It's nine o'clock in the morning

"Our trial is just beginning."

"All persons not related to this trial, please leave the trial site immediately."

"All persons involved in this trial, please keep quiet and maintain order at the trial site."

"I am the presiding judge of this trial."

"Tianchi River"


"I will read out the list of people attending this trial."

"Presiding Judge: Tianchi Dahe"

"Judge: Kudo Noko"

"Judge: Reio Hazen"

"Jury members: Mr. Kawai Kazuo, a well-known Japanese writer, and Ms. Maria Hashimoto, a well-known Japanese actress……"

"Plaintiff: Ms. Wang Jing (Zhang Chunru’s mother)"

"Plaintiff's lawyer: Lin Chuan (Longguo Lawyer)"



"Please ask the recorder to check the attendance of the people in this trial"

"If the verification is completed and no one is absent"

"The trial officially began."

The presiding judge Tianchi Dahe scanned all the faces present, and finally, his eyes fell on the recorder.

Then, a staff member walked to the center of the court, bowed to the judge in the judge's seat, and then began his work.

The Japanese attach great importance to daily etiquette.

If it were in Longguo or the International Court, the recorder would not bow to the judges at all, but would start his work directly.

It is also because of this emphasis on etiquette that foreigners think that the Japanese are a nation with a sense of morality.

However, the reality is just the opposite.

As Lin Chuan said, the Japanese have small etiquette, but no great morality.

The Japanese only pay attention to formal etiquette,

When it comes to national or personal interests, their true nature will be exposed.

For example, in the International Military Tribunal,

Lin Chuan exposed the Undercurrent Plan.

Because of the earthquake, Japan

's nuclear power plant leaked wastewater.

According to humanitarian thinking,

Japan needs to chemically treat the leaked nuclear wastewater.


Japan did not do so, because doing so would require huge economic expenditures.

Therefore, the selfish Japanese government chose to discharge the nuclear wastewater directly into the sea, allowing all mankind to bear the consequences.

It can be seen that the Japanese are actually only hypocrites who are polite on the surface, but in private, they are actually selfish and greedy by nature and have no moral bottom line.


"presiding judge."

"Plaintiff Ms. Wang Jing has arrived at the trial site"

"The plaintiff's lawyer, Mr. Lin Chuan, has arrived at the plaintiff's seat."

The recorder came to the plaintiff's seat and bowed to Lin Chuan and Zhang Chunru's mother first, and then carefully compared the personnel information on the form.

Then, the recorder walked to the defendant's seat and reviewed the operation process just now, and then raised his hand to the presiding judge Tianchi Dahe to signal that all personnel had arrived.


At this time,

Tianchi Dahe nodded, cleared his throat, and raised his voice.

"This case was tried by the Yingchong City Court"


"I will read out the court order."

Today's lawsuit was reported in real time by well-known media from various countries, which had a significant impact.

The presiding judge Tianchi Dahe held a document and read aloud:


"During the trial"

"All personnel on the scene must obey the command of the presiding judge."

"Respect the judicial etiquette of Japan and abide by the court rules of the Japanese court. Do not make noise, smoke, or……"


"If you need to report an emergency"

"Please raise your hand first"

"After consultation between the presiding judge and two judges,"

"To be able to move on your own"


"Well-known media reporters from all over the world were invited to this trial."

"When reporting on this trial, please do not fabricate rumors or slander the court's verdict based on your personal subjective perspective."

"Don't disrupt the order of the court."

"Severe cases"

"The judge has the power to expel him from court."


"Lawyers on both sides should uphold the spirit of the law and conduct litigation defense work"

"Do not fabricate or forge evidence"

"Personal emotions and subjective perspectives must not be mixed in"

"You may not use the laws of other countries as a basis for litigation defense." (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)



"Please ask the plaintiff

's lawyer to state the case and file a lawsuit."Tianchi Dahe spoke very quickly, and in two minutes, he read out the court rules.

Then, he looked at the plaintiff's seat, stretched out his arm, and motioned Lin Chuan to speak.

"presiding judge"

"I have four lawsuits."


"I accuse the Japanese police"


"I accuse the Japanese library"


"I accuse the Japanese intelligence agency"


"I accuse the Japanese government"


As expected, Lin Chuan's words caused a huge uproar.

Whether it was at the scene or on the live broadcast, everyone was shocked by Lin Chuan's four lawsuits.

".God! Is this Dragon Country lawyer crazy?"

"Damn! The Dragon Country lawyers are too arrogant. The targets of their accusations are all the administrative agencies of our country, Japan!"

"Damn it! He actually filed a lawsuit against our Japanese government. This guy doesn't want to live anymore."

"Although Lin Chuan was once our enemy in South Korea, I support Lin Chuan now and hope he can fix his life."


Lin Chuan's lawsuit shocked the foreigners, especially the Japanese.

They were not only surprised, but also angry.

The people of Longguo who watched the live broadcast were very calm, because they knew Lin Chuan too well.���The lawsuit demanded that as soon as he opened his mouth, it would be earth-shattering.

"Why do you want to accuse our Japanese police?"


"I've said it all"

"Regarding the Zhang Chunru case, our Japanese police did not commit any dereliction of duty……"

Yingchong City Police Chief Suzuki Matsushima stamped his feet angrily.

At this time, the reporters at the scene also began to discuss

"I can understand accusing the Japanese police"

"Uh... But what does Zhang Chunru’s lawsuit have to do with Japan’s library (Zhao Zhao’s) and intelligence department?"

"Why did Lin Chuan accuse them?

The brown-skinned Indian reporter was full of questions.


"I am not surprised that Lin Chuan sued the Japanese police, the Japanese library, and the Japanese intelligence department."

"This lawyer from Longguo"

"That's the style of the trial."

"Never stop until your words shock people!"


"His last lawsuit……"

"They actually accused our Japanese government!"

"This... is a bit too arrogant, isn't it?"

The Japanese reporter clenched his fists.

He didn't know why Lin Chuan was so brave.

Was it Liang Jingru who gave him the courage?

In a Japanese court, he sued the Japanese administrative agency, but he even went a step further and wanted to sue the Japanese government!

Isn't this too arrogant?

At the same time, the three Japanese lawyers in the dock had a smile on their lips.

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