Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 116 Malice

Ma Houde quickly took a look at the content of the letter and found that there was indeed such an address... and then, there was still a time.

Counting the time, it was exactly three days later.

"Who is this letter to Lao Ye? The time is three days later. It should be three days after we meet here." Ma Houde guessed with a frown... but also puzzled: "But why do you choose a place if you don't choose a place? Is this the place?”

"This is what's weird about me... Mahoude, tell me honestly, do you know something?"

Even if you know something, can you tell it? It can't be said that Ye Yan was unlucky all of a sudden. The powerful Michael Club was involved behind it. He had only heard of it for the first time, so he didn't know much about it. When he woke up after being knocked unconscious by Ye Yan at the Xiaochun Martial Arts School that day, Ma Houde almost exploded with anger. But what could he say? He knew Ye Yan's character very well.

Ma Zirong sighed secretly and pretended to be calm: "Sister-in-law, do you think that if I knew, I would be confused when I saw this letter? Besides, how did you find this letter? Is it possible for you? Have you found Ye Yan?"

Ren Ziling told the story about the Ping An Hotel, "I asked the mouse to stay there. There is no news yet, so he probably hasn't come back yet."

"Let's do it this way. You tell me the address and I'll go over there and wait tonight. I'll take this letter first." Mahoude pressed Ren Ziling's shoulder and said, "Go back to me now. I'll tell you as soon as there is any news." I informed you immediately. You know that you can't control your mouth, and your precious son, although he talks little, is actually a thief. This matter is about to be exposed, and there will be one more person to worry about, understand? "

"Okay then." Ren Ziling nodded: "No matter, if you can't wait, no matter what you say, I will go to the cemetery myself in three days."

Ma Shir nodded and said: "If you can't wait, I will accompany you in three days!"

It was at this place that he was buried.

There are no lights in the cemetery at night, and the surroundings are quiet. Only the sounds of insects can be heard... How long has it been since you came here?

I remember the last time was when I visited the grave last year.

Luo Qiu stood in front of the tombstone.

He lowered his head and closed his eyes. After a while, he stretched out his hand to sweep away the soil on the tombstone. Uncle Ma and Ren Ziling had to wait until the time was up before coming because they were trying to scare the snake. Although they didn't know who exactly met Ye Yan here.

But Luo Qiu had no such concerns.

"I'm living a good life, don't worry." Luo Qiu stood in front of the tombstone and said softly.

When his father died in the line of duty and was buried here, Ren Ziling once said the same thing: I will take good care of your son, don't worry.

I'm afraid that at that time, neither Ren Ziling nor Luo Qiu himself thought that a few years later, Luo Qiu's fate would have changed dramatically.


Suddenly, Youye's voice sounded in front of the quiet cemetery. She seemed surprised that Luo Qiu would be in such a place late at night. She could come to the master at any time. Therefore, many times, the maid did not know where the master was before arriving.

The maid girl quickly glanced at the tombstone, without saying anything, she stood in front of the tombstone and bowed deeply.

"I haven't been here for a long time." Luo Qiu looked up at the night sky, and the stars were so sparse that they were almost invisible, looming.

Youye listened quietly, and the maid knew that her master was immersed in memories at the moment.

Luo Qiu suddenly stretched out his hand and said: "That's the North Star. When I went camping with my father when I was a child, he taught me how to identify the position through the stars in the sky. He asked me if I lived in the wilderness that day, did I have a compass or something like that? place, at least you can find the North Star Dou without getting lost."

Luo Qiu lowered his head and smiled: "It's a pity that although I have learned it, I have never been able to use it before... I'm afraid I won't have a chance to use it in the future."

Luo Qiu shook his head: "The stars have also become darker, and they are far less bright than before."

He stood with his hands behind his hands and breathed out after a long time. He looked at You Ye and said softly: "By the way, what do you want from me? Is there something wrong with Ye Yan?"

Youye nodded, "Something went wrong, but Mr. Ye is fine. Instead, he was rescued."

Luo Qiu was stunned and said: "Who?"

You Ye shook his head and said: "It's not clear yet, it's a person with a covered face... It should be a man. The mysterious man rang the fire alarm bell downstairs, and after pushing Kingkong away, he immediately took Mr. Ye away . I followed him all the way, but the strange thing was that after the man rescued Mr. Ye, he knocked him unconscious and placed him in the woods of a park, and then left."

"Hmm...the man in black?"

"I have locked his whereabouts. If you want to look for him, you can find him right away." You Ye said: "Mr. Ye woke up soon and is safe now. So I will come back and report this matter to the master right away."

Luo Qiu nodded. He pondered who the person who rescued Ye Yan would be. Apart from him, no one should know where Ye Yan was taken.

While he was thinking to himself, Luo Qiu looked casually at the back of his father's tombstone.

Luo Qiu frowned. He walked behind the tombstone. The small piece of grass directly behind him had obvious signs of being turned over. It was not difficult to find it if you were careful to observe.

Luo Qiu narrowed his eyes, squatted down, and touched the grass that had been turned over with his own hands. He easily lifted up a piece of turf.

The moment he opened it, Luo Qiu's whole body seemed to be stiff, his posture was motionless, and his eyes did not even move at all.

Youye took a step forward and subconsciously looked into the opened mud pit.

Animal furs, dead rats, broken bones... they are all filthy things, and waves of stench are coming out at this moment!

"This... this should be something that was just placed there not long ago? Who is it..."

But Luo Qiu took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

He looked at You Ye expressionlessly, stretched out his hand to caress his heart, and said in a very soft voice, "In the beginning, the club imprisoned my soul. During this time, some of my emotions began to fade away. A lot. But now, all of a sudden it has become intense. Do you know why?"


"Someone is here, disturbing my father's peace with these filthy things..."

His eyes suddenly turned into a strange silver color, and behind him seemed to be distorted. A huge door appeared out of thin air, where countless innocent souls and ghosts were buried.

It is slowly opening a little bit.

In the distance, Taiyinzi suddenly held his head and lay on the ground in great pain, as if something frightened him. He felt hopeless.

In the Zhang family mansion, Black Soul No. 9 was hiding in a far more secret place than usual. At this moment, he covered his head with one hand and knelt on the ground on one knee, with a look of pain on his face.

Black Soul No. 18 suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, looking in a certain direction with great awe.

In Russia, on a university campus, a young man with tattoos all over his body suddenly woke up from his sleep, covered in cold sweat...


The woman also woke up from her sleep, her heart beating rapidly, and she subconsciously looked in the direction of the distant east, as if she heard some call...

Pet Center.

Long Xiruo frowned, stared at the sky, and murmured to himself: "Whose malice is this?"

As the last true dragon in the land of China, she felt restless at this moment and could not calm down at all.

All the demons and monsters in the city were trembling at the same time. (To be continued.)

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