Although festivals like Christmas Eve and Christmas are imported, in today's era when Eastern and Western cultures invade each other, most young people in the East regard these Western festivals as almost traditional festivals.

Of course it’s a date!

All major hotels have been fully booked early, and tickets for major theaters have also been sold out. Christmas Eve has not yet arrived, and most of the new generation have no intention of working. They look at the clocks on the wall. In addition, tomorrow is a weekend holiday, so I believe that the work pressure accumulated during the week will be well released.

"Stop dreaming! Even if Christmas is here, it can't change the fact that you are single! Work overtime for me!"

At the newspaper where Ren worked as deputy editor-in-chief, the boss stood in front of the office door with his hands on his hips, scolding a group of employees who were not interested in working.

As a melon-eater, Li Zi has no pressure to criticize singles and is working hard to eliminate a new flavor of potato chips. However, the deputy editor-in-chief Ren next to him has a sad face and sighs, as if he is locked in a trap. Deep inside the mansion is a woman looking at the fallen autumn leaves.

For a moment, Riko felt like she had seen the landowner's concubine who was wearing a kimono and leaning on the railing during the Meiji Restoration a hundred years ago, melancholy.

"Sister Ren, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm going to die..." Ren Ziling lay on the table, her defeated appearance was completely irreversible, as if she had been ruined countless times, she looked at Lizi desperately and said: "This month's performance is not good, I still have three manuscripts I didn’t write it, I didn’t write the column...I still have to write the push for the official account tonight..."

"But Sister Ren, isn't working overtime the right way for you to start your daily routine?"

The sound of potato chips breaking in Lizi's mouth was like the sound of Ren Ziling's glass heart breaking. She weakly opened her eyelids, "Luo Qiu asked me to have dinner tonight, saying that it was a rare holiday to have a good night... ...I pushed him away. Because of this damn overtime..."

Lizi blinked, "I'm still with you, right?"

"No Ji, thank you."

"Eat potato chips?" Li Zi still blinked, a little reluctant, but still took out a piece of potato chips and fed it to him.

Ren Ziling opened her mouth and bit into pieces.

Lizi chuckled and said, "It's time to start work!"

"Let me..." Ren Ziling said seriously: "Let me let myself go a little more."

It was obvious that he was a terminally ill patient with lazy cancer and had given up treatment long ago.

Zixing's original clothes were a bit weird, like the clothes of an ethnic minority. Going out like this would inevitably attract a lot of strange looks. Considering this, Zhui Feng suggested changing her clothes.

It's just that the clothes he can find currently are only ones he has worn. As for buying them?

Sorry, there are no child laborers in the human world for the time being. There are no jobs. I basically rely on hunting for three meals a day. Otherwise, I go to the cheese house to eat. Zhui Feng searched the whole 'house' and only found a few. Steel.

Of course, there is another way for monsters to quickly obtain money, which is to use their own condensed monster power beads to exchange them in the Paradise Bar.

But although the Pure Land Bar has this kind of business, for monsters, monster power is the foundation. Naturally, not many monsters are willing to use this kind of service. It is already a bit difficult to spend money in the bar. Is it stupid to exchange money from the human world? ?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I can only find these for now..." Zhui Feng hesitated and looked at Zixing who had already put on his own clothes, "But don't worry, I washed them very clean! Three times! Washed three times. all over!"

"Give me your hat." Zi Xing chuckled, reached out and took off the hat from Zhui Feng's head, and then put it on her own head, just in time to include her long ears that could not be hidden for the time being. Stored inside.

Thinking that Zi Xing was not only wearing his own hat and clothes, but even the underwear inside was his own, Zhui Feng felt like his mouth was dry.

Do you want to... stop washing these clothes after changing them?

"Chasing the wind, chasing the wind?" Zixing suddenly called out softly.

"I didn't mess up..." Zhuifeng came back to his senses, "Huh? I didn't hear what you just said..."

Zixing smiled: "I said, I'm not familiar with this city. Where are you going to take me?"

Zhui Feng asked subconsciously: "I can take you wherever you want to go. There is no place here that I am not familiar with."

"Then... there." Zixing thought for a moment, then waved his hand and pointed at a building in the center of the city.

This is the tallest building in the city and is located in the very center of the city. Zhui Feng was stunned and didn't understand where Zixing wanted to go and what he wanted to do, but he didn't ask any more questions and just agreed.

"Okay." Zhui Feng nodded: "But it's broad daylight now, so let's use human methods to get there! I'll drive you there!"

"Car?" Zi Xing was slightly surprised.

