
Qin Xuan felt that her breathing was about to stagnate.

She looked at Lin Chuan, and her beautiful eyes were twinkling with little stars.

Lin Chuan was like a superman, appearing when Qin Xuan needed help the most!

With Lin Chuan around,

Qin Xuan was not so nervous.


Lin Chuan's current identity was still the plaintiff's lawyer.

From this perspective,

Qin Xuan and Lin Chuan were fighting side by side.

However, in the eyes of others, they all agreed that... Lin Chuan was taking care of the girl!

"Do you want to call 120?"

"What is the current situation of the defendant's lawyer?"

The presiding judge Miao Renwu stood up from the bench and stretched his neck to check on Ji Lingyun.



Ge Haiquan pinched Ji Lingyun's philtrum hard, and his fingertips felt that his breathing was very steady, but this guy showed no signs of waking up.


"If the discipline officer can't wake up……"

"What should we do about this lawsuit?"

"Postponed fight?"

"Or... are we going to fight this lawsuit without a lawyer?"

Jiang Qinchou had a few white hairs growing out.

He didn't expect that

Ji Lingyun, who was usually confident and arrogant, would faint in court!

This was too exaggerated...

This was his first time to fight a lawsuit. He didn't usually pay attention to the legal circle, so he had no idea how strong the oppression of Lin Chuan was in the legal circle.

"Damn it……"

"Do you dare to pinch my philtrum again?"

"This is to kill me!"

Ji Lingyun closed his eyes tightly, thinking about his own little tricks in his mind.

He never expected that

Lin Chuan would suddenly appear in the court, and he appeared as the plaintiff's lawyer, which means that

Lin Chuan became Ji Lingyun's opponent! This is definitely bad news for Ji Lingyun! Although he is a gold medal lawyer, gold medal lawyers are not good enough in front of Lin Chuan... Since his debut, Lin Chuan has become a legend in the lawyer circle. Luzhou Expressway Stone Lawsuit, Jingzhou Dowry Rape Lawsuit, Thallium Poisoning Zhu Lin Lawsuit, Shanlu University Study Partner Lawsuit,


The above lawsuits were all fought in China, and each one was more difficult than the other, but Lin Chuan was like a god of war who was invincible.

A trial came first, and the defendant, the defendant's lawyer, even the judge, the prosecutor, the police, the state functional departments... were all accused by Lin Chuan.

And, they were all fucking successful!

Such a fierce record, even the audience who came to the trial site to listen were terrified, for fear that they would be sent to prison by Lin Chuan to step on the sewing machine!

The above are just the lawsuits that Lin Chuan fought in China.

As for international lawsuits, let alone. As soon as Lin Chuan made a move, he directly controlled the South Korean lawyer team.

A lawsuit made South Korea sign a war compensation in peacetime, and even achieved the achievement of five kills and spraying him.

The South Korean lawyer team was completely destroyed, one died, one was injured, one escaped, one disappeared without a trace, and one went to prison...

Thinking of this,

Ji Lingyun no longer had any arrogance.

When he knew that Lin Chuan was going to line up with him, he was frightened and fainted at the first time.

But, in fact, he fainted for only a few seconds, and Ge Haiquan pinched his philtrum to wake him up.

However, the reason why he didn't open his eyes was because this guy thought of a trick to make the fake play real.

If he confronted Lin Chuan, he would most likely lose.

Moreover, he would have to go through the court in fear.

By the time the lawsuit is over, his reputation will be much less than before.

Therefore, Ji Lingyun came up with a good idea.

Since he fainted, no one knew he woke up.

Now it would be better to pretend to be dead...

and let the ambulance take him to the hospital.

In this way, he can perfectly escape the current predicament.

First, he doesn't have to confront Lin Chuan in a sweat.

Second , he doesn't have to bear the consequences of being ruined after the lawsuit fails.

Third, he only needs to issue a statement afterwards, saying that he suddenly fainted in court, not because of excessive shock, but because of an old heart problem.

So far, this matter has been turned around.

The lawsuit will definitely be postponed, but by that time, Ji Lingyun will use the excuse of unstable physical condition to directly resign as the defendant's lawyer.

When the other unlucky guys and Lin Chuan have finished the lawsuit, he will return to the legal arena.

By then, he will still be the dazzling first administrative lawyer in Luzhou!

It has to be said that Ji Lingyun has a lot of ideas.

And the method he came up with is really good.

It can stop the loss to the greatest extent.

However, the original plan was aborted because of his lack of consideration.

Ji Lingyun did not expect that Ge Haiquan had such a strong hand!

The nail of the thumb was like a steel blade, pinching his philtrum and causing him extreme pain.

At first, Ji Lingyun planned to use willpower to persevere.

In this case, if the patient does not wake up after pinching the philtrum, an ambulance must be called.

However, Ge Haiquan was unexpectedly stubborn...

In the end, Ji Lingyun woke up from a fake fainting state with a curse because he could not bear the severe pain in the philtrum.

""Judge!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"No need to call an ambulance……"

""Master Discipline is awake! Awake!"

Ge Haiquan waved his hands happily to express his joy, but Ji Lingyun was so angry that he had already cursed Ge Haiquan's ancestors in his heart.


"People safe is good"

"Since everything is fine, let's open the court."

