Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 23: The Twin Trees of Sara

When the lights in the operating room went out, the doctor who had been rescuing the patient for several hours walked out exhausted.

Lan Kai, who had been waiting in front of the ward door, walked up directly and grabbed the doctor's arm forcefully, "Doctor?"

"We tried our best." The doctor shook his head, "But the situation is not optimistic. The patient lost too much blood a few days ago, and now..."

"You have to save her no matter what!"

"Mr. Lan, I understand how you feel." The doctor said helplessly: "How about this? Send her to a separate ward to check the situation first. We will find someone to guard her 24 hours a day. If there is an emergency, Deal with it immediately!”

Lan Kai finally let go of the doctor's arm.

"Mr. Lan?" The doctor still didn't know what Lan Kai meant, so he could only ask hesitantly.

"Why don't you go quickly!!" Lan Kai waved his hand suddenly, roaring like a lion. The leader of Lan's enterprise had more domineering aura than the dead people the doctor had ever seen.

"Yes, right away!" The doctor left in a panic.

Seeing this, Xinyue stretched out her hands from behind to hold Lan Kai's hands, and slowly grabbed the arms that were frozen in the air.

"I want to be alone." Lan Kai shook his head, took his hand out of Xin Yue's, and turned around.

He took off his tie and still put it on the ground. He took off his suit and jacket and still put it on the ground. His back gradually faded away.

The tower in Zhongguancheng was opened recently. The appearance of this tower means that the game has opened the function of marriage between players.

Many players have already joined forces. But the players who planned to come to register today were temporarily unable to use the church at the highest venue because the guard said that the venue had already been booked.

Who would be so curious to reserve the venue? Most players have no intention of actually using high consumption to create such virtual things in such a game.

In terms of practicality, after completing the registration, they are already a legal 'husband and wife' in the game. It's a matter of two people... What's so good about a wedding?

It's just another pointless and wasteful formalism, which is the view of most men.

The other view is simpler and much more violent, the view of killing most women.

But no matter what other people's opinions are, she is already here, and she, Qianyu Xianrou, is already here.

Waiting, waiting, leaning in front of the stone window on the top floor of the tower, looking at the sunlight creeping towards the west, waiting quietly.

In my mind, this was the third time Qianxiu came to this place. The first two times, he could always get a deep sleep on this small bridge surrounded by water vapor.

Maybe we can get the same result this time under the influence of alcohol, right?

This is what he hopes, hoping that today will be over if he sleeps.

But the fishing mage didn't meet him today... which was good, because Qianxiu didn't know how to answer the island monkey's question.

Even if he designed this problem himself.

A bottle of strong liquor was half drunk on the way. Qian Xiu grabbed the bottle and shook it... No matter how turbulent it was, the bottle outside remained unchanged.

What if the ability to move is restored?

What was before is still there.

"L-Mr. Lan."

The nurse girl who had just wiped Lan Xiu's body in the ward of the nursing home opened the door and walked out, and saw Lan Kai standing in front of the door without saying a word.

The appearance even made her feel horrified... She didn't know how to describe the young entrepreneur's appearance at this time. She only felt that at this moment, he seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

Lan Kai squinted his eyes slightly and glanced at the nurse girl.

The nurse girl had a thought in her heart. She just felt that the other person was an ordinary person, which was like a fantasy... so she lowered her head and quickly left Lan Kai with the plate in hand.

She took three steps and two steps at a time, but turned back frequently... Lan Kai stood in front of the door of the room, motionless, but kept looking at her.

The little nurse became even more frightened, and finally stopped looking back and ran... away from Lan Kai's sight.

Lan Kai finally walked into the room, closed and locked the door, came to the bed, looked at Lan Xiu on the bed, pulled out the chair, and sat down.

Just looking at this brother who has the same blood as him.

After a long time, Lan Kai suddenly smiled, as if it was a natural reaction of nerves. This action also lasted for a long time. His eyes were always fixed on Lan Xiu's face, and finally he spoke aloud, "Do you know? Xiaorou is lying in the hospital now, her life or death is uncertain, and you have harmed him again."

The voice was quiet, as if he was saying a simple thing.

Lan Kai tilted his head and looked at Lan Xiu's face from another angle, "I remember that when my father brought you back that day, Xinyue was teaching Xiaorou how to play the piano, and I was reading a book next to her. Then, you came."

Lan Kai rubbed his fingers, thought for a while and said: "How should I put it? When I first saw you, you were clean and shy. You and I felt like people from two different worlds. Yes, we are indeed two different worlds. people."

"There is no doubt that the impact you have brought to us is great. A person I have never met suddenly becomes your relative. I don't think you can accept it at once? But I know that whether it is me or you , there is nothing you can do about this fate. If you want to blame, I can only blame you and my father for not controlling yourself. "

"By the way, do you remember the time the three of us went to the group resort together in the summer when you first came here? Forget it, let's not talk about it. As of now, there is nothing left to say."

"How could I not remember?"

