At the trial, all the Japanese were frightened by Lin Chuan's momentum and knelt down.

Reporters from all over the world frantically pressed the shutters of their cameras to record this shocking scene. Is this... still a court?

Why does it look so much like a confession scene!

"The Japanese Library is responsible for historical compilation"


"Failure to fulfill obligations"

"Avoiding the history of Japan's invasion of Longguo"

"Beautify the image of the Japanese army during World War II"

"Misleading the Japanese people"

"Claiming to be a righteous person"


"My appeal to the Japanese Library is:"


"Immediately destroy all history textbooks that distort, evade, and mislead the Japanese people"


"The history of Japan's invasion of Ryūgoku will be included in the new history textbooks in detail and truthfully."


"The Japanese Library must publicly apologize to all the people of Dragon Country, and the number of days for the apology must not be less than six days!"


"I have only one request to the Japanese government:"

"Now the truth is out"

"During World War II, Japan entered the land of Dragon Kingdom as an invader."

"The land of Dragon Kingdom was in chaos and many people were killed."

"Countless innocent people died in the war"


"The devilish behavior of the Japanese army is outrageous to both humans and gods"


"Inside the sacred toilet dedicated by the Japanese government"

"Not a war hero"

"It is the projection of the devil in the world!"

"My appeal to the Japanese government is: demolish the sacred toilet immediately!"

Lin Chuan did not raise too many demands, such as compensation, because he knew that the main purpose of this lawsuit was two-fold.

First, to bring the murderer of Zhang Chunru to justice.

Second, to fill in the missing page in the Japanese history textbook!

As for ordering the Japanese government to demolish the Jingguo sacred toilet, it was also within Lin Chuan's plan, but because the Jingguo sacred toilet was very sacred in the minds of the Japanese, it had to be said at the end.

"Lin Chuan Lawyer……"

"We can fully support your request to the Japanese Library."


"Demolishing the Jingguo Toilet……"

The presiding judge Tianchi Dahe raised his head, looking embarrassed.

For the Japanese, the Jingguo Sacred Toilet was even more sacred and solemn than the court.

Lin Chuan's request was to demolish the Jingguo Sacred Toilet.

Would the Japanese high-level officials agree to it?


"Your Japanese government and people already know the truth of history"

"But still stubborn"

"Worship war criminals as heroes?"

Lin Chuan angrily slammed the table again, his eyes seemed to be spewing magma


The chief judge Tianchi Dahe did not dare to look Lin Chuan in the eye.

It was not that he was stubborn, but...

Lin Chuan's request was too complicated, and he, a small judge, could not make the decision at all.

At the same time, the top officials of the Japanese Cabinet Office were in a mess.


"Lin Chuan is such a pushover~"

"They actually want our Japanese government to demolish the Yasukuni Shrine toilet……"

The Japanese military minister, Jiro Takeda, was so angry that he was spitting out air from his nostrils.

As a soldier, he had always taken the fighting heroes in the Jingguo sacred toilet as his role models.

But Lin Chuan actually wanted to demolish the Jingguo sacred toilet, and

Jiro Takeda stood up and was the first to disagree!

"I also think it's too much……"

"Over the years"

"We have always promoted the idea that the soldiers in the Jingguo Shen toilet are all combat heroes."

"But today Lin Chuan revealed the truth of history"

"Will our fighting heroes still maintain their heroic image in the eyes of the people?"

"Once the Jingguo toilet is removed"

"Does it mean……"

"Our country and government have always worshipped war criminals?"

Attorney General Takata thought more.

He was afraid that once the Jingguo Toilet was demolished, the image of the fighting hero in the minds of the Japanese people would collapse.

This is bad news!

Because the Japanese conscription often uses the war criminals in the Jingguo Toilet for propaganda.

Many young Japanese who join the army regard the soldiers in the Jingguo Toilet as their spiritual support...

Once the Jingguo Toilet is demolished, it will definitely affect the Japanese conscription.


"The truth of history has been revealed by Lin Chuan!"

"There were so many international journalists at the scene."

"The whole world knows about the crimes committed by our country"

"in this case"

"If we want to cover up the truth, it may not be that easy."

Japanese Prime Minister Kawashima Nakamura paced back and forth in the hall with his hands behind his back.

It can be seen that he has not made up his mind yet.

"prime minister!"

"The court is waiting for your instructions.……"

Japanese intelligence minister Yuta Amakawa received the news that the reason why the presiding judge Tianchi Dahe kept dragging Lin Chuan in court was to wait for instructions from the top. At this moment, all the senior officials of the Cabinet Office looked at Kawashima Nakamura.


Kawashima Nakamura took a deep breath and finally made a decision.

