Still, the cheese couldn't be calmed down. ??? ?

The iron whistle was like a gift from God...a gift to him on the night when he was most lonely and uncomfortable.

It came listening to the sound of his whistle, and there was a feeling in it that made him feel at ease.

Even though it is such a weird monster, it even looks scary to ordinary people, but from Cheese's point of view, as long as it stays by Iron Whistle's side, it feels safe.

He called it the Iron Whistle, the whistle of the whistle his father Shu You gave him.

"Why do you treat it like this?" Cheese stared at Long Xiruo.

As always, he used that stubborn look that could move the true dragon of China.

Long Xiruo sighed, lowered his head and said, "I was careless. I should have noticed it earlier... when you said you had a pet."

"Lord Long?" Cheese suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Long Xiruo was also verifying Cheese's premonition at this time, "This pet of yours... this iron whistle is the real murderer who wants to kill Xiao Jiang."

Cheese said angrily: "Impossible!"

"Let the facts speak for themselves." Long Xiruo shook her head and stepped aside... Behind her, accompanied by Gui Qianyi, saw Ha Xiaojiang walking slowly with his crutches between his left and right sides.

"Xiaojiang, woke up!" Cheese subconsciously rejoiced.

Xiao Jiang said seriously at this time: "Cheese, what Master Long said is true... That day, it was indeed the iron whistle that wanted to kill me. On the contrary... it was Zhui Feng who saved me from it."

Cheese shook his head slightly subconsciously and took a small step back subconsciously.

Xiao Jiang looked at Cheese and suddenly opened his clothes, revealing the position of his chest, "You... you should be able to see it, right? This injury, such a wound, do you really think Zhui Feng could have caused it?" Of?"

"I don't believe it...I don't believe it..."

Xiao Jiang suddenly smiled bitterly and said: "Cheese, I understand how you feel, just like I did before I fell into coma. I don't want to believe that Zhui Feng saved me. In other words, you and I... we don't want to believe it. It’s just chasing the wind…for ourselves, isn’t it?”

"'s not like this, it shouldn't be like this..." Cheese was about to say something.

But Long Xiruo didn't intend to stay in this place for too long, so that humans could see everything here. Even if it was very empty and few people passed by, it didn't mean there were none.

So she said directly: "Guiying, take your people and that thing and close the team. Cheese Xiaojiang, you also come back with me. I'm worried that Zhui Feng will come back to find you. If there is anything else, we'll talk about it at my hospital!" "

The ghost baby nodded and signaled the monster man who shot out the white web to take action. The monster man now began to shrink the end of the white silk screen, and gradually pulled the iron whistle down to his side.

But at this moment, something suddenly shot out from Iron Whistle's mouth, hitting the monster man's forehead!

A black needle as long as a finger!

The needle had just entered the monster man's forehead, and it had already stained the surrounding areas of his forehead!

Poison needle!

But when he realized that he had been hit by a poisonous needle, his body fell directly to the ground before he could even make a sound.

"Cunning thing!" The ghost baby was furious when he saw this, his hands flashed with cold light, and he swung his knife at the iron whistle without thinking!

But at the same time, Tie Shao's body suddenly melted... and turned into a pile of sticky but solid gel!

The iron whistle, which completely changed its appearance, easily flowed out of the hole in the net. Not only did it avoid the attack of the ghost baby, it even used this transformation to alarm the monsters, and directly passed through the gap in the sewer manhole cover next to it. Invaded!

The Guiying skilled man was so bold that he cut through the iron manhole cover without thinking too much and got into the sewer.

Long Xiruo frowned... The scene of the iron whistle turning into liquid, and the feeling just now, made her feel familiar.

Could it be that this iron whistle is the thing that was at the sealing point that day...

Now that she has lost her power, she is naturally unable to be tracked, otherwise Iron Whistle would not have been able to escape so easily.

As for Gui Qianyi... this old turtle is not made for fighting, and he is also seriously injured at the moment. Although he seems to be in good condition, he is just holding on in front of others.

Cheese stood in despair, not knowing what to think. Xiaojiang could only keep company silently, with a look of sadness on his face.

Soon after, the ghost baby came up with a hint of anger and guilt.

"I'm sorry, Master Long... I'm following you. This guy has no demonic aura at all, and he can even hide the heat of his body. His ability to escape and hide is quite terrifying! I don't know what his real body is!"

Long Xiruo suddenly said: "Maybe it's not a monster..."

