Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 85: How can there be a road to immortality in the world (47) - the source of trouble

With the deepening of this place, the temporary joint forces: the Taoist Association and his party headed by Taoist Baijie and the demon world and his party headed by Cang Jinshui and Qu Xinghe realized that the place where they landed at the beginning was full of golden sand and strange things. The beach with its treasures is just the poorest. .

If there is wealth on the beach that can make ordinary people crazy, then after going deep into the jungle in front of the beach, the treasures contained in this huge jungle can make these Taoists and even monsters crazy.

Precious medicinal materials that have been extinct for many years, minerals that can be used to refine high-level magic weapons, and spring water like spiritual liquid.

There are even many crystal stones and other things that contain a lot of strange power.

They finally understood the popular saying: Poverty limits imagination!

"This is actually a millennium-old Purple Clover? Oh my god! This is a sacred object that can help people's souls escape from the body and travel around the world! This actually grows into a large area?"

"Is this the first copper? So pure, such a huge piece... incredible, incredible!"

Not only for the Taoist Association, but also for monsters, many rare treasures can be found in this strange jungle.

"Tianshan hygromycete... this legendary ingredient, I only tasted it when the patriarch's son was born! I still broke off a bit of it to make soup..."

Hmm...the painting style seems to be a little different.

But that doesn’t stop the monsters from being enthused about this place’s natural treasures!

And these are just a corner of the jungle... If they go deeper, what unimaginable treasures will be waiting for them?

In this place, even an inconspicuous stone on the ground may be worth a thousand dollars!

Even the Baijie Taoists and Ming Tushan of the Xuanwu Clan, who have lived for countless years, can't help but feel moved by these things at this moment.

It's just that they are evergreen trees in the Dao world and the demon world after all, and they have seen a lot of strong winds and waves.

"Hold on!"

Almost in unison, Taoist Baijie and Ming Tushan shouted at their own people and stopped. Of course, those who were affected by the impact of the treasure in front of them and acted irrationally were only some young monsters and Taoists.

People who have lived for a few years still can’t see the weirdness of this place?

I wonder where in the world there is such a place, where even a grain of sand is a treasure? Have fun.

This can't help but make these senior Taoists or monsters guess whether they have fallen into some kind of hallucination from the beginning when they entered this place.

"Elder, there is the smell of blood ahead!"

At this moment, a Qinglong clan monster following Cang Jinshui frowned and everyone's expressions changed slightly at this moment.

"Comrades, please be careful." Taoist Baijie suggested at this time: "Send a few people over to check it out!"

The Demon Association quickly agreed to Taoist Baijie's proposal, and soon after, a joint team explored the place where the smell of blood came from.

In fact, it didn’t take long for the exploration team to come back and bring back some not-so-good things: corpses!

Of the two corpses, one was male, wearing a Taoist robe, and was the head of a small sect in the Taoist Association... As for the other corpse, it was a female member of the Suzaku clan.

"Master!" A young Taoist rushed out in shock and came to the Taoist's body, feeling sad.

A man next to Qu Xinghe also walked out sadly at this time and came to the body of the female Suzaku monster.

"Who...who killed it!"

This man from the Suzaku tribe had a ferocious expression on his face at the moment, staring intently at the bodies of the members of the exploration team who had brought them back!

"calm down!"

A member of the exploration team frowned at this time. He was also the important ghost of the Qinglong tribe who first noticed the smell of blood. "When we found these two corpses, there were indeed signs of fighting nearby, but besides Apart from these two who are already dead, there is no trace of a third person. In addition, we found this thing next to them..."

At this time, he carefully held out something.

"Fire Earth Mind Mushroom?" Ming Tushan was holding this plant in surprise at this time. "According to legend, it can only grow in the center of the earth, using lava as nutrients. It is the treasure of the Sun... This is a sacred plant. ah!"

The members of the exploration team nodded and added: "We don't know exactly what this thing is, but there is no doubt that they fought for this Ganoderma lucidum and died together. Because... when we found them, they were Showing the appearance of fighting each other to death.”

Ming Tushan and Taoist Baijie looked at each other at this time, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes. This is probably what the elders of the two parties are most worried about!

Just like when the emperor's order first appeared, both Taoist and demonic sides suffered casualties. If it weren't for the administration and the real dragons above, who suppressed the situation, Mount Tai would have become a battlefield for both Taoist and demonic sides.

The grieving man from the Suzaku tribe said quietly: "I was born with cold blood, and the elders said that my life expectancy is less than a hundred... I can only survive by looking for the treasure of the Sun... Jasmine, Jasmine did it for me... "

As he spoke, the man from the Suzaku tribe stood up suddenly and rushed to the body of the man.

"What do you want to do!" The young Taoist who just called "Master" said very nervously now.

"Jasmine is the love of my life...your master?" The man from the Suzaku tribe laughed sadly at this moment, "Even if he dies, I will cut him into thousands of pieces...ah!!!"

