The day after the trial, Lin Chuan became a huge celebrity. Almost all the hot news on the Internet were related to Lin Chuan. Lin Chuan occupied half of the top ten hot search lists on Weibo.

【The genius lawyer became famous in one battle and successfully defended the rights of Ms. Zheng, a public welfare worker who died! 】

Ranked eighth on the hot search list,

【Maintaining the bottom line of the law, trainee lawyer Lin Chuan took on three people in court and created a defense miracle! 】

Hot search sixth place,

【The stock price of Anxin Group, a top 500 domestic enterprise, hit the limit down, and the chairman and chief CEO He Xiao was jailed! 】

The third most searched topic,

【Perhaps due to Lin Chuan's defense case, Shandong Province launched an official anti-corruption campaign! 】

The top title on the hot search list was even more shocking,

【With a danger index of ten stars, Pentakill lawyer Lin Chuan is actually a super handsome guy!】


Sure enough, the audience on Weibo is still mostly female.

Lin Chuan's image has contributed a lot to his top ten hot search list on Weibo.

After the police collected evidence, He Xiao, chairman of Anxin Monitoring Group, was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The doctor who issued the depression certificate for He Tianyi was also held accountable and sentenced to one year in prison.

In addition, the defendant He Tianyi, the defendant lawyer Zhang Changming, and the presiding judge Qi Jun were also sent to prison by Lin Chuan, so netizens gave Lin Chuan a nickname, called the Pentakill Lawyer!

At the same time, the hot search list of the short video platform with the largest traffic in China was also dominated by Lin Chuan.

Even Lin Chuan's name has become a hot tag.

As long as Lin Chuan is checked in the tag of the published video, he can get good traffic.

At the same time, the person in charge of the operation of the Douyin platform took the initiative to call Lin Chuan and expressed on the phone that he hoped Lin Chuan could sign a contract with the Douyin platform and become an anchor.

In his spare time, he can popularize the law to netizens and promote the legal education cause of legal illiteracy in our country.

But Lin Chuan did not show any interest.

It wasn't until the person in charge, Su Qing, said there was money to be made that Lin Chuan became interested.

"Can you make money by being a streamer?"

"How much money can you make?"

"Does making money refer to the platform signing fee, or the virtual gifts given by the audience in the live broadcast room?"

"What is the dividend ratio?"

"Is there a sample contract?"


Lin Chuan was in dire need of money.

He wanted to open a law firm.

The initial investment was huge.

He couldn't survive without 1.8 million yuan.

Douyin's operations manager Su Qing was confused by the question and simply sent Lin Chuan a sample contract.

Ten minutes later,

Lin Chuan called Su Qing back.

"The legal department of your Douyin platform is not good enough."

"There are many problems with this contract."

"If I want to exploit a loophole, it's easy, and I can even blackmail your Douyin platform for a considerable amount of money."

Su Qing was stunned when she heard this.

"Ah! Really? Is it that serious? But we have always used this contract and there has never been any problem."

"Well, that's because you haven't met me."

Lin Chuan is not bragging.

He has a lawyer system and his sensitivity to legal provisions far exceeds that of other lawyers.

After only a cursory glance,

Lin Chuan found a legal loophole in the Douyin platform contract.


Su Qing did not dare to refute.

After all, Lin Chuan's deeds of taking on three judges in court and sending the judge to prison were already known to everyone. No one dared to question his legal skills.

"Lawyer Lin Chuan, what about this contract?"

"It's okay, I can perfect the contract for you, but of course... it's not free."

"No problem, Lawyer Lin, just name the price, I can decide the contract fee."

"One hundred thousand."

Lin Chuan is a veteran.

He knows that for a company as big as Douyin, with a market value of more than one trillion, one hundred thousand is just a drop in the bucket.

"No problem, I'll call you right away"

"But please send me the perfect contract as soon as possible, because our company is now signing anchors on a large scale."

Su Qing was a little anxious.

Now Douyin is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more anchors under its contract.

If there is a problem with the contract, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I'll send it to you now."

When Lin Chuan was reading the contract just now, he annotated the problem on the contract template.

"Ah, so fast!"

Su Qing was shocked.

You know, their company's legal department has more than 20 people. It takes at least two days to draft a contract and check it. But Lin Chuan alone completed the signing contract in the blink of an eye. Is this efficiency still human? For a moment, Su Qing even had the urge to apply to the headquarters to dissolve the legal department. It would be better to hire Lin Chuan as a legal consultant. Economical and efficient

"OK, Manager Su"

"I have sent you the contract. You can ask your colleagues in the legal department to check if there are any loopholes."

Lin Chuan received the bank card payment information on his mobile phone and hung up the phone in a hurry.


In the afternoon,

Lin Chuan went to the intersection of Longhu Street and Xigang Street.

This is the Luzhou business circle with a large flow of people.

Xinyang Law Firm was chosen here, and the shop next door was not rented.

Lin Chuan decided to rent it and open a law firm.

He contacted the landlord of the shop, signed a lease contract, and paid a one-year rent of

480,000 in one lump sum.

Then he hired a decoration company.

According to his requirements, it would cost at least 400,000.


Lin Chuan paid another 400,000 to the decoration company, and his wallet was instantly deflated.

In the evening,

Lin Chuan ate a bowl of beef noodles on the roadside and returned to the rental house.

Touching his shriveled wallet, Lin Chuan sighed, turned on the computer and started the live broadcast.

With his current popularity, as long as he starts broadcasting, there will definitely be a steady stream of rewards.

Just as Lin Chuan expected, as soon as he started broadcasting, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was close to 10W+.

Wow, the gift special effects in the live broadcast room never stopped, sports cars, rockets, and even the"Dragon" that cost 100,000 per shot appeared.

""Enough, enough!"

Lin Chuan found that live streaming made money faster.

It had only been less than half an hour, and the value of the gifts he received was more than 500,000.

If he put up a small yellow car and took an advertisement, wouldn't Yuanzi come in droves?


Lin Chuan was not a greedy person.

He came to the live broadcast not only for gifts, but also wanted to contribute to the country's legal education.

So, the live broadcast room turned off the gift function.

Now, the screen of the live broadcast room can finally see the barrage, and at the same time, a live broadcast room A request for a live broadcast appeared in the background of Lin Chuan's live broadcast room.

The name of this viewer is very strange, called,

300,000 betrothal gifts, the woman sued me for rape!

The eye-catching name aroused Lin Chuan's interest, and he wondered if this viewer had encountered legal problems.

Lin Chuan connected the request for a live broadcast.

Sure enough, as soon as the connected viewer opened his mouth, there was a taste of injustice in his mouth.

"Help me, Lawyer Lin Chuan"

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