep." Wu Zekai said lazily. He had just finished an operation and was almost exhausted.

At this moment, he had no mood to greet Fang Xin and was very sympathetic to her situation.

They were too tired as doctors.

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