Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 43 We will definitely make you feel at home!

After careful search and research, the detectives on the street finally came to a shocking conclusion: they lost track of them, allowing Bucky to successfully escape in full view of the public.

The news was like a ignition line of fire, burning in an instant to the command team of this operation, and finally ignited the leader of the operation team.

The team leader believed that he had used all the abusive words he had accumulated over the past decades on the members of this operation team, but he still could not calm down.

After he drank two glasses of ice water in a row, he finally regained his composure but still looked like a defeated rooster.

"There are fifteen people in the action team, including four senior agents. There are ambushes all around, and there are also intelligence provided by informants..." The leader of the action team slapped the table hard, "The last report given to me was that the arrest was made by mistake. People?!”

The team leader's eyes widened... After Jose's death, his position became vacant, and countless guys were watching him.

As the commander of this operation, he had a great opportunity to gain credit and prove his strength, but he did not expect that the operation failed at the most critical moment.

For this reason, the team leader who was striving to get the upper hand stared hard at a man in the conference room who was eating takeaway deliciously, and said with great dissatisfaction: "Bucky didn't catch him, you don't seem to be surprised at all. ?”

The man casually picked up the napkin next to him and wiped his mouth. His etiquette was impeccable. If they didn't know this guy's identity, the action organization would have thought that this guy was a descendant of some noble.

"I have helped you and done my part. So whether you are caught or doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, right?"

"Doflamingo!" the operations team leader gritted his teeth.

"Who is your name?" The man raised his head slightly, with a strange smile on his face: "My current name is Saint Fran, and I am a doctor born at Yale University."

"You..." The operations team leader glared at the slow man fiercely, but in the end he was helpless.

He knew that he really had no way of ordering this guy. Otherwise, this guy who clearly appeared in the hostage-taking incident as an extremely serious criminal last night would not be sitting here upright today, paying attention to his action.

To be precise, he is the person of the big shot in the country who is attached to the leader of the operation, or he is a collaborator who has some kind of cooperative relationship with that big shot. This time he is just here in the name of assistance.

But even so, the operations team leader is still... so angry!

"Dr. St. Franc!" The team leader emphasized his pronunciation and said in a deep voice: "Bucky has left. What do you think of this matter?"

Dover... St. Fran said calmly: "As expected of Bucky, he has luck that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. In other words, during such an arrest process, I am not surprised at all that he was able to leave safely. .”

The operations team leader knocked on the table, "I'm asking you, what else can we do to lure him out next?"

St. Franc shook his head and said: "No more. This arrest has exposed the news that someone under Bucky has rebelled. Bucky is a timid guy, but he is also a very suspicious guy. He feels that all the time There is no such thing as a sense of security, so once he is imprisoned, he never thinks about leaving. In the same way, if the person who took care of him betrayed him this time, then he will never find any subordinate to continue to take care of him unless one day, He thinks he has cleared out all those who betrayed him or were potential traitors."

"Who are you? I can only watch his shit?"

"That's your business." St. Franc shrugged. "This instigation of rebellion against Bucky's men has exposed the flag I have been planting around him. In the future, he may trace this calculation His person is me.”

St. Franc stood up and said, "Although I'm not afraid of Bucky, once this guy activates his strange luck, he might cause some kind of trouble for me. So, from now on, it's up to you."

With that said, St. Fran opened the door and opened it. A blonde girl dressed in a professional suit immediately came up to her: this girl appeared as St. Fran's secretary.

In less than half a day, a Dr. St. Franc, who graduated from a prestigious school and had made special achievements in many fields, quietly appeared in the country's political system.

The next thing for him is to run for election as a senator.

The door of the conference room has been closed. The operations team leader swept the documents on the table to the floor, and finally sat down with a complicated mood.

Are you kidding me?

Such a ferocious criminal who killed countless people turned aside and became a candidate for the Senate in less than half a day. Is he more likely to enter the center of power in the country in the future?

"Has this country... fallen to this level?"

The operations team leader let out a long breath, looked at the temporarily assembled screen, and finally felt as if all his strength had been exhausted. He picked up the microphone with difficulty and said lifelessly: "Call the team, come back and deploy the next time." Capture plan..."

Maybe, you are a monster with four limbs on the ground and a mouth full of blood!

Maybe, you are a rotten zombie with only a few hairs!

Such a voice, as if blessed by some kind of cosmic will power, actually echoed in the lobby.

Of course, this feeling is purely an illusion.

Speaking of which, Boss Luo never put on the specially prepared mask because he left his hometown. Of course, now he no longer needs the mask as a cover even if he meets an acquaintance.