But seeing Zhui Feng pushing out a semi-new bicycle at this time, she opened her mouth slightly, but in the end she didn't speak, she just said with a smile: "Then let's go."

She didn't really agree to go out with Zhui Feng, but it was just that several days had passed since she was seriously injured that day. Now that she had regained some strength to move, she naturally wanted to find news about her subordinates.

That day, because two wolf warriors were suddenly killed instantly by the human white-haired woman, when they used the secret method Greedy Wolf to descend, they had to drain a large amount of vitality from the remaining two warriors. Although I still had reservations, The two remaining soldiers were probably extremely injured at this time.

I just don’t know whether these two warriors are looking for a place to heal their wounds or are also looking for Young Master Purple Star... That’s why they agreed to Zhui Feng’s invitation.

As for going to the highest point in the center of the city, he naturally had other plans...but he still had to wait for midnight to arrive.

Since Zhui Feng is acquainted with Mr. Long... Do you want to use him to pay a visit to Mr. Long? Zi Xing thought to himself, then quickly gave up the idea.

The wolf clan is arrogant, let alone the greedy wolf clan, the king of the wolf clan? This time, not only did a human woman steal the secret treasure, but as a young master, she was even seriously injured and her body deteriorated. Such things were really a disgrace to the name of a greedy wolf. If word got out, she would be a sinner in the clan.

While thinking this, Zixing followed Zhui Feng all the way down to the roof of the building where he lived. Zhui Feng naturally carried the bicycle all the way down.

Zixing didn't think much, and sat sideways on the back of the bicycle. While thinking about his future actions, he subconsciously used his right hand to support Zhui Feng's lower back, and leaned against it slightly.

But Zhui Feng seemed to stiffen suddenly, and Zixing asked curiously: "Why don't you leave?"


Ever since Professor Trevor suggested using that secret method to increase magic power, both Wang Yuechuan and himself have seen considerable increases in magic power every day.

With the enhanced magic power, one can refer to the contents of the "Book of the Dead" to use magic. This is naturally something that the two people who have just come into contact with this kind of power cannot help but be happy about.

The two of them were silent all day long in the development of new fields, and they felt a bit ignorant of the passage of time in the world.

"King... there are no places like mass graves nearby." Professor Trevor was pacing in the apartment with his hands behind his hands at this time. "Without a large number of Yin spirits transforming, our practice speed will return to what it was before. of slowness.”

If you can be fast, you should not be slow. I think it is the same for individuals. After hearing this, Wang Yuechuan nodded. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Professor, do you have any good suggestions?"

"That ritual requires a large number of Yin spirits." Professor Trevor said quickly: "The mass graves we have used in the past few days are very effective, but in fact the number of Yin spirits obtained is not large. According to the "Book of the Dead" According to the description, the longer you die, the worse the quality of the ghosts. And these mass graves are very old, and they are not in the best condition... I suggest that we can quietly go to the cemetery in this city."

Wang Yuechuan shook his head and said: "Professor, our country has cremations. Although they are cemeteries, most of them are empty. According to the "Book of the Dead", after death, there will be a single ghost, but it must be fostered for a period of time. Being able to break away. The situation in the cemetery is probably not the best option."

Professor Trevor slapped his head, nodded and said: "I overlooked this. In my country, corpses are always sent to the cemetery... Well, Wang, how about we go abroad before the New Year?"

Wang Yuechuan was silent for a while and shook his head: "My status makes it difficult for me to leave the country now...but that doesn't mean I won't be able to leave the country in the future. I need some time to prepare. As for increasing the magic power, there is really no way, so just slow down. It’s just a good time to consolidate it.”

Professor Trevor is obviously unwilling to do the so-called consolidation. In his view, the human body, as a container of magic power, has unlimited potential. With such a huge capacity, the more magic power can be improved, the better. Wang Yuechuan seems to be a little more conservative.

He shook his head and suggested coldly: "There should be a lot of Yin spirits in another place, and it is absolutely fresh. It is even easier for you to reach."

Wang Yuechuan frowned, "You mean... the morgue of the police station?"

Professor Trevor nodded and said with blazing eyes: "The Book of the Dead mentions that the more intense feelings of hatred, unwillingness, despair, etc. are born in front of a person, the stronger the ghost will be after death. This part The most suitable ones are those who died in vain... I think there must be a lot of such dead people in that place."

Indeed, most of the corpses parked in the morgue were not unnatural deaths, and some even went unclaimed for a long time. To use the internal words of public officials, there is a lot of resentment in the morgue. Many people in the organization who are assigned to guard the morgue are rumored to not be very good-looking, and some retired people are still sick. Haunted...