"How dare you!!!" The young Taoist saw the man from the Suzaku tribe looking like a madman and punching his master's body with one punch. He was suddenly shocked and angry.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth is close to his master, and his kindness is like a reborn parent. How could a disciple watch his master's body be destroyed so easily?

Seeing that these two people were letting hatred overwhelm their senses and were about to fight regardless of everything, Suzaku's Qu Xinghe directly said with a solemn face: "Yanliu, come back!"

"Jasmine is dead...there is no point in my staying in this world."

The man from the Suzaku tribe named Yanliu laughed crazily and said: "Whoever blocks me will die! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"You really think that my lineage of white jade unicorns is easy to bully! Bastard, why should my master be cut into pieces after his death!" The young Taoist also laughed angrily at this time: "No one can see it, can't it be allowed? This banshee attacked first!!”

"I kill you!!"

"The evil beast shall die!"

At this time, the Baijie Taoist Alliance winked at Huanyang Zhenren, one of the vice-presidents of the association, while Qu Xinghe from Suzaku also frowned.

Almost at the same moment, Master Huanyang and Qu Xinghe took action at the same time, each knocking out the two angry guys at extremely fast speeds and bringing them back.

Qu Xinghe carried the knocked unconscious Yanliu back to the original place with one hand, then looked towards Taoist Baijie, and said of course: "Yanliu lost his beloved, so he fell into extremes, Taoist Baijie Mo Strange."

"Fellow Daoist Qu, please rest assured." Taoist Baijie said sternly: "After verification, Baijie will naturally give an explanation to everyone in the Demon Association."

Cang Jinshui suddenly said: "Everyone, there are treasures everywhere in this place. It is inevitable that there will be something that we need or are interested in. There are so many treasures here now. If we continue, I am afraid that a similar situation will happen."

How should I put it? In fact, not all the Taoist people and monsters here are there. Some of them seem to have been separated during the transfer, such as the two corpses found in the jungle.

"What's your opinion, fellow Taoist Cang?" Taoist Baijie asked directly.

Cang Jinsui said: "Let's unite and collect the treasures here first, wait until we find a way to leave, and then discuss how to distribute them."

Everyone was silent for a moment. In fact, they moved to the beach. The number of people from the Taoist Association was smaller than that of the monsters.

Although the terrifying Imperial White Talisman was not there, the other party still had the leading figures among the three clans of the Four Spirits of Heaven.

As for our own side, we only have Taoist Baijie and Huanyang Zhenren, and those below them are more of the younger generation. In terms of overall combat strength, I am afraid they are not the opponents of the Demon Association... Of course, if they fight head-on, the Demon Association There may not be much benefit to be gained.

Baijie and Huanyang discussed it for a while and then directly agreed.

However, now that they have decided to exploit the resources in this jungle, the people and monsters immediately started working. They used various methods, like a whale sucking water, as if they could not wait to clear out this huge treasure house.

In just a moment, the collected treasures had accumulated into a small ‘hill’.

It's just that the big bosses of the Taoist Association and the Demonic Association are still guarding here, and no one dares to quietly reach out to this treasure mountain.

"How stupid."

Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, suddenly, a cold voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

Taoist Baijie and Master Huanyang turned their faces slightly aside. As for the demon clan, several representatives of the Four Spirits of Heaven also frowned at this time because the sound appeared so suddenly!

No one present could detect when the speaker approached.

But soon, capable people identified the source of the sound. They all followed the sound and saw a white figure appearing on the branches of an ancient tree in the jungle. ...It turned out to be a beautiful woman with a cold face.

Just like a fairy walking out of the Guanghan Palace, her coldness seems to be natural and beautiful, but it makes people feel chilly and unable to think of anything else.

"Taoist Master Baijie, is this woman also from your Taoist Association?" Cang Jinshui frowned at this time. None of the demon clan had seen this woman, and she didn't have any demonic aura on her body.

However, Baijie and Huanyang both shook their heads at this time and were very unfamiliar with the woman in white.

"Excuse me, who is this girl?" Master Huanyang raised his head, his voice was calm.

On the other hand, Taoist Baijie looked at this woman's face as if he was thinking about it.

The cold woman standing pretty on the branch said calmly: "Master Baijie, if I were you, I would not let them continue to exploit the treasures of this jungle, or even take none of them... It's in vain... You are the headmaster of Kunlun, don’t you understand how money can mess with people’s minds?”

Taoist Baijie was startled, then shook his head and said: "Girl, I kindly remind you that Baijie has received it... but although this money is disturbing people's hearts, it is indeed very useful. As long as it is handled properly, it will be useful to both Taoist and demon worlds." , it’s all a blessing.”

The woman in white sneered: "Are you in charge of the distribution, or are the monsters in charge of the distribution? What kind of distribution... Who gets more, who gets less, who gets better, who gets worse, Who takes it first, and who takes it last?”

