Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 77: How can there be a road to immortality in the world (39)

Being able to stretch out when you wake up, and then feel the accompanying physical relief, there is probably no happier thing than starting the day with this. .

"Good morning, Miss Sakura."

After casually washing up, Song Ying bit her headband and tied it into a ponytail before walking out of the room, and was greeted by the bodyguards outside.

"How did I get back last night?" Song Ying frowned and asked. She had been thinking about this problem since she woke up.

Remember that you and Luo Qiu seemed to be enjoying the breeze outside in the pavilion, and then fell asleep after drinking some of Luo Qiu's strange and viscous liquid?

It seemed that he had really drunk too much...but when he woke up, he didn't have the tight feeling in his head that he had after drinking too much.

"Oh, it was Master Qiu who brought you back, Miss, last night." The bodyguard smiled and said, "Princess, please!"

Song Ying blinked, then retreated to the room and closed the door... She leaned against the door, stunned.

"what's the situation……"

Because it is the first day of the New Year, traditional families will have the etiquette of younger generations greeting their elders.

Naturally, the Song family did the same, so early in the morning, several junior members of the Song family came to Song Tianyou and started the so-called 'greetings'.

Everything is done according to traditional customs.

After that it’s time for breakfast and then free time.

Speaking of which, the first day of the New Year is actually the most boring day, right? If you don't consider going out, you can only stay at home and chat.

"Will you feel uncomfortable when you wake up?"

Song Ying, who didn't know what she was thinking, suddenly heard Luo Qiu's question behind her, and suddenly seemed a little panicked, "It's okay!"

"That's good." Luo Qiu nodded.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the Song family's old house. When the bodyguard went to open the door, he found that it was the villagers from the Song family village who came to pay New Year's greetings.

When he renovated this old house, Song Tianyou used many people from the village, so he knew some of them more or less.

Everyone in the village knows that Mr. Song is a kind man and has a rich fortune. He is naturally enthusiastic at the moment. There is an endless stream of people coming to pay New Year's greetings, and it feels like a crowded place.

"Hey! Did I... last night?" Song Ying started to squeak at this time.

"last night?"

"That's right, have you..." Song Ying hesitated for a while.

But at this time, Master Song suddenly called Luo Qiu from a distance and asked him to go over. Luo Qiu obeyed and walked over.

Seeing this, Song Ying breathed a sigh of relief... She originally wanted to ask herself if she said anything strange.

But naturally I can’t ask this question, and if so, it would be embarrassing!

Not far away, Song Tianyou began to introduce the origin of Luo Qiu to the villagers. Luo Qiu also greeted each of the villagers very politely.

Song Ying looked at this scene with some boredom. She was not the kind of person who was not used to getting along with others. Otherwise, she would not be able to face the middle and senior management of the group when she was working in the group.

She just doesn't like this kind of so-called relatives and friends, who don't have many sincere meetings.


"Looking at it this way, Luo Qiu is actually quite handsome, isn't he?"

"Yeah, not bad."

After answering, Song Ying was stunned and regretted her answer.

Song Haoran came up behind him at some point, poked his head out of his left shoulder, and then laughed mischievously.

"Song Haoran!!" Song Ying was fierce.

"Happy New Year, happy New Year, grow up quickly, it's all done~" Song Haoran laughed, dodged away, and quickly patted Song Ying's forehead.

Song Ying felt something stuck to her forehead, blocking her sight. Then the thing slipped down, and she subconsciously took it.

It's a red envelope.

It's like this every year... I always get this kind of thing unexpectedly.

Song Ying rolled her eyes at Song Haoran and muttered dissatisfiedly: "You are treating me like a zombie!"

I remember that when I was a child, Song Haoran liked to watch some domestic zombie movies. In them, there was a Taoist priest with a figure-eight Chinese character face who liked to stick charms on the foreheads of zombies.

Song Haoran always liked to drag Song Ying to watch these things. For a long time, Song Ying was so scared that she didn't dare to sleep at night. It was like a shadow of childhood, so the memory is still fresh.

Even so, she still collected the red envelope very carefully, for fear of getting it wrinkled... As a princess of the Song Dynasty, she naturally didn't care about the weight of the red envelope.

After Song Haoran joined the villagers' visit at this time, he couldn't help but flatter him again.

Song Ying always avoided these situations when she could, so she quietly walked away. She planned to chat with Zhang Qingrui, but she had become familiar with him unknowingly.