"Tell the presiding judge of the court"

"Just follow Lin Chuan

's words!"After Kawashima Nakamura finished speaking, all the senior officials were upset.

"prime minister!"

"We can no longer let Lin Chuan do whatever he wants!"



"prime minister!"

"The Jinguo Shen Toilet is of great significance to us Japanese. It is the spiritual pillar in the hearts of our Japanese soldiers!"

"If the Jingguo Divine Toilet is demolished……"

"I'm afraid that our Japanese soldiers will fall into a long period of depression!"


"Prime Minister thinks twice"

"At worst, we can take it to the International Court of Justice."

"We will go to the United States to hire some of the top international lawyers"

"Just have an international lawsuit with Longguo"

"It’s still unclear who will win and who will lose!!!"


One after another, senior officials came forward to give advice, but Kawashima Nakamura remained unmoved.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Our most important task now is to get rid of Lin Chuan, the Plague God."

"Jingguo Shen Toilet has been around for a long time"

"It's time for a renovation."

"Just tear it down."

"Wait until Lin Chuan is gone, wait until reporters from all over the world stop paying attention to this matter……"

"By the time"

"We rebuilt a bigger and more magnificent Jingguo Divine Toilet!"

"Isn't that enough?"

Kawashima Nakamura had a smile on his face.

He thought that his decision was the best solution.


"Oh I got it"[]

"The Prime Minister is very thoughtful!"

"That's right"

"It is indeed time to renovate our Jingguo toilet."

"Then send Lin Chuan, the plague god, away"

"Let's rebuild the Jingguo Divine Toilet secretly!"

Military Minister Takeda Jiro flattered him, and other senior officials also reacted.

It turned out that the reason why Prime Minister Kawashima Nakamura agreed to Lin Chuan's request was to consider rebuilding a more magnificent Jingguo Divine Toilet!

"In this case……"

"I immediately conveyed the Prime Minister's message to the court."

"End this lawsuit as soon as possible."

Intelligence Minister Yuta Amagawa sent a message.

At the same time, at the court, the prosecutor's representative Jiro Tahara received instructions from Yuta Amagawa and passed the instructions to Tianchi Dahe in code.


Tianchi Dahe understood Tahara Jiro's secret code and immediately organized a final trial.

"Our court has received the plaintiff's lawyer's appeal."


"The court will start the final trial"

"Please keep quiet."

Tianchi Dahe returned to his seat and banged the gavel.

Then the judge and jury members immediately discussed Lin Chuan's request.

"Everyone listen"

"Green light for Lin Chuan's request"


"This is what the top leaders mean!"

Tianchi Dahe lowered his voice and whispered to the people around him.

Although the two judges and ten jurors found it hard to believe that the country actually allowed Lin Chuan to demolish the Jingguo toilet, they did not dare to ask too much.

Compared with the top leaders, they were just puppets.

Just listen and it will be over.……


There was a rustling sound from the judge's bench.

Twenty minutes later, the chief judge, Tianchi Dahe, concluded the final trial.

He picked up a verdict and read it aloud.

"Cough cough cough……"

"After the final trial of our court"

"The court has now reached a decision on the two claims made by lawyer Lin Chuan."

"Regarding the complaint and appeal made by attorney Hayashi Chuan against the Japanese Library"

"Our court unanimously passed"


"Now the library is ordered to stop printing and destroy all existing history textbooks."


"Include the history of Japan's invasion of Longguo in new history textbooks so that all Japanese people can enjoy the right to know"


"From now on"

"The Japanese Library publicly apologizes to all Dragon Country people for no less than 60 days."


At this point, the chief judge Tianchi Dahe stole a glance at the Japanese at the scene.

He found that the Japanese could accept the above verdict and there was no riot at the scene. However... the next verdict was uncertain. After all, in the minds of the Japanese, the status of the Jingguo Shenlou was no less than that of the White House in the United States!

"Cough cough cough……"

"Regarding the second appeal submitted by lawyer Lin Chuan"

"After discussion among the judges of our court,……"


"There is no logical error in Lin Chuan's statement"

"Japanese troops entered Longxia as invaders"


"The general in the Jingguo God's not suitable to continue to be worshipped. This is an insult to the Dragon people and an obsession to the Japanese."


"The court ruled to demolish the Jingguo Sacred Toilet."

After the presiding judge Tianchi Dahe finished speaking, the courtroom suddenly became silent.

However, ten seconds later, pairs of shiny leather shoes were thrown at the judges' bench, and Tianchi Dahe and a group of judges hid under the table.

The official website of the Japanese government also exploded.

Countless Japanese people protested and did not allow the demolition of the Jingguo Sacred Toilet.

On the other side, the demolition team of the Jingguo Sacred Toilet had already started the construction.


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