Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 46 Sacrifice

It's very quiet here... deep in the forest of the island.

Tourists on passing routes will basically not go deep into this kind of place. On the one hand, this is because such old trees have deep roots, and it is difficult to walk in places with many snakes, insects, rats, and ants. On the other hand, there are woods everywhere. If tourists want to take photos, there are many choices on land, so it is not a mistake to make a mistake. Coming all the way to such an isolated island.

Mu Enli came to a slope where a big tree had roots and began to tear away the vines that were entangled here.

The old captain suddenly felt grateful. A day ago, with his physical condition, if he wanted to do such physical work, he probably wouldn't be able to last more than a few minutes before falling ill.

But now his physical strength is very good, really good.

After tearing off the vines, Mu Enli began to use the branches picked up from the road to dig away the soil at the bottom of the slope. Soon, a hole was revealed for people to enter.

The old captain took out a small strong flashlight from his clothes, bent down, and walked into the cave... It seemed to be deeper than expected, and it was diagonally downward.

The underground caves, which do not see sunlight all year round, are very humid, and some places are even dripping with water. The clothes on Mu Enli's shoulders were already wet.

After walking about ten meters, it suddenly became clearer, but it was already at the end.

Here you can see some simple wood, nailed with iron nails to form a simple frame, used to support the soil above.

Mu Enli silently came to the center of the frame and sat down silently. He took out a white candle from his handbag, and took out a pack of soft-packed cigarettes from his clothes.

The lighter lit the cigarette first, and the old captain took a long puff like a blower before lighting the candle. The smoke from burning candles and the fog from burning cigarettes were entangled together, making the place a little hazy.

The old captain smiled slightly at this time, his eyes were lowered, showing a trace of tenderness, and he looked at a few small stones standing in front of the place where he was sitting, surrounding a larger stone.

This is an extremely simple tomb.

"Are you okay? I came to see you again."

He became more gentle, stretched out his hand and stroked the largest stone gently, and said softly: "It's been another year, and the days don't seem to go too fast, but they don't go too slow either."

The old captain smiled again, this time he took out his steel flask, unscrewed the lid, poured some in front of the stone, and took a sip himself, "The doctor told me not to drink, but today no problem."

He just tasted the wine in the pot quietly, like an old drinker. But what is contained here is not actually any expensive and good wine, it is just a low-quality thing that can be bought casually.

When Mu Enli is very accustomed to something, he usually doesn't change it much. For example, the soft-pack cigarettes he carries with him used to be sold for only 50 cents a pack, but now they can be sold for 5 yuan a pack, but he has been smoking them for decades.

Fortunately, the packaging of this cigarette has not changed, otherwise he might feel uncomfortable.

The old captain looked at the straight candle flame wick in the windless state, lowered his eyes even lower, and suddenly said softly: "By the way... I probably won't be able to come next year."

As he spoke, he took out some Hades coins from his black handbag, grabbed a small handful and lit them with candles, then scattered them in front of the tombstone.

The old captain shook his head, "Actually, I have thought about coming to this island quietly after retirement and building a wooden house to live outside. How long will I live there? Or when there is a storm on the sea, or somewhere. When the sun is shining brightly, I feel like the time is almost up, so I come here and lie down. However, time is no longer waiting for me."

Very long time.

The cigarettes were gone, the wine was gone, and all the coins he brought were turned into gray embers.

And the candle was already half burned.

Mu Enli just breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "If possible, I would like to lie down here today. But I'm sorry, there are some things outside that I need to deal with. The White Jade has been with me for thirty years. Now, I have to let it go back safely... You won’t blame me, right?"

Mu Enli silently dug into the soil next to the simple cemetery with both hands. A piece of canvas-wrapped number was dug out from the deep burial, something as big as two palms.

The old captain put it into his handbag and looked at the tombstone dreamily, his eyes changing from tenderness to relief.

"It's great to be able to catch up with the anniversary of your death on my last voyage."

He picked up the bag and blew out the candle here.

In fact, there are many candles here, some are almost burned out, with just a small section left, some have half left, and some have less than a third left.

In fact, Mu Enli never dared to wait for all the candles to burn out. Because there is an old saying that goes like this: The wax torch turns to ashes before the tears dry up... If there is still some left, it may mean that it is immortal.

If it is not destroyed, it will not be destroyed, and it will be able to stay here forever.

Pushing aside the branches blocking the way, the golden and flat beach is right in front of you. The old captain stretched out his hand to block the sunlight above his head and walked out.

He could still see some tourists playing on the beach, but there were fewer people, and some of them probably had gone back.

Mu Enli took a look and found that the young couple had not boarded the ship yet, but were staying on the beach not far from the White Jade. The old captain thought for a while and then walked towards the young couple.

Get close.

The beautiful girl is sitting on the sand with her head lowered. She was holding a string of small shells that were almost ready in her hand, and there were still some beside her.