Master Huanyang snorted coldly: "You don't need to worry about this. Our Taoist Association and the demon clan will naturally find the most reasonable plan... But you, with unknown origins and spreading provocative words here, what's the point? What’s the point!”

The woman in white said calmly: "I'm just reminding you... the things here are not that easy to get."

"What do you mean, girl?" Taoist Bai Jie said suddenly: "In addition... the girl gives me a feeling of déjà vu. Poor Taoist, have you seen the girl somewhere?"

The woman in white said: "In this jungle all over the mountains and plains, everything you can see is filled with treasures from heaven and earth... Do you think that so many treasures are naturally generated? I believe many of you have thought of this. Well, it’s just that when faced with such a valuable treasure, there is always a sense of luck... Let me say it again, the things here are not so easy to get. Whatever you take away, I’m afraid it’s not good if you don’t give something of equal value. Dealing with the aftermath... That's it for now, take it or let it go, it's up to you."

The woman in white waved her sleeves and walked away directly into the wind.

"Scaremongering! Stay, don't plan to leave here until you make it clear!"

Cang Jinshui snorted coldly at this moment, jumped up, turned into a streak of cyan light, and went straight to the woman in white.

Cang Jinshui stretched his hand forward, and a huge green claw shot out of his body, and it was about to catch the woman in white.

But the woman in white snorted, waved her sleeves, and an invisible force instantly swept away Cang Jinshui's cyan claw shadow. The invisible force not only swept away Cang Jinshui's claw shadow, but also directly bounced On Cang Jinshui's body.

Only a bang was heard, and the patriarch of the Qinglong clan was swept to the ground by the woman in white with a wave of her sleeves!

Everyone couldn't help but be horrified.

The woman in white stopped on the branch of another ancient tree. The branch was motionless, as if she had no weight.

"When did the Qinglong clan become so barbaric? Is this how Cang Wuji taught you?" The woman in white looked cold.

Cang Jinshui's eyes were angry instead, "How brave, how dare you call your late father by his name!!"

"Father?" The woman in white frowned, and then said with relief, "Has Cang Wuji already traveled to the immortal world... The world has changed, and things are unpredictable. That's all, I won't argue with you, a junior... Once again, the treasures here are It’s not easy to take, so take care of it yourself!”

With that said, the woman in white walked away in the wind again... only this time, no one stopped her!

Cang Jinshui's face became horribly dark. He climbed up from the ground and grabbed an unknown ore in his palm, but the ore shattered directly in his palm!

"How brave! This woman dares to think of herself as an elder and humiliate you, the clan leader!" A young man from the Qinglong tribe walked out angrily, "Cangshi is a genius, I am willing to capture this woman for the clan leader!"

Cang Jinshui didn't say anything... He was not really a reckless person. He just took action just to test the reality of the woman in white, but he didn't realize that the woman in white was so terrifying. With one sweep, he couldn't even resist. nothing.

He is the leader of the Qinglong clan of the Four Spirits of Heaven... Although the Qinglong clan is somewhat in decline now, and the White Tiger clan is the dominant one of the Four Spirits of Heaven, but as the saying goes, there are still three pounds of iron in a broken ship, and Cang Jinshui is indeed A true great demon of the demon clan!

"Clan Chief Cang, calm down." Unexpectedly, Ming Tushan suddenly walked out at this time, "This woman... maybe she really has the qualifications to consider herself an elder."

"Ming Lao, what did you say?" Cang Jinshui was stunned.

At this time, Ming Tushan looked at Taoist Baijie and said seriously: "Fellow Taoist Baijie, you should have remembered...the origin of this woman?"

Taoist Baijie nodded at this time, "Judging from the method of this attack, I am afraid it is the Kung Fu of Huan Zhen Dao... It is possible to make the Kung Fu of Huan Zhen Dao so superb, and it is a woman, I am afraid it only takes five hundred years." The 'White Moon Fairy' in front of me is Yu Sanniang..."

"Yu Sanniang?" Cang Jinshui frowned. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Ming Tushan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Huan Zhen Tao is a very low-key sect. I believe many people don't know about it now. As for the 'White Moon Fairy' five hundred years ago, I believe even fewer people know about it. But if we talk about her If I have another identity, I’m afraid everyone here will be familiar with it..."

"Ming Lao, teach me." Cang Jinshui took a deep breath.

Ming Tushan said: "Yu Sanniang, before she became the 'White Moon Fairy', her true identity was that of the nine-tailed celestial fox in our demon clan. You must know that the nine-tailed celestial fox is our ancestor. The Four Spirits of Heaven: Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu are the great gods of the same generation... And this Fish Sanniang is the third generation descendant of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox..."

Among the four spirits of their generation, except for the Xuanwu clan who have a particularly long life, which one has not been separated by more than dozens of generations?

This woman in white is actually a figure from their ancestors?

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