But when she came to Zhang Qinrui's room, she was told that Zhang Qinrui had gone out at dawn, and someone sent by the Zhang family had picked her up. She seemed to be in a hurry.

Song Ying originally wanted to call and ask, but thinking that every big family always had various urgent matters, she gave up the idea.

She wandered around the yard a little bored, but saw two bodyguards looking at the sky. She didn't know what they were looking at, so she walked over curiously.

"What are you looking at?"

"Miss Sakura!" The bodyguards were immediately startled, and then quickly said: "That's right, we just saw on the Internet that there was a strange light in the sky near here last night, and many people on the Internet also took videos and posted them , so I’m just curious.”

"Strange light?" Song Ying was stunned for a moment, then said indifferently: "What UFO is it again? Fake news like alien flying saucers, right?"

"Maybe." The bodyguards didn't care much. "The local news later said that it was caused by some malfunction during an optical experiment."

Overseas, there are basically many reports about sightings of UFOs in a month, and they have long been accustomed to it... If the earth was really so dangerous, it would have exploded long ago, how could it still be here today?

Song Ying shook her head, feeling a little bored, so she lowered her head and returned to her room and simply used satellite communication to conduct a few daily video conferences.

It was mainly about the development of the oil fields and gold mines discovered by the Song family not long ago... The department head's report did not differ much from Song Ying's early estimates.

Although she listened to the reports of these project leaders with a cold expression, Miss Song Ying had long since passed away.

But I don't know if it was because of my dazzling eyes, but some pictures suddenly flashed across the screen of my laptop... as if it was disturbed by some strange signal.

The strange picture and the picture in the video conference were quickly pulled back and switched.

The gray sky, dilapidated buildings, cracked roads, dry trees, garbage on the ground, scraps of paper rolling up in the wind, deathly seemed like something was wandering around.

Suddenly, a rotten hand climbed up the screen, and then a grey, rotten, terrifying human face with eyeballs peeled off and teeth exposed appeared.


Feeling her heart beating wildly at this moment, a feeling of suffocation made Song Ying's mind go blank. She subconsciously grabbed her collar and breathed heavily... All she could hear at this time was Tinnitus-like sound.

It was as if her eardrums had been hit by a grenade explosion at close range... She held her forehead for a moment, her whole body suddenly became cold, and her brain felt more like it was going to explode.

Despair haunted me for a moment.

"Miss Sakura! Miss Sakura! Miss Sakura!"

Gradually returning to the sounds of reality... In the video conference, the voice of the project leader who was reporting the progress of the work began to cover up the tinnitus and became clearer.

On the laptop screen in front of them, there were still multiple separate images of participants... At this time, they were looking at it with concern.

It seems... back to normal?

Song Ying gradually felt that her breathing became smoother, and the swelling and pain in her brain gradually subsided... She stared at the laptop screen for a while, then shook her head and said: "I drank some wine last night, my head hurts a little, today's meeting That’s it, you can send the report to my email later.”

She then quickly closed the video conference, and then started to check her laptop, but there was no sign of computer virus. As for this computer, it was a business laptop with a high security factor. With the ability of the Song Dynasty, it would take several high-level hackers. Safety management is also a matter of minutes...

"Is it possible that the alcohol's aftereffects haven't completely worn off yet?"

Song Ying rubbed her brows, closed her laptop, walked out of the window, and looked outside as a kind of relief... I have to say that although this place is a bit backward and life is inconvenient, the pure natural atmosphere is still quite good. Rich.

She gradually put down the weird scene and indulged in the scenery of the mountain stream.

"Have the kitchen bring me some tomato juice."

Song Ying, who suddenly felt a little hungry, ordered the bodyguard outside the door: "And add a little salt."

"Okay lady!"

When getting out of the car, Zhang Qingrui gently rubbed her fingers.

Having grown up in the south, she was not used to the severe cold weather in the north. Even though she had put on thick down clothes, she still felt a dull pain when the wind hit her face.

In front of me is a hotel that looks a bit old. It is also the best three-star hotel that can be found in the area.

Mr. Ah Qi had been waiting at the entrance of the hotel lobby early. When he saw Zhang Qingrui arriving, he quickly walked up and said, "Miss, thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Qingrui smiled calmly and said: "Uncle Qi, you have been running around here and there for the past two days and can't even eat a meal. You are the one who has the hardest time."