The presiding judge Miao Renwu retracted his neck, then sat down on the chair, took a deep breath, held the gavel in his right hand, and gently dropped it.

"Court in session!"[]

"Silence everyone!"

"Now, please ask the staff to verify whether the plaintiff and the defendant are present or absent, and whether there is any impersonation.……"

Miao Renwu's voice was very hoarse.

After he finished speaking, the court staff in charge of recording came to the plaintiff's seat.

She held a list of people and compared it with the people in the plaintiff's seat.

"Report to the presiding judge, the plaintiff Cui Guangyao is now here"

"Plaintiff's lawyer Qin Xuan and plaintiff's lawyer Lin Chuan are both present."

"Verification completed"


Then, the long-haired female recorder walked to the dock to verify the identity and count the number of people.

"Report to the presiding judge"

"The first defendant in this case, Ge Haiquan, and the second defendant in this case, Jiang Qin, are now at the scene."

"The above two defendants are both representatives of the Luzhou Urban Management Bureau."

"The defendant's lawyer Ji Lingyun was present"

"The verification is now complete!"

After verifying the presence of both the plaintiff and the defendant, the recorder raised his hand to signal the presiding judge on the bench.


"I'll announce the case number."

"The case number of this case is 2023 No. 18, the type is administrative lawsuit, and it is the first trial."

The presiding judge Miao Renwu presided over the opening of the trial with his rough voice.


"I will read out the court rules."

"Cough cough cough……"

Miao Renwu cleared his throat, sat up straight, and read out the court rules aloud.

"This case was tried by the Luzhou City People's Court"

"Now read the court rules"

"All the people on the scene were present, including the plaintiff, defendant, lawyers, audience members, and legal staff."


"Respect for the court"

"All persons in the courtroom should show respect for the court, including but not limited to the judge, lawyers, parties, witnesses and audience members."


"Comply with court rules"

"During the trial, you must obey the command of the presiding judge, respect judicial etiquette, abide by court discipline, and refrain from making noise or smoking.……"

"If there is an emergency, please raise your hand"

"With the consent of the presiding judge"

"To be able to move on your own"


"The entire court trial process is subject to public supervision"

"This trial adopts the dual fair methods of online live broadcast and on-site hearing"

"But be careful!"

"On-site personnel and online viewers are not allowed to record, take photos or film the trial scene.……"

"And secondary editing network release"

"Avoid disputes caused by one-sidedness"


"Please rest assured"

"After the trial"

"The court will release the complete trial video to the official website of the Jinghai People's Court for public and social supervision."

"at last"

"On behalf of the court, I remind the lawyers of both the plaintiff and the defendant"

"The trial rebuttal stage"

"All rebuttal opinions must be true, the evidence submitted must be authentic, and false evidence must not be fabricated for the purpose of winning the case."

"Including but not limited to false testimony of witnesses, false audio and video files……"

"If perjury is discovered"

"This court will pursue legal responsibility"

"Advice to all lawyers at the scene and outside the court: abide by the bottom line of the law, legally defend your rights, and make reasonable appeals"

"The court discipline is declared complete"

"Now we will move on to the case presentation and analysis"

"Plaintiffs' lawyers can submit their claims in a timely manner"

"in addition"

"When the plaintiff's lawyer is presenting the case, if the defendant's lawyer disagrees with a fact, please raise your hand to indicate"



The presiding judge Miao Renwu struck the gavel again.

The previous strike was to read out the court rules, and now it was time for the main film.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on the plaintiff's seat, and everyone was looking forward to how Lin Chuan would act.

However, what was shocking was that...

Lawyer Lin Chuan in the plaintiff's seat was actually lying on the table, seemingly sleeping soundly!

"What are you doing?"

"This guy has no sense of discipline!"

"He is too arrogant.……"

Jiang Qin stood up for Ji Lingyun.

The presiding judge had just read out the court discipline, requiring lawyers on both sides to respect each other.


Lin Chuan actually slept openly in the court.

Is this respect for the court?

Is this respect for lawyers?

Ji Lingyun quickly (for money) covered Jiang Qin's loud voice.

Unlike Jiang Qin, who was fearless, he knew how insignificant he was in front of Lin Chuan!

Lin Chuan just sitting in the plaintiff's seat was like a towering mountain, giving people a strong sense of oppression!

Now that Lin Chuan fell asleep, it was good for the defendant, the defendant's lawyer, and even the court.

The defendant's lawyer Ji Lingyun and the presiding judge Miao Renwu both looked relieved.


Ji Lingyun stood up again, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Lin Chuan...

He was still in Japan yesterday, and suddenly came to the trial scene today.

He definitely didn't read the files carefully, let alone collect evidence and communicate with the parties.


Lin Chuan was just a figurehead?


Ji Lingyun suddenly felt full of confidence.

In today's lawsuit, he might lose Lin Chuan's virginity...

From his debut to now,

Lin Chuan has never lost!

If he really beats Lin Chuan, he will be famous all over the world!

Thinking of this,

Ji Lingyun's blood boiled, but his mind became clear.

While Lin Chuan was dozing off, he had to take down the fledgling lawyer on the opposite side as soon as possible and end this battle!


However, is Lin Chuan really sleeping?

At this moment, he is browsing the files on the big screen in the legal space.

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