If it is because of the Yin spirits causing trouble, then going there this time will not only increase the magic power, but also resolve this so-called 'grievance', so that the civilian police officers working in the morgue do not have to be corroded by the Yin spirits. The best of both worlds.

Wang Yuechuan nodded without thinking for too long.

It's just that you still need to use crystals to set up ritual circles in the morgue, which is a troublesome thing... But thinking that today's magic is just enough to cast some of the magic mentioned in the "Book of the Dead", it may be just right. You can try it out.

If successful, then it would make sense that Cao Yu could take things from the evidence room openly without anyone seeing him...


"It's nothing." Wang Yuechuan shook his head slightly, "I just remembered some small things... I have no problem entering the morgue using my authority, and I can even bring you in. But, professor, are you sure you want to go today?"

"Why not?" Professor Trevor smiled slightly.

Wang Yuechuan shrugged and said calmly: "Today is Christmas Eve. For you, it should be the most important holiday, right?"

For Trevor, this is what the traditional Spring Festival is for Wang Yuechuan. Therefore, even if he knew that this place could enhance magic power, Wang Yuechuan would not get into such bad luck on such a traditional festival.

It's not because of superstition, it's just a little respect for tradition. What's more, the place can't be escaped and no one will take advantage of it, so naturally they won't be impatient for a while.

Professor Trevor also smiled indifferently and waved his hand: "Wang, since we obtained the Book of the Dead, you and I are no longer ordinary people. We are already extraordinary people. What meaning does this kind of festival have for us? ? It would be more meaningful to increase the magic power."

"Then... it's up to you." Wang Yuechuan nodded, "I'll change my clothes and then go out."

When Wang Yuechuan entered the room, Professor Trevor smiled coldly... He had accumulated enough magic power to activate a certain spell in the "Book of the Dead" hidden by him.

As for Wang Yuechuan, after these several increases in magic power, his trust in him has obviously increased a lot... and his wariness is no longer so strong.

"Christmas is such an important can I not do it?" Professor Trevor whispered with a weird smile: "I even prepared a pretty good Christmas gift for myself."

Ever since No. 18 said the mission failed and left Dazhe to play alone, Dazhe has not seen No. 18... Of course, he can probably feel the location of No. 18, but he thinks that the elder sister has only been there for a day. , and probably didn’t want to see anyone, so he simply returned to the club.

Luo Qiu didn't seem to be unhappy about the failure of this mission... But in Dazhe's view, there was no difference between Luo Qiu and the young man he met in Luojia Village.

Although it is now a master-slave relationship.

"Christmas Eve? I don't spend much time there."

Boss Luo is tinkering with something unknown in the study.

At this time, the maid and Dazhe were drinking tea. Talking about this traditional festival in the Western world, Dazhe shook his head and said: "Didn't the boss tell you? In the past ten years, most of my Those in jail. Apart from adding dishes to the Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, how can there be anything to celebrate? Not to mention Christmas. Speaking of which, You Ye must be a foreigner, right? How did you spend your time? "

Dazhe looked at the maid curiously.

Although they were drinking tea, as the owner's exclusive property, the maid only stood there from beginning to end, holding an exquisite teapot in her hand.

"Actually, they almost don't celebrate it there." Youye said with a smile: "In Russia, it's New Year's Eve. Of course there's also Christmas, but it's different from the traditional December 25th."

Dazhe was quite interested, "Is it so strange? Tell me about it?"

"There is a so-called Santa Claus in red at Christmas. As for Russia, there is actually a similar image." You Ye recalled: "But he is called Old Man in Red Winter, and there is also Snow Girl as an assistant to deliver gifts together. Hmm. ...The Christmas tree is also called a New Year tree..."

Dazhe listened to some different humanities, and finally asked curiously: "If you can't do it, then why did you pay so much attention to it when you arranged it, as if you were looking forward to it?"

Miss Youye said softly: "Because this is the first Christmas Eve that Youye has spent with the master."

Damn... I was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food.

Dazhe shook his head secretly...thinking that it would be more appropriate for him to go out and wander.

"Are you talking about anything happy?" Luo Qiu's voice suddenly came, and he walked out slowly, holding boxes of many sizes in his hands.

These boxes are beautifully packaged and can’t help but create anticipation. The maid quickly stepped forward and shared the burden with Luo Qiu.

"Nothing, just a casual chat." Dazhe shook his head and helped too, then asked: "Boss, what are all these gifts for?"

Luo Qiu said softly: "Of's for my clients."

Dazhe was stunned and subconsciously said: "So many?"

Luo Qiu smiled, "Yes, before I knew it, there were already so many."

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