Even though Bucky had already seen the boss and the maid with his own eyes last night, at this moment, in the lobby of the club, Bucky's understanding seemed to have never happened before.

The ability to temporarily seal one's own knowledge from the other party's perception seems to have appeared unknowingly. Luo Qiu has not thought about finding out the specific time when this ability appears. In general, besides the boss Besides being an energy conservationist, he is also a happy-go-lucky type. much imagination do I need to be able to imagine myself as a monster?

How much hatred should one have towards women to compare women to pink skeletons, shaped like zombies?

Luo Qiu has never experienced narcissism. He is the type who would not go out of his way to look at his own reflection in the shop window mirror even when walking on the street. Even so, it is far from ugly and can be used To describe it as a monster, right?

"It seems that the guest has experienced something...well, something special before this." The reason why the boss is a boss is because even so, he still has a good temper and patience.

But Bucky didn't seem to think so.

Because he really felt that he was too clever, and he could see through the young man and woman at a glance, even though he didn't know where the young man and woman came from.

But since there is someone like Lucifer, it is not inconceivable that there will be something similar.

At this time, seeing the stunned expressions of the young man and woman, Bucky sneered repeatedly: "Stop pretending, show your true body! It's hard for people like you to maintain this form, right? I, Bucky, You are not someone who has never seen the world. Even if you are really a monster or a rotten zombie, I can still have a good conversation with you. Even that will make me feel that you are at least a little bit sincere."

Monster*2. Zombies*2.

Boss Luo remained silent, and the maid kept smiling charmingly, smiling, smiling until the master made no comment.

"Why don't you speak?"

Bucky frowned at this time: "Could it be that it's not monsters or zombies? Is it some other disgusting thing? Okay, I don't mind either! I've seen even octopus monsters before, and I won't despise you. But in the end You're not a mud monster, I can't stand the smell... By the way, you're a woman, forget it, let's call it a female. This perfume is pretty good. Is it to cover up the stench on your body? Where did you get it? Come back to me Bring some to a few guys you know, I can't stand the stench on them every time, and by the way, there's also breath!"

Monster*3. Zombies*3. Octopus monster*1. Mud Monster*1. Female*1. Foul smell*1. Tone*1.

Seeing that the man and woman were still silent, Bucky shrugged, then opened the stool that automatically moved to his side again, and sat down directly.

He put his hands on the back of the chair and leaned slightly sideways, which seemed a bit debauched.

He said in a relaxed tone: "Relax, it's not a big deal even if you are found out. But if you want to trade with me, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I heard Lucifer said that every once in a while, someone will Some stupid young people came to this world from her hometown. These stupid young people have no other skills, and they are not good at seducing humans. They can't even see the reality clearly. Sometimes they will stupidly ask people who have been treated by high-level people. The devil took action on his marked prey, and in the end he didn’t even know how he died.”

As he spoke, Bucky intentionally or unintentionally revealed that the button on his collar was not opened at any time, and a black tattoo was looming.

It looks like a skull, surrounded by black wings on the left and right sides.

It seems that I am the one marked by the high-level demon!

"We are indeed new to this place... Thank you very much for reminding me, dear guest." Boss Luo smiled slightly.

Bucky waved his hand at this time, as if I had been there before, "It doesn't matter, after all, I have experienced this kind of thing several times before, so I am more experienced. You two must be new demons, right? How about, Are you new here? Are you familiar with this place? If you need anything, please tell me. After all, Lucifer and I are also very good friends. She is a visitor from her hometown, so I have to help take care of her no matter what. And , no matter what, you can be considered as helping me, allowing me to avoid the pursuit of those guys... By the way, I have said so much, my mouth is a bit dry, so who can pour me something to drink!"

Then who*1.


The source of the sound of something being thrown on the floor seemed to be a staircase on the side of the lobby.

Bucky looked over curiously, and found that what he saw was an old man wearing a huge afro, which was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, and he was immediately surprised.

The old man with the afro quickly bent down and picked up a vinyl record, and then said with a cold sweat: "What about... I, I, I, I... I forgot a few songs at a time and couldn't compose them, so I just I plan to come down and look for this disc so I can go back and make background music for the game... I, I, I didn’t hear anything, I really didn’t hear anything!! Old, old, I said, go back to work!!!"

As he said that, the old man with the afro ran out of a long afterimage, and in the blink of an eye he was at the end of the stairs.

Warrior! ! A true warrior! ! !

A true warrior dares to face the bleakness of life...

He is simply a role model for our generation! !

Isn’t it good to live...

Warrior, I will go to your grave this time next year to weed and burn incense for you...