Qianxiu lay on the wooden board of the small bridge, imagining that today's dusk was still orange-red. Since entering this world, he had never encountered rainy weather.

Holding the wine bottle, Qian Xiu closed his eyes and confided to himself the words of a dream, "How could I not remember that it rained that day and the original plan was cancelled? Later, Xiaorou cried and said, "You really can't do anything" He led us to escape secretly under the eyes of the driver. We had been playing for a day, and we were happy, but the result was that you were severely scolded by your father and even fined a A month’s pocket money, and I even caught a cold.”

Qian Xiu smiled, and when he opened his eyes again, the orange-red light in the sky dimmed a little, "In my impression at the time, you were a person who followed the rules and stuck to the rules. It was really unexpected that you would be so impulsive that time. I liked it. Later I realized that it was because you really doted on me? I think I should be a little jealous. Well, I am jealous. "

"I know you are jealous." Lan Kai still looked at Lan Xiu, turned his head again, and looked at his blood brother from another angle, "It's just jealousy. There is no basis, but I just feel it."

"I said, I knew from the beginning that we were from two worlds. But you, like a ferocious and sharp sword, pierced into our world from another world. Disrupting our peaceful and peaceful world. A stable life.”

Lan Kai shook his head, "I'm really just a person who follows the rules, and I'm willing to be such a person. What's wrong with that?"

He stared at Lan Xiu, his eyes getting sharper: "Tell me, what's wrong? But you have impacted our lives again and again. In this family, you rely on your father's blame for you and do whatever you want, just like He is like a demon king! He skips classes, fights, smokes, makes trouble all day long, and commits all kinds of evil! Because of you, my father, who is busy at work, rarely comes home for a meal. He spends more than half of his time educating you, but you always have a playful smile. "

Lan Kai breathed out and laughed, "But I just can't understand. You have never done these things in the name of the Lan family's son. I thought your jealousy originated from your childhood, but I finally understand. Yes, it’s something else. Yes, I understand, Xiaorou secretly told me, and then I understood. She said that one night she saw you being punished by your father and not allowed to finish eating, and you stood outside the house all night. This time, I saw you secretly carrying some sweet potatoes out of the kitchen and roasting them with leaves in the yard. As you were eating, you started crying. You looked like a homeless person while you were crying and eating. A puppy. This is how Xiaorou described it. I would never compare people to stray dogs. According to me, you are just a magic star!"

It's sunset.

The door of the tower remained motionless. She leaned against the window and watched the daylight gradually leaving. She looked at it dreamily and whispered to herself, "I don't know whether your relationship is good or bad. Sometimes I don't know. I don’t understand, I really don’t understand… Actually, I don’t want to learn piano from Sister Xinyue, I just want to watch cartoons, but you don’t allow it, and neither does dad.”

Xiaorou smiled slightly: "You know? That was the first time I wandered outside the room so late without sleeping. Curiosity drove me out of the room. It was the first time I didn't sleep according to the prescribed time. My heart was pounding. Jumping around, scared and excited, I hugged the stuffed doll you gave me, walked all the way down the stairs, and quietly opened the door. That night, it was the first time I ate such delicious roasted sweet potatoes. I didn’t I know it turns out that the leaves in our yard can bake such delicious sweet potatoes. Why?"

Xiaorou shook her head, and finally the last bit of sunlight disappeared from the horizon, and she said softly, "Maybe it's because I snatched it from the second brother, and if it were you, the eldest brother, you would only give it to me. Right? He is really different. He is really different from us. You often say that he is a magic star or something like that. Have you ever seen a magic star in that family get such bad luck? He is not allowed to finish the meal. It’s cold. Are you standing outside, shivering from the cold?"

"That night, my second brother told me that he actually didn't want to come to our place."

"I know you all think I'm a demon! You do! So do your workers!"

Qianxiu stood up suddenly, pointed at that day like crazy and cursed, "What's wrong with me being a demon star? Am I ruining your life? Aren't you also ruining my life? What are brothers and sisters? ? I didn’t! I’ve been the only one since I was a child! Why fight? Why fight? You two are like the prince and princess in fairy tales? Why do you have such a good relationship! Why should that man change my life? Throw me among you!”

He slammed the wine bottle on the wooden board so hard that it shattered into pieces, and then he knelt down and said, "I don't belong to your world. No matter how hard I try, I can't belong to your world."

"You are like a knight, guarding your own territory, unbreakable!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Qian Xiu took out another bottle of wine and drank it furiously, letting the liquid wash over his face.

"I know you're lonely!"

Lan Kai suddenly stood up from his chair and pointed at Lan Xiu with a trembling finger, "Your jealousy, your naughtiness, your inferiority, everything stems from your loneliness! Lan Xiu, let me tell you, I I know it all! I know it all! But this cannot be the reason for you to hurt this family like this! This cannot be the reason for your marriage! "

Anger even distorted his face. He suddenly grabbed the sleeping Lan Xiu's collar and pulled Lan Xiu's body up. "You can take revenge or destroy! Even if you have a thousand The reason is fine! But the only thing you can’t do is love!!! You actually really fall in love with your sister! Your biological sister!!”