The boy was beside her, looking sideways.

"This is... the red peony conch, right?" The old captain came to the two of them, squatted down, and stared at the girl... the necklace of shells on the hand of the maid.

Youye raised his head, smiled slightly and said, "Well, I was lucky. I picked it up accidentally. Does the captain recognize it?"

The old captain smiled and said: "Those like us who have been dealing with the sea all our lives can always name several kinds. But this is the first time I have seen such a small one. However, you can pick it up accidentally. You are in really good luck when it comes to the Red Peony Snail."

"Thank you." You Ye nodded with a slight smile, then lowered his head and continued the next knitting attentively.

The old captain then looked at Luo Qiu and said, "Have you been to the cliff over there to take pictures?"

"Not yet." Luo Qiu shook his head and said casually: "It feels good to stay here. It's a pity that I can't wait until sunset, otherwise it would be more beautiful."

The old captain grabbed a handful of fine sand, let it slip through his fingers, nodded and said, "That's right, it's almost time to get on the boat."

"Captain, have you finished what you want to do?" Luo Qiu asked softly.

Mu Enli was startled and wanted to speak, but he had a doubtful look on his face.

Luo Qiu said: "It's nothing, I just feel like walking into this desolate forest is probably something I want to do."

"That's right, normal people won't go in."

The old captain smiled and nodded, then shook his head, but did not speak. He patted the fine sand on his hands, stood up with the captain's hat on his head, looked at the two of them and said: "Wait a minute. The wind will be stronger, so if you don’t have anything to do, go back.”

Boss Luo nodded gently and looked at Mu Enli's footprints leaving a long, straight mark on the beach.

The shells were strung together into necklaces by a handy maid. I wonder if anyone can string them together without knowing the old captain's footprints?

But when the tide rises, the water rushes up and probably disappears.

"Master, the number has been serialized."

"Thanks a lot."

The sea level was calm, and the huge cruise ship was naturally as stable as Mount Tai, motionless. But things were not very peaceful aboard the White Jade.

For example, in the small theater built in the White Jade entertainment area, the actors who were performing an exotic stage play were experiencing the worst thing ever.

In full view of everyone, a man wearing a straw hat and flip-flops suddenly burst into the center of the stage, and then grabbed an actress. To be more precise, he just held down the actress's shoulders and hid. Behind someone's back.

Of course the actress screamed and panicked... because in addition to this man, five crew members from the ship rushed in on the stage.

Three security guards and two crew members. As for the stage, many security guards and crew members also appeared one after another!

"Catch him! Or he gets away!"

Feiying smiled and held down the actress's shoulders, swinging her left and right like a shield, blocking the security guards and crew members who wanted to pounce on her.

But he didn't intend to stay here for too long. He suddenly reached out and pulled out the skirt of the actress. This apron-style skirt was really easy to pull off!

The actress who was in good health screamed in horror, but was pushed out by the flying eagle and crashed into everyone! Feiying raised the skirt he had taken off and laughed loudly: "Master, audience, the original flavor! Who wants it!!"

The knowledgeable people seemed to be more grateful than Feiying imagined. Feiying suddenly jumped down from the stage, stepped on the shoulders of a security guard, used the strength to jump again, and jumped into the auditorium, throwing his hand Original underwear...skirt.

Several men stood up subconsciously and wanted to catch him.

Fei Ying laughed again, as happy as he could be, stepped on the chair, and ran straight towards the safety door behind the small theater with quick movements!

In fact, similar situations have happened many times. Looking at the dejected looks of the security guards and crew members, you can tell how miserable they have been along the way, as if they were treated like monkeys. Played again and again.

"I won't play with you anymore!"

Feiying pulled a handbag with a long chain from the body of a lady in the last row of the audience, and rushed out of the door. Finally, he wrapped the bag's chain around the door handle several times and fixed it. .

He clapped his hands and prepared to leave calmly, but when he turned around, his expression changed slightly, "Ah, isn't this Sir Ma? Long time no see!"

"Flying Eagle! You can't escape this time!" Mahoude glared at this guy... He was so confident!

Feiying took a quick look, and besides Ma Houde, there was a woman standing next to the fat police officer... She was probably in her early thirties, but she was very charming, not at all like those twenty-year-old internet celebrity zombies who only know how to put on makeup. The faces are comparable.

A Li.

"Ah, sir, it's just you and this... pretty eldest sister?" Feiying shrugged, "I'm afraid you won't be able to catch her if I give you one hand."

"Oh? Do you look down on women?" A Li narrowed his eyes.

Feiying patted his heart and said with a frightened look on his face: "Of course not! But my principle is that beautiful women are meant for pain. Pretty sister, I hurt you."

"He is quite a romantic type." A Li shook his head, lowered his hands and walked slowly, "But it's a pity, I don't like frivolous people."

