Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 23 The main play of the theater

As one of the top ten military-industrial companies in the world, Lomster Leiden Company is a well-deserved giant in the industry.

Think about it, a company that undertakes military satellite launches and other services for the world's largest power has such a strong background. And the owner behind this company can probably make the leaders of ordinary countries receive him politely.

The world's hegemonic country is controlled by many plutocrats, and the Lomster Leiden Company is naturally one of them. The person who came to Rio this time was the rich man behind the company ‘Lomester Leighton’, a talented person from the Leighton family.

As for this talented person, he came with the exchange group from Colombia... Interestingly, this talented person from the Leiden family even had the identity of a member of the exchange group.

"A private satellite launch vehicle technology development agreement?"

After listening to You Ye's narration, Boss Luo began to ponder. The following performance just paused at this time.

In fact, it was also because the performance happened to be paused that You Ye took the time to report the information obtained to his master.

"As the world's number one hegemon, it actually plans to jointly develop this technology with a country that is far behind in technology?" Luo Qiu shook his head, "Should it be more appropriately called technology selling?"

The maid smiled slightly, "The person who discussed this matter privately with the Leiden family this time seems to be an important member of the opposition party in this country."

Boss Luo nodded, suddenly raised his brows and said, "I heard that the current president of this country was impeached not long ago because of the rape case, but he survived."

"Even so, he doesn't have much left in his term." Youye nodded, "Then, the opposition wants to obtain this technology to increase their leverage before the next election. But this time The technology should be quite old.”

"Even if it is outdated technology, it is still a blessing for countries that do not have it." Luo Qiu said indifferently, "Technology, as long as it always stays ahead, it is enough. After all, technological progress cannot be suppressed. Instead of shelving it on the shelf in the end, It is better to suppress the remaining value if it is reduced to waste. This is the correct approach for capitalists... But after all, it is a thing that embodies national power like a satellite. Perhaps the Leiden family's actions this time are also very secretive? Maybe it is still a private act. ?”

"It is the mining of minerals and the development of oil resources in this country. The Leiden family seems to be planning to enter the economic lifeline of this country. After all, it is one of the BRICS countries, with very rich resources and a very superior geographical environment." Maid lady eh road.

Boss Luo nodded. He casually passed his palm in front of him, and three elliptical light curtains appeared.

On each light curtain, the appearance of a man is reflected. They were among the guests sitting in the hall below. As for the eyes of these three men, they would occasionally glance towards the VIP room.

Luo Qiu blinked and understood instantly, then whispered: "People from the FBI? It seems that the Layton family's behavior has not been concealed..."

Boss Luo glanced at the men sleeping in the back seat again, and said interestingly: "I wonder if Song Haoran's mission this time is related to this matter? Well... it would be pointless to know everything at once. Let’s slowly pay attention to the next development. But..."

"Huh?" The maid cast a curious look.

Luo Qiu smiled and said, "Don't you think fate is interesting? My father was a policeman who was dedicated to serving the public and died in the line of duty. But his brother became the leader of a mercenary abroad, committing all kinds of evil and killing people like crazy."

However, as a descendant of this bloodline, he also embarked on a completely different path.

The orchestral sound comes again... symphony-9 (great) ii

Majestic and high-spirited.

They call the leader of 'Iris' Dad, who is Song Haoran's father. Of course, Song Haoran also calls his father Dad, which means the same as everyone else.

During the interval of the concert, Song Haoran left his seat, and now the time for planned action had already passed. Oni didn't move, so he naturally saw Lluvia's gesture.

In the bathroom, Song Haoran, who had already seen that there was no one here, quickly changed the chip on his phone to another one.

"Hey, Dad, what's going on?"

On the other end of the phone was Dad, the leader of the 'Iris'. Song Tianyou said in a deep voice at this moment: "The information we just got, there will be a situation at the theater... Someone planted a bomb in the theater."