"Reason? I don't know the reason. How do I know the reason?"

"I really don't know what the reason is."

"No one can give me a reason, not even myself." Qian Xiu stood up unsteadily, holding on to the wooden stake next to him, "Yes, there is no reason that can absolve me of this sin. A trace of it.”

"My life belongs to me, why do you all use so-called reasons? If there is no reason, can't you go on as you like?"

There were sad tears on Xiaorou's face, "Who defined morality in the first place? Why should I use this definition to become Lan Xiaorou? Where was the real Lan Xiaorou before Lan Xiaorou? ?What is bloodline? Lan Xiaorou has no way to choose her own bloodline, can’t she even choose the person she loves? Just because of this body of the Lan family? I would rather not!"

"Wake up! If you can, please wake up!!"

Lan Kai violently slapped Lan Xiu's face, breaking his lip, causing the sleeping man's mouth to overflow with blood, "Wake up if you have the ability!!! Since you dared to elope with Xiaorou back then! You can Make your father angry to death! You may even regret it so much that you have the courage to commit suicide! Why don’t you wake up now!!”

"You just lie here like this and don't care about anything! Who do you think you are!!!"

"Why didn't you really take Xiaorou away when you had the courage to elope! You took her away! You took her away! You took her away!! Why did you keep her!!"

"You must hate the second brother very much, right? If you say you want to kill the second brother with your own hands, I will believe it without reservation."

"Because I have always trusted you... Brother, you have known about my second brother and me for a long time, but you have always kept it secret, right? Thank you..."

"I also want to make the same mistake again and again! I really do!! I want to keep making the same mistake all the time!"

Qianxiu grabbed his head in pain and hit it hard against the wooden board of the wooden bridge. "I keep thinking every minute...I can't do it!! The desperate look my dad looked at me before he fell, Xiaorou cried without making a sound while holding her father's body. I really couldn't do it!! I hesitated, I was scared, and my courage was completely shattered like glass! Why do I exist? You Tell me! Y’all tell me!!!”

"Why did I survive!! Punishment? I accept it!! I accept it all!! I even came to this world! Since we are not from the same world, then I will completely disappear from your world! Disappear forever! ……But……"

"But why doesn't it work?"

"She's here too!" Qian Xiu stabbed his chest with his finger, "For a sinful person like me, she's here too! Here she is!"

"Lan Kai!! You bastard!! Why can't you take care of her!! Don't you still know Xiaorou's character? She's here!!"

"She's here..."

"If Xiaorou can't wake up, I will throw you out directly. Whether you are swallowed by a stray dog, run over by a passing car, or whatever, you will be left to fend for yourself!"

Lan Kai sat weakly on the floor, leaning against the edge of the hospital bed, "I have only one sister left, why...are you trying to hurt her like this! You...magic star."

"But I still hate you! Lan Kai, I have hated you all my life!! I want you to have a hard time!! Why don't you just follow the second brother!! Why did you bring dad here!!"

Like a screaming soul.

She started frantically destroying everything in the church on the top floor of the tower.

"Give me back my child!!! Give me back!!!"

"You and Sister Xinyue really love each other, right? Okay!!! I also want you to understand the pain of being in love and not being able to be together!! As long as I am here and she dares to walk in this door, I can make her cry. Get out!"

"Lan Kai!! I hate you!!!"

She knelt on the ground, covered her face and cried bitterly, "Brother... why do you always pamper me like this..."

She lay down in the ruins-like auditorium, grabbed her clothes, and said weakly, "Lantian, why don't you come to me..."

When Xinyue opened the door to this room, it was pitch black and she had to turn on the light.

Looking at Lan Kai sitting slumped against the corner, she also saw Lan Xiu lying on the ground. Xinyue was taken aback, subconsciously covering her lips, and hurriedly came to Lan Kai's side, "Lan Kai, the driver told you to come here...Lan Xiu, just..."

Lan Kai raised his head with a dull look, "Xinyue, do you know that I just wanted to kill him."

"Lan Kai..."

"I pinched his neck very hard, very hard."

Lan Kai knelt down and grabbed Xinyue's palm with both hands, "I told myself that it will be over soon. This nightmare will be over soon, it's over..."

"Lan Kai." Xinyue sighed, hugged Lan Kai's head and combed his hair, "You can't do it in the end, right?"

"I have prevented Xiaorou and Lan Xiu's children from coming into this world... After Lan Xiu committed suicide, I sent him away and told Xiaorou that he had escaped. I thought that Xiaorou would give up, I thought Everything can return to its previous state, peaceful and peaceful... But no, I created a nightmare, a longer nightmare. New Moon, tell me, what else can I do? What else can I do? I have... nothing Family members."

This is the only embrace he has now.

Lan Kai whispered hoarsely, "Xinyue, you know... the feeling of loneliness is really uncomfortable." 8

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