Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 103 The remnants are always surprisingly similar to...history

A trace of purple smoke first emerged from the cut of the broken Ten Fist Sword, and it exploded instantly. In just a moment, the purple smoke filled the bottom of the entire cave. .

Dazhe was slightly surprised, looking at the thick purple smoke all around, thinking it was some trick of the warrior in red armor in front of him... It felt like something dangerous was about to move at this moment.

He just felt a sudden chill on his back, a bad feeling, and he immediately rose upwards. I saw an extremely long black shadow passing by, and it turned out to be a huge head with an extremely long neck... a snake head!

Dazhe's feet landed on a platform above the cave. In the thick purple mist below, a huge black shadow was seen. At the same time, huge heads began to rush out of the smoke and headed towards Dazhe bit him like crazy!

Bang bang bang!

When these huge noises were heard, Suzhan Mingzun had left the cave at some point and stood on a rock somewhere outside, looking from a distance, "The Ten Fist Sword is broken... Baqiye Freedom. Just enjoy it."

Suzhan Mingzun snorted coldly and left this place without looking back... What left the Ten Fist Sword was an extremely terrifying local beast: Yamata no Orochi.

Suzhan Mingzun used a trick to make Yamato no Orochi drunk, and then took the opportunity to chop off its head. But this ferocious beast seems to be even more terrifying when it has no body and is only active with its soul. Fortunately, the seal of the soul by the Ten Fist Sword is quite mysterious. Even if the Yamata no Orochi's body dies, the soul will be dead because of drinking the specially made He was in a state of drunkenness due to the fine wine, and was finally sealed in the Ten Fists Sword.

Yamata no Orochi's hatred towards Suzhan Mingzun has been accumulating over time. Now that the seal has been broken, I am afraid that he will never let it go... Now he can only take advantage of it not being discovered yet, and only treat the terrifyingly powerful human being as a prey, and fight against each other. Ichiban himself left first.

"Amaterasu's subordinate Otsushima Himeiko is right!" Suzhan Mingzun's eyes were unusually solemn under the grimace mask. "Mortal guys really have such terrifying power... We, we We can’t sit still and wait for death! We can’t… we can’t let the Mother Goddess’ Yan Wuyue be broken!”

Yamata no Orochi was quite distressed and should not be greedy for food. In the end, the trickster succeeded and was finally sealed in the Ten Fist Sword... For it, it makes no difference whether it has a body or not, because it The ability is to allow the body to transform between reality and reality. It just takes a certain amount of time.

But now that the seal has been broken, the kid who used the conspiracy at the beginning should bear the anger!

Hey, that kid escaped?

It doesn't matter, I can lock his aura... As for the little guy in front of me, is he a bit special?

It doesn't taste like a human being, but it feels like it has a very good power. After swallowing it, I can recover a little bit.

Roar! !

Yamata no Orochi, the sounds made by eight huge snake heads at the same time, kept refracting in the cave, and then overlapped, no less than a thunderstorm in the rainstorm exploding directly around them.

Dazhe covered his ears with some discomfort. The screams of these eight snake-headed monsters did not seem to be pure sound waves.

At this moment, Zhanlu burst out with intense brilliance again, and once again surged out with an extremely powerful force. Dazhe's spirit was shaken, and his power suddenly increased. He jumped down and chopped at the head of Yamato no Orochi!

The body turned into a stream of light, with a speed that was almost impossible to catch.

The seal had just been broken and the Yamata no Orochi, whose consciousness had not yet fully awakened, seemed to have sobered up a lot after roaring... but suddenly he felt an unbearable pain!

One of its heads has been chopped off!

The moment the severed head fell to the ground, it turned into a pool of strange liquid that melted, then seemed to evaporate, and disappeared in an instant.

Dazhe glanced at it and thought to himself: It just looks scary?

At this moment, the Yamato no Orochi was surprised and uncertain. The remaining seven heads and fourteen eyes were all looking at Dazhe, or at the Zhanlu sword in his hand, "Why Zhanlu... Come to this broken place! Always... never let go of our Xiangliu clan!! Damn Taoist Shenzhou!!"

"Scared?" Dazhe looked up.

However, they saw that the Yamato no Orochi with seven remaining heads was emitting more purple smoke at this time, and the entire body was completely atomized in this short period of time, and it was quickly submerged into the soil.

Dazhe frowned, subconsciously swung Zhanlu forward and struck out with his sword. A golden sword light directly opened the mountain peak where the cave was located, and then cut out a huge 100-meter long sword starting from him. crack.

Dazhe vaguely felt that this sword should have hit the purple smoke, but it didn't seem to actually kill it...

The power coming from Zhan Lu had stopped at this time, and Dazhe felt physically exhausted... It seemed that this borrowed power would greatly consume his own physical strength.