The afro-headed boss held the vinyl record he had found, and with astonishing admiration in his heart, he crashed into a machine installed in a room on the second floor, and finally disappeared.

It wasn't until the afro-headed old man disappeared for a few seconds that Bucky rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was not wrong about running out of the afterimage?

But if it's a demon, it doesn't seem to be anything surprising.

Bucky looked at Boss Luo and asked curiously: "Are your employees here quite unique? But why do you have such a weird old man with such a weird aesthetic? Is it possible that you still respect the old and love the young? By the way, after saying that "Jiu, don't you have any drinks for greetings? Your place is really far behind!"

"Sorry, we ignored it." Luo Qiu bowed slightly, showing an apologetic look, "I really didn't pay attention to your needs and your habits, our guest."

Bucky said magnanimously: "It's okay! As a newbie, he doesn't know anything and needs training. He will get better slowly in the future!"

"You are right." Boss Luo became even more humble: "We really need to reflect on this."

Bucky squinted his eyes at this time... Well, it seems that the new guy this time is quite sensible. He is not like the stupid young people he met a few years ago who always insisted on violently attacking him. Finally, he saw Luci After Phil left the mark, he came over crying and hugged his thigh.

Since you know this, you can take them back to Lucifer. Anyway, in the Flaming Red Lips Bar, in addition to some of Lucifer's own 'employees', there are several guys who were led there by Bucky.

For example, the succubus who drove Cage away last night.

"There's no need to reflect on anything." Bucky said pleasantly, "I'm a relatively generous person."

"No, no, no." Boss Luo shook his head and insisted: "In order to make the guests feel at home, I think it is necessary to slightly change the layout here... In order for this negotiation to proceed happily, Using an environment that is familiar to guests is also very important.”

"Oh, I said there's no need to go to such trouble." Bucky said with a smile: "As for me, I actually have an advantage, that is, I like to support new people, especially those who know things like you... Hey, how do you feel? Is it getting hotter? Is the air conditioner not on?"

"It is indeed heating up, dear guest." Boss Luo suddenly snapped his fingers, "Then let's start a consultation in hell, shall we?"

"Oh, okay...what?" Bucky blinked.

Then, he saw the floor of the lobby. The floor tiles were lifted one after another. As the floor was removed like a puzzle, streaks of orange-red light began to fill the surroundings, followed by rolling heat waves.

The floor tiles finally disappeared completely. Bucky lowered his head and saw a bright orange-red liquid flowing slowly under the chair, even bubbling constantly.

There was even more pungent smell of sulfur in the air. For almost a moment, Bucky even felt that he was suffocated by the pungent smell of sulfur.

He raised his head hard with his stiff neck. The young man in front of him didn't know when the skin all over his body suddenly split, and finally turned into a huge monster.

As for the woman who was even more perfect than Charlotte, who was completely ahead of others, she suddenly put her hands on her hair and slowly tore it apart.

She was like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, with a bloody head emerging from the crack in her scalp.

The originally nice sound turned out to be like the sound of rusty gears grinding together with the sound of scraping glass plates as it brought out a special drink.

It was a purple bubbling and smoking liquid that was contained in a bloody skull that still had flesh and blood left on it.

"This is a special drink made from lizard and ogre brains, added with sulfur, and rat plasma. I hope your guests will like it..."

Looking at the 'vessel' that was slowly approaching, Bucky suddenly covered his mouth in shock, feeling that he had never felt such pain after a hangover.

At this time, a roaring voice came from above, "Guest, don't you like it? I can ask my servant to change it for you."

Bucky subconsciously raised his head, only to see three identical heads appearing above him. The three heads were connected to a huge body. On top of this body, there were a large number of circular mouths full of sharp teeth.

Drops of saliva flowed out from the monster's three mouths, and then fell on Bucky's body. It was like water was poured over and over again from a basin, and it was green, like a viscous substance like gastric juice. .

Bucky reached out blankly to wipe off the sticky stuff on his face, then took a deep breath and suddenly screamed: "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He stood up instinctively, but after his body left the stool, he instantly lost gravity and fell directly down. Almost at this moment, Bucky clung to the stool's legs, letting his body hang in mid-air.

"Guest, I forgot to tell you that what's down there is real magma."

The huge monster above made a deafening sound at this moment.

As if to verify this statement, the 'vessel' containing the strange special drink suddenly slipped from the bloody maid's hands.


It fell into the magma and melted in an instant.

"Help...Help!!!! I want to go back to prison!!!!"

With saliva and snot flying everywhere, Bucky's trembling legs tightened on the only stool suspended on the magma.

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