The ghost baby said at this time: "But I found a place below and placed a lot of skeletons. Some were of small animals, some were like monster skeletons, and there were even a lot of human skeletons. Bones. It’s almost impossible to find them intact, they’re all in pieces, like leftovers from eating.”


Cheese suddenly fell to his knees weakly on the ground, as if he had been greatly stimulated, and suddenly passed out.

Seeing this, Long Xiruo pondered for a while and suddenly ordered: "Take the cheese family and send them to me."

The ghost baby nodded and let the other monsters deal with the affairs of the cheese family. He walked to the fallen monster man, opened his body, and looked at the life he had lost, with a trace of terror in his eyes. murderous intent.

After picking up the panicked Cheese family, Long Xiruo took one last look at the open space... Although it was destroyed, no one would mind. After all, most of the waste left here was construction waste.

But she didn't know if it was an illusion, or if it was a feeling that she couldn't explain clearly or even escaped from subconsciously... She felt that something was always watching silently in this place.

In the past, she looked at all the living beings, but nothing seemed to matter.

Now, are all living beings, including her, being watched by someone?

"Master Long, it's windy outside, go back." Gui Qianyi said relaxedly beside her.

Long Xiruo suddenly laughed at himself: "How many years have I not heard this? I'm afraid of the wind... haha."

Gui Qianyi didn't speak, but just remembered the time when she was still very young... At that time, she was as weak and sick as a candle in the wind, and no one knew how long she could live.

At that time, she was not called Lord Long... nor was her surname Long.

Same city, same time... We know this is a hospital.

In the high-end single ward of the hospital, the bodyguard who was playing with his mobile phone looked too focused and muttered: "Fuck! Why are you beating King Hassan again!!"

But he suddenly felt something was wrong because he heard footsteps.

"Mr. Zhong!" The bodyguard hid his cell phone behind his back, stood up stiffly, raised his head like a soldier on guard, and swallowed softly.

"Why are you the only one here?" Zhong Luochen asked calmly. After learning that Cheng Yiran woke up, he came over.

In addition, Cheng Yun said that he planned to report some situations to him... but Zhong Luochen did not go to him immediately, but planned to see the state of Cheng Yiran when he woke up first.

"Mr. Cheng said he was a little bored, so he went for a walk in the park downstairs. Another bodyguard was following him." The bodyguard quickly said, "I'll stay here and watch."

Zhong Luochen suddenly stretched out his hand, and the bodyguard had no choice but to take his phone away and put it on Zhong Luochen's hand, "Mr. Zhong! I promise I will never play games during working hours again. I..."

But Zhong Luochen didn't say anything. He just fiddled with it casually and poked it a few times with his finger. "Is this game a lottery mechanism?"

"Yes, it is."

Zhong Luochen said, "In a lottery like this, don't go all the way. Maybe changing the rhythm will have a different effect. Of course, changing the mood will also work."

He finally returned the phone to the bodyguard, "But it's right not to play games during working hours... I'll go down there and take a walk, touch it and work hard."

Seeing Zhong Luochen patting his shoulder and leaving without even saying a word of reproach, the bodyguard felt a little weird... This young boss of Mr. Cheng, is surprisingly approachable?

The bodyguard breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously took a look at the card pool on his phone for the first time. But then he suddenly opened his mouth, took a breath, and his expression became incredible.

"Seven 20s in a row??? Oh my god!! No wonder you are rich and powerful at such a young age, you are indeed born to be a European emperor..."

Bodyguard... Mr. Bodyguard felt hurt a hundred thousand times.

Cheng Yiran was sitting in a pavilion in a corner of the rest yard downstairs of the hospital, holding a guitar alone but not playing. He didn't know what he was thinking about, as if he was lost in thought.

The bodyguard was standing outside the pavilion. When he saw Zhong Luochen approaching, he quickly stood up straighter and wanted to say hello.

But Zhong Luochen shook his head slightly, signaling him to be silent, while he walked quietly to Cheng Yiran's side, "I just woke up and went downstairs. It seems like nothing happened."

Cheng Yiran trembled slightly and raised his head blankly... He was suddenly a little afraid of seeing this man.

Even though he was smiling at this time.


ps1: I heard that tomorrow is one of the annual Torch Festivals?

ps2: So I don’t plan to congratulate you with ps tomorrow.

ps3: So I congratulate you in advance... recharge now and explode! 8

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