Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 23 The Glazed Color of Happiness

"Oleg, Oleg, Oleg."

Who...who is calling me.

Late at night in the middle of winter, or early in the morning?

Oleg looked at the shadows of the trees swaying in the dim light and shadow like the color of the lake with familiarity and strangeness. By the way, the branches and leaves were also covered with thick snow. They keep everything down, but layered.

He heard the calling voice and couldn't help but move towards the source of the sound.


Remember, it was Kamala's voice.

"Kamala." Oleg let his steps become faster unknowingly... He started to run, running at full speed until he used his palm to push aside a bunch of branches weighed down by the snow.

He saw the place where he was born. He saw the small lake in front of the village where he was born. He seemed to see the past where he had played here. He seemed to... no, he saw that familiar back, the long maroon figure. Her hair was hanging down her back, and her white dress was so thin.

She is like a fairy in the lake.

In shock, Oleg suddenly felt palpitations. His legs stepped on the snow, and the snow quickly covered his calves. He is so strong, but here he looks so clumsy.


He finally came behind the figure, put his hands around the other person's back, and used all his strength to pull her into his arms that could completely contain her body.

Oleg lowered his head, burying his nose completely in the woman's long hair, breathing hard, and every breath seemed so greedy.


Every sound sounded so gentle and reluctant.

The woman also lowered her head and pressed her face against the back of the man's broad hand, feeling the coldness on the back of the hand. But soon, the coldness was warmed up.

"Oleg, I am very happy now."

"Me too."


The gravity of the earth caused Oleg's head to hang down. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that he was still in this park, still sitting on this swing bench.

What a dream.

But it was indeed a long-lost, thick dream that washed away the sad dreams in his heart.

Oleg looked at his palm subconsciously, and the feeling seemed to still linger here. He lowered his head and kissed the back of his hand, smiled and said, "Goodbye, Kamala."

When he took a deep breath, cheered up again, and raised his head, a kind of motivation was injected into his body again.

The body that was tired after two days and one night suddenly burst into new strength. He stood up from the swing stool, still as tall as an iron tower.

Tall enough to block all sight of Anton Leer, tall enough to even lift the sky of Moscow.

When Oleg walked completely in front of Anton Lier, he raised his palm and hit Anton Lier hard in the face.

The slap was so loud that Anton Leer's small body couldn't bear it. He fell to the ground in an instant as if he was stunned.

"Stand up." Oleg said expressionlessly.

Anton Leer covered his face and quickly got up without saying a word.

"Hit me." Oleg suddenly said.

Anton Leer was startled, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, and hit Oleg in the stomach with all his strength.

"Stronger, harder! Have you not eaten for many days?" Oleg snorted coldly.

Anton Leer stepped back more than a dozen steps, then shouted loudly, and then rushed over fiercely... In this way, Oleg took a small step back.

But Anton Lier was also bounced and fell to the ground again.

He looked up at Oleg, looking at his still tall father, and heard Oleg slowly say: "As a man, if you have any dissatisfaction, you just say it, even if you have a fight with me, Question. But choosing to run away from home is not the behavior of a man! Do you understand?"

Anton Leer nodded.

Oleg said: "I slapped you and you slapped me. We are even, you know?"

"This is not fair! I can't hurt you at all!" Anton Leer muttered dissatisfied.

Only then did Oleg smile. "Then grow up quickly and wait for the day when you can hurt me."

Anton Leal made a face.

Oleg then touched Anton Leer's head, shook his head and said, "How does it feel to run away from home?"


Anton Leer wiped his nose and ran ahead excitedly: "Dad! Let's compete. Whoever runs home slowly will have today's chores!"

But he had already run out of the park and onto the sidewalk on the side of the park. Anton Leer saw the retreating figure and subconsciously stopped.

"I've already surpassed you, Anton Leer!"

That was the sound that came from Oleg walking in front... Anton Leer ran two steps, turned around quickly, and vigorously caught up with Oleg in front.

"Why this time..."

"Well, think of it as a reward for your honesty... But your love has been sold to me, and you can never get it back... But, someone gave you an encounter. In your future life, You will meet a girl you really like, but whether she can become your wife can only be explored by yourself. Maybe it will fail, maybe it will succeed. Remember, you only have one chance."

"Who gave it to me? Big brother, big brother, big..."

The fountain in front of the Petrov Theater.

A woman with long maroon hair and a white dress was praying devoutly next to the fountain with her head lowered.

"Sorry, I have to wait for such a long time in the end." The woman looked at Luo Qiu, who was sitting on the edge of the fountain and had been waiting for a long time, and said apologetically.

Luo Qiu looked at the world full of colors in front of him, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, I also want to thank you for letting me see so many colors."

"Color?" Kamala looked puzzled.

After Luo Qiu thought for a while, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just some of my interests."

Kamala was stunned, and a very light feeling suddenly filled her body. She had no body, but this feeling was as real as having a body.

Her spirit body began to rise slowly.


The man dragged the child's hand to the other side of the fountain.

"Aren't you going to run home? Why did you bring me here?"

"Anton Li'er, if one day you meet the girl you love, you must bring her here. No matter what happens, don't miss it, do you understand?"

"Okay...although I don't like watching ballet."

"Pray, your mother might be able to hear you."

"Okay." Anton Li'er closed his eyes and clasped his hands... Suddenly, Anton Li'er opened his eyes, looked at Oleg and said: "Dad, I seem to hear mom talking!"

Oleg smiled and felt that if it was so effective, wouldn't he have to pray well every time he came?

Although he didn't believe it, Oleg still knelt down and said, "Then what did you hear?"

Anton Leer said: "Thank you."

Oleg was stunned and looked around blankly, "Thank you..."

"Thank you, thank you, let me see the last one..."

Kamala's figure slowly rose into the air, and when her voice echoed in the non-human world, tears fell with it.

Behind her, a pair of white wings suddenly spread out, bursting out with dazzling light. It faded away all the darkness, and gave everything its original color.

The entire front and back of the Grand Theater and the nearby streets were full of all kinds of colors. Luo Qiu felt like he was in a colorful banquet.

Luo Qiu suddenly stood up, looking obsessively at the colorful world brought about by the radiance. He raised his hands as if hugging.

"It's so's really, really beautiful."

Kamala's figure gradually turned into a ball of light, slowly falling, and finally landed between Luo Qiu's hands.

"I didn't expect that Miss Kamala's soul turned out to be an angel. No wonder the value is so high..." The maid stood behind the boss with a look of praise and a little surprise on her face.


Luo Qiu shook his head and turned around reluctantly, as if gathering the ball of light in his hands, "No matter what it is, it's enough for me to see this color."

The color of happy glass. (To be continued.)

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