A smile appeared on Mr. Ah Qi's gloomy face, "I traveled all over the country and even chewed my leather shoes when I was miserable. Now it's nothing."

Zhang Qinrui had heard many stories about Mr. Ah Qi when she was a child. She nodded and said softly: "Has everyone arrived yet?"

Mr. Ah Qi whispered: "The people from the Suzuki Club arrived at midnight last night. We originally agreed to wait until today before making an appointment tomorrow. But for some reason, they suddenly made a request last night and said they must meet today." , otherwise we will terminate this cooperation. The old lady talked to them several times on the phone in the middle of the night last night, but in the end she couldn't give in. So I sent someone to pick you up early in the morning. "

"Generally speaking, grandma told me on the phone in the morning." Zhang Qingrui nodded, "Let's go and meet the father and son of the Suzuki Club and see what kind of background they are."

'Suzuki Haruxin' is sitting on the sofa, looking at the information on the laptop.

As for 'Suzuki Yuichi', he was sitting quietly with his eyes closed... Suddenly, 'Suzuki Yuichi' opened his eyes, "It seems that our partner this time has arrived."

'Suzuki Haruxin' didn't care much at this time and said: "It's just a consumable for the first battle. I can just throw it away later... Why can't I find it?"

'Suzuki Yuichi' frowned and said, "Are you still looking for clues about the vision last night?"

'Suzuki Chunxin' nodded and said: "Yes, this incident has a great impact. Many people have seen it, and there are a lot of video materials on the Internet. But now it is basically impossible to find much... I hope it will trigger this abnormal phenomenon. It’s better if it’s not what we are looking for.”

"Well, the location where the strange light pillar appeared is very similar to the location shown on the ancient map..." 'Suzuki Yuichi' looked slightly condensed at this time, "It seems that with this level of abnormality, there is a high chance that a treasure will be born. ...But have you ever thought that now that there are two episodes of Chinese Taoist demons gathering on Mount Tai, it might be possible that they are causing the disturbance?"

'Suzuki Chunxin' said: "Brother Lian Zhen, didn't you say that the two realms of China signed an agreement with the founding saint of the current country seventy years ago?"

"Yes." 'Suzuki Yuichi' said: "This agreement does exist. The agreement has a very strong binding force. Once it is violated, there will be no good fruits for the demon clan and the Taoist world. The original copy of the agreement has also been preserved by humans. With..."

'Suzuki Chunxin' chuckled softly and said: "You said, since it is bound by the agreement, does the Chinese Taoist demon still dare to make such a big noise? The origin of this light beam is mysterious and no one knows where it comes from. What if a treasure is born, and it is the Suihou Pearl... Brother Lianzhen, it is the Penglai Conference that happens once every ten years. If it attracts the covetousness of the Taoist and demon worlds, we can't easily snatch food from the tiger's mouth. Ah. So we must make a quick decision and start the development of the imperial mausoleum as soon as possible to avoid long nights and many dreams!"

'Suzuki Yuichi' sneered: "Since you also know that it is the tiger's mouth that snatches food, what else do you do with these humans? In the face of the extraordinary, no matter how many ordinary people are just cannon fodder!"

'Suzuki Chunxin' said openly: "Of course I don't expect these tomb robbers to play any role or give many surprises. All I want is their existence. With so much 'food', if something happens in the tomb, I will It’s so convenient to directly devour it to restore strength and use it to unleash our skills! Besides, the more mortals there are, the easier it is to cover up our existence, isn’t it? As long as I get the Suihou Bead, open up the supreme bloodline of the Xiangliu clan, restore the nine-headed body, and suppress the world , just around the corner!”

"Suppress the world?" 'Suzuki Yuichi' sneered: "You may have forgotten that there are real dragons in China!"

'Suzuki Chunxin' laughed loudly and said: "Brother Lianzhen, don't you understand this? The real dragon is powerful, and I have no intention of confronting the real dragon. But can the real dragon leave China? As long as it is not In China, this world is not the world!"

"you mean?"

"For example, let's take the island country." 'Suzuki Haruxin' narrowed his eyes and said, "For example, there are many countries on the other side of the ocean, aren't there?"

As long as they are not within the Divine State... Yamato no Orochi's words made Yin Greedy Wolf Lian Zhen's pupils suddenly condense.

A knock on the door.

"Mr. Suzuki, Young Master Suzuki, the Zhang family are already here, right outside the door."

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