Song Haoran was startled, and then his expression became serious, "Who is it? How many bombs are there? What about our operation this time?"

Song Tianyou seemed to know that time was running out, so he spoke much faster, "Not our employer. The bomb this time seems to be the work of some armed elements/sub-remnants. This concert is to live in Brazil and neighboring countries." There were many exchanges, and consuls from several countries were also there.”

After hearing this, Song Haoran rubbed his brows, "Are they those lunatics who want weapons but no weapons and no one? But I don't know about bombs, but it's the style of those guys. So I really got off to a bad start. In the end of the action Did one ring hit the opponent's gun?"

"According to intelligence sources, the bomb installed this time is enough to blow up the entire theater. No matter what, you need to evacuate immediately." Song Tianyou said quickly: "I will personally explain the situation to the employer... Moreover, if the target dies directly due to the explosion , maybe we can save a lot of effort."

Song Haoran suddenly said: "Dad, I think it will be difficult to evacuate... It seems that the feast of these dangerous guys has begun." ymphony-9 (great) iii

Chapter 3 had already begun when Song Haoran was on the phone with his father... However, among the high-pitched orchestral sounds, Song Haoran suddenly heard a scream.

In one of the rows of seats in the nearly full concert hall, a handsome man kept saying apologetic words, and finally managed to sit next to a woman in a red evening dress... Lluvia.

Looking at the man occupying Song Haoran's position, Lluvia frowned and said displeased: "Oni... you should retreat immediately. What are you doing here?"

Man... Oni showed a playboy-like smile at this time and said: "Isn't this because the military advisor has gone away? I'm afraid you will be lonely! How about it? Is my clothes okay? The one I just found in the background should be a certain performer Spare clothes for home.”

"It looks like a human being but a dog." Lluvia responded impatiently.

Oni was immediately surprised and said: "The military adviser said that 'human-like and dog-like' is used to describe a gentleman. It seems to be really good."

Lluvia frowned. The meaning of this sentence would be clear as long as you have a little understanding of the culture of that country. Obviously, Oni does not care about the culture of his motherland that the military advisor mentioned in most cases.

"Yes, he is really a gentleman who looks like a dog." Lluvia resisted the urge to laugh, but soon became serious and lowered her voice again: "Dad has given an order to temporarily stop this operation. .”

"Dad!" Oni blinked.

Things that require personal instructions from dad are usually not easy to answer briefly... He was about to speak, but the person in the back seat tapped him on the shoulder.

Oni glanced subconsciously, and the person in the back seat cast an accusing look and made a gesture of silence... The concert hall needs to be quiet.

Oni showed an apologetic look in his eyes. Just when he was about to apologize casually, he suddenly saw a surprised look in this guy's eyes... He kept looking at the stage of the concert hall!

At this time, it was officially the most exciting moment of the third movement, but the whole orchestra stopped at this juncture!

The concert hall fell silent for an instant, and all the audience stared at the conductor of the orchestra. The conductor had fallen to the ground, motionless.

A cellist in the orchestra hurriedly walked over to the conductor to see what was going on. However, when he helped the conductor up, he saw that the conductor's white shirt was stained with a bright red!

Someone... shot the conductor to death at the most exciting moment of the movement!

ah! ! ! !

In front of the first row of seats, a woman in luxurious clothes screamed in panic... and the panicked screams spread instantly like a plague!

The scary beginning makes people so scared, but the really scary thing is the thunder-like sound behind them, which is especially clear in this concert hall with very good soundproofing conditions.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am honored to inform you that you have been kidnapped!"

The sound echoed in the concert hall...the sound of the speakers!

"It turns out there is a third party."

In the VIP room, Boss Luo looked at the source of the sounds coming from all directions, and finally fixed his eyes on a room directly above the stage.

That's where the stage lighting and sound equipment is controlled.

Song Haoran was the party who carried out the assassination.

The party that carries out technology reselling in private, and...the gangster party with unknown origins.


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