"I'm also very heavy where I should be, eldest sister." Feiying spread his hands with a smile... and suddenly squatted down!

He just happened to avoid A Li's violent side kick!

Fei Ying held down his hat and took two steps back, "Sister, we're done dating, I won't do anything to women."

"But I like to attack men." A Li smiled and suddenly touched his waist with his palm.

Hearing a loud noise, Feiying was covered in cold sweat and looked at a small hole under his feet that was still smoking!

Fei Ying's whole body was filled with cold... He instinctively raised his hand, looked at the dark pistol in A Li's hand, swallowed his saliva and said, "Sister... Is this too illegal?"

"Are you still leaving?" A Li shrugged.

Fei Ying smiled coquettishly, his eyes wandering around, but at this moment, another gunshot rang out... the bullet probably passed through his hat, Fei Ying swallowed his saliva and stuttered: "No, no, I'm leaving..."


There were two sounds of handcuffs being cuffed. This time Feiying's hands were handcuffed behind his back, and there was even a rope wrapped around his neck.

The knot is a slipknot, but it tightens when you pull it... and the other end of the rope is tied tightly to the horse sir's wrist.

"Ah, sir, there's no need to play it so big... I said I won't leave."

"Hmph! I told you, I'll make you a fool!"

Fei Ying shrugged at this time, "Ah, sir, I learned a lesson from this, and I decided to cooperate with your police! I want to turn into a tainted witness! I want to report! I know who is the murderer of Qian Guoliang!"

Ma Sir and A Li looked at each other, and Ma Houde frowned and said, "Do you really know?"

Fei Ying raised his brows proudly, and then said with a smile: "But I only say to this eldest sister, sir, just stay away."

"You dare to play tricks?" Mahoude grabbed Feiying's collar with both hands, "I'm warning you! I won't do anything like beating my chest with a phone book!"

Fei Ying said calmly: "Ah, sir, this is my condition, you have to accept it! It's up to you, I can handle it anyway... But I have to remind you, this murderer may have already started to think of ways to escape. The longer you torment me, don't blame me when someone leaves."

"You boy!"

"Old Ma, let me come. You wait first." Ah Li patted Ma Houde on the shoulder and took the rope from his hand.

Seeing this, Ma Houde had no choice but to step aside, but stared at Fei Ying...and shook his head. This stunned young man probably didn't know the terror of Ali.

This is a complete witch... dear!

"Okay, little brother, you can say it now." A Li approached Fei Ying with a smile.

There was probably less than ten centimeters between the two of them, so Fei Ying took a deep breath and said, "It smells so good. Sister, what kind of perfume are you using?"

"Didn't you say you want to accuse?" Ellie played with the pistol in her hand, then gently pressed the muzzle of the gun against Fei Ying's chest, moving slowly... as if it was tickling.

"Damn it, eldest sister, do you like to play this trick?" Fei Ying deliberately nudged forward.

However, A Li reacted very quickly and took a step back, and fired another shot towards the floor. Feiying's legs immediately trembled a little, but he was a brave person after all, and he said with a smile as usual: "Sister, really kill me." I, you don’t know anything, right? And, can you kill people at will? But I really want to cooperate.”

Feiying whispered at this time: "I have a recording pen on me, which can at least prove a lot of things... Sister, can this reduce my sentence?"

"Bring it here." A Li opened his palms calmly.

Feiying said helplessly: "Sister, do you think I can take it out like this?"

A Li rolled his eyes and reached for Fei Ying's pocket, but it was all in vain. Fei Ying smiled strangely and said: "Sister, of course such an important thing should be placed in an important place... "

As he said that, Fei Ying glanced at his body and straightened his waist... revealing the mysterious bulge.

A Li frowned, but soon stretched it out, and stretched out his hand to slowly touch the mysterious bulge... Feiying licked his lips... This eldest policewoman is indeed a mature woman, indeed It's not taboo.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when they were about to touch each other, A Li took a small step back, raised his leg and kicked without thinking, and the toe of his shoe hit directly between Fei Ying's legs.

ah! ! ! ! ! !

The screams were even louder than the previous gunshots. Feiying knelt on the ground with his legs between his legs and his face twisted. He opened his mouth but was in so much pain that he could hardly make a sound.

"Lao Ma, did you just see that? Is this guy sexually harassing? I fought back in self-defense, right?" A Li looked sideways at Ma Houde and said loudly.

"No...that's right." Sir Ma swallowed and nodded vigorously.

As if nothing had happened, A Li pointed at Fei Ying, who was unable to move, and said calmly: "Take out what's inside his crotch."

Ma Houde nodded... Of course, a woman can't do this kind of thing.

So Sir Ma walked up to Fei Ying, pinched his sleeves, and under Fei Ying's despairing, collapsed and frightened gaze, he used the ultimate killing move that he had not been able to use in time when fighting A Li just now...Monkey Stealing What is that!



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