" the warm-up complete?"

Dazhe made Zhanlu look like a key again, then wrapped the scarf back, and walked to the edge of the evil ghost island... Unexpectedly, he found that the dark clouds on the road had begun to recede, and a beam of sunlight began to cast down. .

Dazhe looked at the endless sea and suddenly thought of a more serious problem: he was thrown here by his boss, and then...

"How do I go back??"

Dazhe's confused face is fresh...

Like chasing the stars and chasing the moon.

The light flying across the sky, like a shooting star, turned out to be Amaterasu Omikami and one of the three goddesses, Otsushima Himimei, who was heading to Takamagahara.

"Master God, we will arrive at Takamagahara in a while." Otsushima Himeiko's voice seemed quite solemn at this time, and he suddenly said: "Then what is there in Waseda Village that actually wants the three nobles to gather..."

"Otsushima-hime, what do you want to say?" Amaterasu Omikami suddenly stopped.

Otsushima Himeiko said seriously at this time: "I have something more important to report about the matter of Waseda Village!"

Amaterasu Omikami suddenly frowned: "Why didn't you tell me when we were at the Kingdom of Night Shrine just now?"

"Lord God, calm down!" Otsushima Himeiko was immediately shocked and said, "I don't know if I should say it, after all... After all, Lord Tsukuyomi and Lord Suzhanming were also there at that time."

Amaterasu Omikami fell towards a mountain below, and Otsushima Himeiko followed directly. Amaterasu looked at the mountains at this time and said slowly: "You should report it first."

It just seems like there should be no blame anymore.

At this time, Otsushima Himeiko took a step forward, lowered his voice, and said with great solemnity: "Master God, have you ever heard of a place like this where no matter what you want, as long as you can afford the price, you can buy it! Even, even if It is something that even gods can act on, and it can also be realized. I am afraid that even Izanagi's life and Izanami's life cannot whisper the temptation..."

"The gods are also moved by it?" Amaterasu Omikami was stunned, and then frowned, "Fang Mao! Where did you hear this fallacy! But the evil words hidden in Waseda Village that steal the world?"

Otsushima Himeiko raised her head at this time and said in confusion: "God Lord... you just said, the evil spirit that steals the world?"

Amaterasu Omikami sighed at this time and said: "Forget it, it's time for you to know, and it's better to be mentally prepared in advance. Not long ago, I felt uneasy, so I went to Yaxun Temple in person to meet Father God and Mother God, and then learned..."

Amaterasu Omikami briefly talked about what she knew from the Yahiro Temple, and Otsushima Himeiko didn't know when she had walked in front of Amaterasu Omikami, with an expression of shock and fear on her face, but extremely Listening carefully, for fear of missing something.

"...That's why I temporarily reconciled with Tsukuyomi Ming and Suzhan Mingzun." Amaterasu Omikami breathed a sigh of relief, "Now, do you know everything?"

"The world has actually reached such a critical moment..." Otsushima Himeiko's face was pale, and he looked extremely frightened.

Amaterasu shook his head at this moment, and then asked: "Where did you hear about the thing you just mentioned? Is it really a rumor spread by the evil demon hiding in Waseda Village?"

Otsushima Himimei quickly took a step forward again: "Master Shen, I heard about this from Alex!"

"Alex? Who?" Amaterasu thought for a while, trying hard to search for everything about this name from his memory.

But at this moment, a kind of severe pain began to spread from her body... A beautiful little sword pierced her body directly!

"Otsushima-hime, you actually..." Amaterasu Omikami looked at the other party in disbelief... This time, the goddess born of her divine power would betray herself!

"My name is Mei Ji..."

Otsushima Hime...her body gradually changed, and finally she became a girl wearing a kimono.


That was the sound of both hands hitting at the same time!

Zhuifeng looked at the mosquitoes that died on his palms. He was extremely dissatisfied that the mosquitoes in this ghost place were not afraid of the evil spirit at all and dared to come closer.

"The Zaodao Village should be nearby, right?" Zhui Feng looked at the surrounding environment, but seemed to hear some movement coming from the shadow of the trees on the roadside.

Carrying a lantern, the lantern was taken from a house on the road... Of course, some copper coins were put down, which was regarded as a purchase.


Zhui Feng opened his palms, his nails began to become sharp, and then slowly approached, only to see a figure walking out holding the tree trunk, and then fell down without having time to say a word.

This scene... I seem to have seen it somewhere?

Zhui Feng was stunned and then walked up!

He turned the person over and saw that it was a woman with a pale face and a horrific wound on her body. There was still blood on the corner of her mouth. The corner of her mouth moved slightly, as if she was saying something, but her voice was extremely soft, like balderdash.

Zhui Feng had no choice but to get closer and listen, and all he heard was: "Danger...Danger...God Lord...God..."

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